Chapter 1: Rat der Titanen (Council of Titans)
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Earth as we know it is no more. At least not in the natural and geopolitical way we know it. The Great Bloody Secession marked the 150 years prior to the nuclear winter of the 25th century in which the geopolitical situation on planet Earth changed for the second time. As economies imploded and broke down, pollution and sea-levels rose, and conflict for resources became open and widespread. Democracies failed due to many detrimental factors accumulating over the centuries, causing rebellions and secessions. Rebellions and anarchical pocket states called Novus Polis (NPs) popped up across the world, like poppy flowers red from the blood spilled and detrimental to those who got drunk on their power and those that were governed. NPs were deadly to their citizens and neighbours alike, the actions of their leaders became like those of the dark ages, where people were hunted down and publicly tortured and executed due to their beliefs and persecuted as heretical witches and wizards. The situation became grim, and brother wars tore the continent, rivers of blood mixed with the polluted rivers of the European continent, soaking the ground like a torrential rainstorm. In the years leading up to the Great Bloody Secession, individuals blessed with an instinct that could “sense” that something big and unprecedented is about to happen conglomerated in one building in Dresden. That would decide the future of their country. Some were philosophers, others scientists from prized universities, some clergymen, political figures, those of the bureaucratic administration, military leaders, and few corporation owners. They decided that that the currents of the economic, political, social, and theological thinking must be shifted. What can bring individuals like those together, that are usually at each other’s necks behind closed doors? It was a new type of energy crystal that the Krupp Institute of Technology found on (at the time undisclosed, Jupiter) of the Terran Solar System i.e., Sol. The individual presenting this finding was Otto Friedrich Krupp. Wearing a bowler hat, simple three-piece grey suit, white shirt, and a black long coat depicting the Krupp coat of arms (three circles intercepting at one point i.e. triquetra) on his left coat lapel. He was an older gentleman of average height and posture, with greying and receding hairline, and sporting a walrus moustache. Whilst his face had wrinkles of an individual that carried a family legacy and great responsibility, his deep blue eyes were sharp as an officer’s sabre, indicating that the meeting would decide the fate of millions.

Otto cleared his throat and spoke: “Meine Herren, thank you for your participation at this meeting. As you might have noticed, the world seems to be balancing on a razors edge, to one side we have threat of all-out war, to the other, bloody secession and rebellion that will beckon destruction of countries and the creation of new ones, faring far worse than the current ones they seek to topple. We as the leaders have failed spectacularly, as we were more interested in political intrigues and satisfying our vanities. We now seek to repent and fix what has shattered in millions of tiny pieces. Gentlemen, our exploration expedition has been successful, we have found something quite remarkable. Our scientists call it Alatyr, as its potential energy properties are nigh magical. Otto pulled out a marble sized stone that shone brightly in an azure light. This little thing can propel a satellite into orbit of Pluto and back. Preliminary tests and estimations showed that its power is larger than that of a nuclear reactor.” The room froze. It felt as if everyone was holding their breath and estimating the ways Alatyr can be used. Otto continued: “If this were to fall into the wrong hands, it can cause a global calamity, that is far worse than what regular nuclear warheads can do. Instead of fighting over this resource and repeating the failures and atrocities of the 20th century, let us enter a covenant here.” Otto took out a piece of paper, that was chemically treated to help preserve its state for longer periods of time, on which were written the pledges of the members. He continued: “as the great diplomat and thinker of the 19th century said, “The only thing we learn from history, is that no one learns from history.” Let us break this accursed wheel together and enter a new and prosperous age”. Putting the Treatise on the table and signing down his name, followed by pricking his thumb on a needle and stamping it next to his name with blood his signature was complete. Others followed suit, a solemn air around them. Finally, as the clergymen finished signing, they disappeared and minutes later approached, holding what looked like the Lost Ark of the Covenant. Burning incense, they ceremoniously lifted the lid of the Ark and put in the Treatise of Athena, thusly marking the founding of the Imperium Prussicum Sanctum (IPS or The Imperium).

Hey everyone, I'm experimenting with chapter lengths, and depending on the feedback I receive, I will adjust them accordingly. Have a wonderful Weekend.