Chapter 0
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A bright flash of light that could easily blind any person, yet the people that were affected by it easily kept their eyes open. To them it was a benevolent, almost holy light that could not harm them in any way.

All twelve individuals then regained the vision of their surroundings as the gentle embrace of light receded. A temple-like structure, reminding them of the interior of the Parthenon if it were fully recovered to its prime. A divine space, with a deep connection to a Goddess.

And in the space where historians believed the statue of Athena Parthenos would stand, there was instead a female figure, floating in place. Yet, she was of the same size as the twelve people currently confused by this scenario, not of the size as the gigantic statue built for worship.

The figure’s long glittering platinum hair fell down from her head, reminiscent of a waterfall. Her resplendent attire, a single-piece dress like a toga, shining in a light golden colour with adornments in the seven colours of the rainbow took the eyes of all observers with ease.

It did not take long for the realization to set in the minds of the twelve. There was just no way that this being was anything other than a true Goddess. Such beauty was not allowed for any other being. Such Divinity that could be felt even by simple humans could not be exuded by any other existence.

“Greetings, oh Heroes. You must be unbelievably confused, and worry not. I will explain everything in due time. But first, I must do this.”

The figure then began to bow to them. She bent her knee and bowed to them with the utmost respect infused into the gesture. It was a movement filled with beauty, but also sadness.

“I express my utmost apologies to you. I have selfishly torn you from your world as mine shall face destruction without outside help. I have not considered your opinions and simply negotiated with the God in charge of your Realm. You are bystanders. If any of you do not wish to take this task I understand and will send you back without question.”

The Goddess did not say anything further and simply waited for the people in front of her to speak. She could read their thoughts with ease, but she deemed it disrespectful, especially considering she was making a heartfelt request. She could not afford to anger or disrespect these esteemed Heroes in any way.

Minutes passed as both parties held their positions. The twelve were whispering amongst themselves and the Goddess simply continued to bend her knee. Then, a voice rang out, not as wonderfully symphonious and soothing as the Goddess’s, but still calming in its own way.

“We… we will help if we can. And, well, since you brought us specifically, we must be able to help, yes?”

The Goddess was lucky. While she only wished for being with the potential to help from Earth’s God, she was not specific and only expected those with the Talent. Earth’s God, however, went a step further and even considered how willing they would be.

Thus, all twelve people standing before the Goddess ended up being existences that had dreamed of something like this happening yet were fully aware of the dangers. A batch of such unique existences was now openly expressing their heart.

They have the Talent, the Mind and the Heart to help this world doomed for destruction.

The Goddess was delighted and, frankly, giddy at this development. Previously blinded by sadness and despair, then blinded be her despicable acts and now blinded by her own happiness.

She failed to realize the truth. Up until this moment, the moment when it was too late.

“Once again, dear, respected Heroes, I express my gratitude. I shall ensure that all thirteen of you can live the best lives possible going forward. My Blessing along with your natural-born talents shall pave the road for the brightest future, lead by the Brightest Star among you.”

“Wait. Thirteen? There’s only twelve of us.”

“…Oh no.”

She had failed to realize that one person, the single most valuable person was missing.

All of the Twelve had promising talents and fates.

Yet, none of them could come close to this person.

Born with the Destiny of ‘Lantern’. Born with the Hero’s Destiny.

This person was not present.


“What the hell….” A man in his early twenties stood in front of the police-barricade, directing his gaze at the windows through which he could see a group of police officers talking with each other.

The gigantic building, his college, was closed off because of a weird incident having taken place. From what he had heard a turbulent wind had passed through one of the class rooms, and a blinding light had erupted from the same one.

Usually he would not have been bothered by this. Well, not too much anyway, but the problem he was facing was the location of this weird phenomenon.

The room that the police officers were currently investigating.

It was the room where his classmates were supposed to be having a lesson now.

And in that room.

Those twelve people were no longer present.