Chapter 17- The New Addition
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“Are you sure you want to hamper my abilities?” Minerva asked. She looked down at the large, cumbersome jar she was asked to carry. “Really, I’m quite agile and dexterous.”

“No, please carry that,” Aenaes said.

“It will make sense soon enough,” Vahlatok said.

Minerva shrugged. “If it’s hold the jar or save my own skin, I’m throwing the jar.”

They strolled through the area until they encountered a group of bandits patrolling. The various men and women charged the group.

Calista clutched the air. Brambles sprung from the ground then enclosed around the feet of her targets. Several of the bandits reached down to free their ankles and instead were met with more natural restraints. With their wrists and ankles bound Aenaes stepped forward. He shrunk the bandits. Vahlatok, Rune and Glyph plucked the miniature bandits from the ground, then they dropped them into the jar Minerva carried.

“See?” Vahlatok said.

Minerva grimaced. “You made them small,” she was incredulous.

“Yes, it makes turning them over to the proper authorities far simpler,” Aenaes said.

Glyph nodded. “It’s easier to keep track of them when they outnumber us.”

“So you’ve done this before?” Minerva guessed.

“A few times,” Calista answered.

“So we gather up the bandits, drop them in the jar, then…?” Minerva shrugged her shoulders to prompt an answer.

“We leave with the stolen goods,” Rune answered.

“I see,” Minerva said. She shrugged, then followed the small group throughout the compound.


“Don’t worry. Wish won’t mind,” Calista said. “She’s actually probably asleep.”

Minerva was a few paces behind Calista. “So, you mean they’re just taking the bandits and the goods back and you trust them to give you their money?”

“They’re my friends. And we’ve been working together for months,” Calista answered. “As promised I’ll give you an equal share since you rescued me and all.”

Minerva nodded. “That’s appreciated. But I can get my own room.”

“I understand. I just want to get out of my armor, get ready for when all of this excess energy goes,” Calista said. Once they were in her room they found Wish asleep. Calista removed her armor then changed to her nightshirt and robe.

“You just want me to wait here until they show up with money?” Minerva asked.

“Sure. You saved me and you helped us. That means a lot to me,” Calista said. She sat on the edge of her bed.

Minerva shrugged. She sat in the chair in the corner of the room. “Thanks.” A few inept beats filled the room. Minerva eyed the tiara, the one piece of jewelry Calista was wearing for bed. “So, may I ask?”

“Ask what?”

Minerva pointed to the circlet. “That?”

Calista looked up. “Oh! Right. I have a psychic ability I’m learning to control. I use this here and there to make it easier. Until I’m used to it.”

Minerva quirked an eyebrow. “Is this new?”


“And how’d you get the new psychic ability?” Minerva asked.

“Wish, the fae right there. She granted a wish of mine. And she wanted to see how my ability developed so she joined us,” Calista explained.

Minerva nodded once. “Ah.” She twiddled her thumbs. “And you all travel together?”

“Yeah. After tonight we should be able to leave soon. Live off the land between towns,” Calista replied.

Minerva perked up. “You mean you don’t take the well-traveled routes directly between cities?”

Calista shook her head. “No. We like living off the land when we can. We camp, hunt, forage and only come to town when we want or need work or to purchase something.”

“That sounds nice,” Minerva remarked.

“If you don’t mind contributing to our camp and such by doing chores, we’d be happy to have you along.” Calista reclined in bed.

“Ah…before I accept your very generous invitation, are you sure your paramour won’t mind?”

Calista abruptly sat upright. “M-my what?”

“Uh…significant other. Betrothed. Intended.” Minerva shrugged. “I can’t imagine it’s easy to maintain a relationship with so many others around.”

“I-I,” Calista’s speech devolved into embarrassed stammering. 

“I take it I guessed wrong?” Minerva muttered.

“Why would you think I’m with any of my friends romantically?!” Calista’s voice squeaked. Her face turned several dark shades of red.

Minerva chuckled. “It seemed like the obvious conclusion. Given…well…everything…”

“H-how is that obvious?!”

Minerva chuckled. “I didn’t mean any offense by it. Although I find it obvious that they adore you. I assumed you were with one of them and the others were longtime friends.”

“N-no, nothing like that,” Calista’s voice was still meek. She turned over in her bed so her back faced Minerva.


Calista swallowed audibly. “No, it’s fine. They’re all just my friends.”

“I…see…” Minerva muttered. Not wanting to press the issue further she slumped in her chair. “I hope your friends really are bringing the gold.”

“Oh, they are. But we’re talking turning over a lot of wanted criminals. It may take a while,” Calista replied.

Minerva nodded. “Good. I need a room, a stiff drink and a hot meal.”

“If I weren’t so tired I’d join you,” Calista muttered. Her voice was becoming audibly heavy from exhaustion.

Minerva nodded. She folded her arms and shut her eyes. It was a long night. “Right.”


Minerva sprung awake. She instantly remembered the gold she was promised. With a crick in her neck and general stiffness from sleeping in a poor position, she looked around the room. There was a note on the table beside her and a separate sealed letter with Calista’s name on it. Minerva picked up the note. “You were asleep when we got back. We’ll give you your share later today after we’ve all had sleep. Signed Glyph.” Still feeling exhausted she moved to the floor. Minerva stripped off her jerkin, pauldrons, gloves and boots. She removed her cloak and folded it into a small rectangle. Minerva placed her makeshift pillow on the floor then sprawled out. “After some sleep,” she muttered. She was sore and not looking forward to riding her horse with a stiff, tense back and neck.

Wish roused. She looked at Calista. Calista still wore her crown. “Somebody doesn’t want intimate dreams,” she muttered, amused. Wish snickered, knowing how rapidly Calista’s abilities had been evolving. The fae’s eyes were drawn to the stranger on the floor. “Did she pick up another one?” the fae asked.