The Tangible Soul
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By the afternoon we reached Aria, a sizable city filled with cozy wooden houses and open air markets. We agreed to meet at the local tavern, Oasis, and Wolfgang and Xenna broke off from us to apply her medicinal ointment. Once again I was overwhelmed by new sensations; this time the sheer number of people and the hustle and bustle of a real city. It was pleasant at first, but without even thinking about it my aura reading started to go out of control and everything became a dizzying array of colour. Maeve, who had been at my side, walked me away from the crowds. 

Maeve: “You alright, book boy?” 

We sat at a bench where she took out my waterskin and held it for me as I drank. 

Seth: “Yeah, better now.”

Maeve: “Crowds, right? They suck.”

Seth: “It’s not just that… there are too many auras.”

Maeve: “What?! Auras. No way, are you serious?” 

I nodded solemnly.

Maeve: “What do you mean? This is great! What auras?”

 I couldn’t tell what she was so excited about, but I got the distinct feeling she was making fun of me. 

Seth: “After a few visitors to the library, I realized they all carried an innate colour, deep within. Some were faint, others a lot stronger. Can’t everyone see them?”

She laughed at me. As my expression became more and more severe, she relented.

Maeve: “Okay, sorry. You’re not kidding? That’s seriously cool. What colour is your ‘aura’?”

Seth: “I’ve never been able to see my own, actually.”

Maeve: “Oh. So, then... What’s mine?” 

That wasn’t a question I was expecting from her, but I didn’t mind showing off a little. I looked deeply into her purple eyes and I as I did so her expression changed, now taking this more seriously. It wasn’t at all necessary, but I also grabbed hold of her hand for effect. Back at the library I had briefly got a sense of everyone’s aura but now, alone with Maeve, I could make out finer details. 

Seth: “Your aura is definitely black.” 

She rolled her eyes and laughed before returning my gaze with equal intensity. Her expression suggested healthy skepticism. 

Maeve: “What a surprise. What does it mean...?”

Seth: “You’re ambitious. More than anything, driven. You’ve done whatever it took to survive, and you’ll never let anyone stand in your way.”

Maeve: “Damn. I sound like a monster...”

Seth: “Yes. That is what you believe.” 

Maeve’s easy smile slipped. Fear seeped into her expression as she realized this was not just a game.

Seth: “You truly believe yourself to be monstrous for what you have done - and what you have left undone.” 

The words were spilling out of me on their own, now.

Maeve: “Let go.” 

Maeve hissed the words at me. She was shaking.

Seth: “For living, while others were killed-”

Maeve: “I said let go!” 

I was barely cognizant. The very core of who Maeve was lay bare before me, her every secret coming undone.

Seth: “For being too weak to end it, when they were brought before you-”

Maeve: “STOP IT!!” 

She sobbed, tears smudging her makeup as they rolled down her face. All at once I came to and let go of her hand, reeling at what I was doing to her.

Seth: “Maeve, I- I’m so sorry...!” 

A sudden dull pain fell across my cheek as she slapped me. Then she stood up, recoiling, and ran. I wanted to go after her more than anything, but I knew that would be an awful thing to do to her right now. Instead, I put my head in my hands and tried desperately to think.

What the hell was that?! I had witnessed scraps of her most guarded memories, heard some of her innermost thoughts, and felt a fraction of the pain she had had to endure. I didn’t know I was capable of any of that, and I felt especially terrible that I had subjected Maeve to it after she had tried to help me with my own problems... I never knew it was possible to feel so close to and yet so distant from someone before.

I didn’t want to dwell on the things I had pulled from her... They were not mine to know. Instead I tried to remember the exact series of events that led to the whole affair so I could prevent it from ever happening again. 

What I really considered as I sat at that bench, however, was if I could ever forgive myself if I were her. The more I tried to answer that question, the more I realized that I may never see her again.

//Time Skip//

It was about an hour later when Zyturak came by and sat down beside me. His tone was gentle.

Zyturak: “You okay?” 

Seth: “I’m not the one who got hurt.” 

I answered coldy, assuming he heard what happened from Maeve. I didn’t mean to take it out on him, and tried to calm myself down.

Zyturak: “I don’t know exactly what happened... but I’d say you were.” 

He gave me time to consider his words. 

Zyturak: “Look, Maeve is a lot of things. She’s tough. She’s cunning. But she doesn’t often remind us that she’s human, flawed, and carrying a lot more baggage than any one person should.”

Seth: “I-”

Zyturak: “Just for your peace of mind, she hasn’t told us anything. She never does. I don’t go digging, but someone like her can never keep everything buried as deep as she’d like.” 

He looked up at the setting sun, and I followed his gaze. The brilliant, darkening reds reminded me of the glimpse I had seen of the ‘real’ Maeve Liscomb.

Zyturak: “You couldn’t have known this, but before we met you the Maeve we knew was distant. Nice enough, and a great leader. She cares deeply for us all, more than we can imagine. But she doesn’t let us past the mask she wears for us.” 

Thinking back to what she was saying this morning in the tent, I could definitely imagine that. 

Zuturak: “Anyway, the point is, she doesn’t want to wear that mask with you.” 

I was completely bewildered.

Seth: “What…?” 

Zyturak: “Maybe it’s because she knows we're the first people you're really getting acquainted with, or perhaps it’s that yesterday was your first day of freedom and she wanted you to enjoy it to the fullest… Whatever the reason, she didn't put up her usual walls. That playful, smiling person she is when she's with you… we've never seen that side of her before." 

My heart started pounding as I processed what he was saying.

Zyturak: "Now, I really don’t like spilling other people’s emotions like this, but Maeve’s greatest enemy is herself. Wolfgang, Xenna and I, we want to see her happy. And after all of today’s events, we think you have the best chance of reminding her how to do that.” 

He looked me dead in the eyes, without a hint of doubt. I almost believed him, but how could I after what just happened...?

Zyturak: “Oh, and if you’re worried about earlier, don’t be. She’s been hung up on that slap since she joined us at the Oasis...  and after the initial shock, she’s much more concerned about having hurt you than the other way around.” 

I stared at him. 

Seth: “If she didn’t tell you, then how did you know…?”

Zyturak: "Well, she left quite the mark!” 

I gave a weak chuckle in spite of myself. I was elated to hear that Maeve might forgive me, but this man’s intuition was frightening. There was no way she had actually slapped me that hard.

Seth: “You really do read minds…”

He simply shook his head with a knowing smile.

Zyturak: “I think an hour is long enough for two people to cool off, don’t you? This sunset is beautiful, but you should probably get a move on.”

Seth: “I will. Seriously, Zyturak. Thank you.”

Zyturak: “Any time.” 

He turned his gaze back to the dying rays of light.

I didn’t exactly hurry on my way to the tavern. It was one thing to hear that we were going to be okay, but quite another to imagine that actually happening. All of the apologies I could think of rang hollow. By the time I reached the doors, dread anchored me where I stood, so I was shocked when a moment later the doors flew open and Maeve fell just short of jumping into my arms.

Maeve: “I’m so sorry! I thought for sure I scared you away!”

Seth: “What? Wait no, I’m sorry! What I put you through was unforgivable!”

Maeve: “Well, I forgive you.” 

Her response was easy, her eyes glistening. Then she grabbed my face and examined my cheek.

Seth: “If you’re looking for a mark, you didn’t leave one. I deserved it, anyway.”

Maeve: “Well... that was definitely some invasive, freaky shit, but it’s not like you knew it would happen. Leave it to you to try to impress a girl and mess it up royally.”

Seth: “Hey... Do you really have to rub it in like that?”

Despite my protests, I laughed along with her at my own expense. 

Seth: “Anyway, for what it’s worth I think I figured out how it all works, and I promise I won’t let it happen again.”

Maeve: “Oh, yeah?”

She poked me in the chest.

Maeve: “Then that’s good enough for me.” 

We looked into each other’s eyes. After a tense moment she spoke, her voice betraying the vulnerability she was feeling. 

Maeve: "Umm… forget about what you saw for a while, okay? I do want to share that stuff with you, but… when I'm ready."

I responded with mock innocence.

Seth: "What stuff?"

Maeve: "Don't forget everything, you loser!" 

She laughed, threatening me with a teasing punch, and I put my hands up in surrender. With things suitably cleared up between us, she looked around. 

Maeve: “By the way, have you seen Zyturak?”

Seth: “I did. I think he went to watch the sunset.” 

As I answered, a brief shiver took hold of me. She noticed, and her striking eyes widened as she realized how close we were standing to each other.

Maeve: “Oh! Sorry to keep you out here, care to join us?” 

She opened the door for me and led me to a table with Wolfgang and Xenna, who appeared to be having a drinking contest.

Seth: “Wait, seriously? I was missing this?”

Xenna boasted drunkenly.

Xenna: “Ah, you have arrived just in time to watch the mighty oak fall.” 

Wolfgang laughed heartily, replying without a hint of intoxication.

Wolfgang: “I always thought of myself as a sturdy maple, actually.”

I turned to Maeve, amazed. 

Seth: “Is he cheating?” 

Maeve whispered conspiratorially. 

Maeve: “Actually, she is.” 

She pointed to the aether orb Xenna hid behind her back that was cycling between sickly hues of green and yellow.

Maeve: “She can funnel some of the alcohol she drinks into her orb, but even that is apparently no match for a Ptarmigan in his prime.”

I chuckled and, leaving them to it, looked around for a tavern menu. Maeve caught the eye of the barkeep, who brought over a steaming plate of meat, baked potatoes, and seasonal veggies. I looked at her, touched.

Seth: “What’s this?” 

Maeve: “That brown thing is called a steak, those green ones are broccoli-”

Seth: “I know that, you jerk! I mean, you had this all prepared for me?”

Maeve: “Yeah, I had the barkeep keep it warm for you. It took you longer than I expected to head back... By the time I was starting to get anxious about it, Zyturak said he was going for a walk.” 

Of course he did, I chuckled to myself. What a good friend. And all the while I had been beside myself, thinking I was never going to see them again…

Maeve: “Oh my god, are you crying?”

She moved her face dangerously close.

Seth: “NO!”

I sputtered, trying to force a full potato into my mouth to avoid her gaze and burning my tongue on it. Beside us, Wolfgang was downing a pitcher and Xenna was trying her damndest not to throw up. Of course, Zyturak chose that moment to walk through the door. He took one look at our table and broke out into a wide grin.

Zyturak: “Ah, it’s good to be back.”

//Time Skip//

After I had finished eating, Xenna admitted defeat and left for her room. Wolfgang was finally starting to feel the effects of the game and was incoherently warning people of the looming dangers the world would come to face. The tavern had decided to treat him like a storied bard, throwing coins at him whenever the stakes seemed especially dire, which only served to instigate the entirely serious Wolfgang even further. Zyturak was trying unsuccessfully to convince him to call it a night, leaving Maeve and myself at the table to watch the carnage.

Seth: "You don't drink?"

I hadn't been able to form much of an opinion on the stuff myself, but that was changing rapidly. She replied after a long moment.

Maeve: "I used to." 

She stared absently in the general direction of our comrades, and with her makeup still a bit smudged she looked exhausted. I imagined that even now she was battling with one or another of her inner demons. Deciding to leave it at that, I got up and started to stretch. 

Seth: "Well, this has been a day. I'm about ready to call it. How does this work, should I book a room, or?"

That seemed to shake Maeve from her reverie, and a dangerous expression took hold of her.

Maeve: "Well, they were full up, so you'll have to share with me. The room’s single bed, I hope you don’t mind…" 

My stunned expression must have been pretty funny to her because she only let me squirm for another moment before she broke.

Maeve: "Just kidding. Good news though, book boy! I got you your own room. I know how you're more comfortable sleeping alone and all that."

Seth: "Oh… er, right! Thanks."

I was still trying to keep up with her. Ignoring her teasing for a moment, I realized she must have paid for the room with her own money, since I had none, and my face must have betrayed my dismay. Naturally, she reached an entirely different conclusion.

Maeve: "Aww, don't look so disappointed, it's just for one night!"

Her devilish smile returned in full force. Those black lips of hers were doing strange things to me.

“I swear, you let a boy peek into your soul one time and he’s completely smitten…” 

I was too tired to even approach that conversation, and anyway my burning cheeks were saying all that needed to be said. She shook her head, tutting dramatically and enjoying every second of my embarrassment. Then, having finished her bit of fun, she reached into her bag.

Maeve: "Down that hall, third door on the left." 

She threw me the key. 

"Sweet dreams..."

She offered a suggestive wink before turning down the opposite hall. I tried to regain my composure as I walked to my room, finding my way by moonlight.

I flopped onto the bed, finding it hard to believe Zyturak’s aloof description of Maeve and the one I knew were supposed to be the same person. I was beyond ecstatic that someone like her had taken an interest in me, but what did it mean? Was she pushing herself to be friendly for my sake? Was it just that I seemed so helpless that she didn’t think she’d need her barriers?

There was no point in panicking about it though, so I tried to empty my mind. After I calmed down, I sorted out my thoughts. 

For one, we’d barely known each other for two days, so even though it already felt like a lot to a shut-in like me, I had to remember that there was comparatively much more ahead of us. 

Two, I had to sort out my feelings for Maeve. I definitely felt close to her, but that might just be because I’ve spent more time with her than literally anyone else in the last decade. I decided that normal relationships probably needed more than two days to blossom and that I should just focus on getting to know everyone better for now. 

Three, my accidental glimpse into Maeve Liscomb, the Cultist of Bedlam. In hindsight, I think it somehow brought us together as much as it caused us any conflict, and though I still regret my part in hurting her, I now have a small sense of her difficult past. The whole experience was definitely making it more difficult to place my true feelings while it was still raw, however.

Finally, I could only imagine what Maeve’s feelings for me were. There was no denying that she’s been playful and flirty with me... but Zyturak only said this is who she is without her guard up. Could she be a harmless flirt by nature and not actually mean anything by it? Or maybe I’m just exceptionally fun to toy with? 

I could go around in circles with what-ifs all night, so I just concluded that I’d have to endure more of her teasing until I understood her better, since it was definitely way too early for me to come forward with any of my half-baked feelings.

I realized then with a groan that I hadn’t even worked out any finer details of our Ardenscar preparations, but somehow that felt like the least of my concerns right now. Fluffing my pillow, I finally managed to shut off my brain and fell into a very deep sleep.


The paradox of an infinite void serves as the backdrop. 

Everything that exists is separate yet inextricably linked. That which does not exist is exponentially greater than that which does.

Omnipotent whispers are more deafening than monstrous screams, but silence speaks loudest of all. Eyes, maws, flesh, tendrils; searching, thirsting, yearning, grasping for meaning in a chaotic realm. 

This is Bedlam.

The Denizens of Bedlam do not think like humans do. They are not sentient as we would understand the word. That would require causality to apply to that maelstrom of a realm. The Denizens are thrust headlong through an ever-changing worldscape by Bedlam Itself, like a child would entertain oneself with toys. 

Though they cannot know logic in that unpredictable realm, the Denizens feel wild surges of half-understood, fleeting emotion, their lives a divine comedy or tragedy of madness in accordance with Bedlam’s whims that presents them with greater truths of existence than we could ever know before promptly forgetting them to begin the experience anew. It is their fleeting whispers that eventually led Maeve to me.

And that night, I could hear them too. But, like the Denizens themselves, I understood nothing at all.