All of Earth – The Prolouge
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Erica didn’t wake up in her bed, she instead woke up in a frigid place. She looked around and realized she was in a bed of snow. “Jessica” She shouted at the top of her lungs but she received no answer. Near Erica was a tape recorder, she hit play “Greeting Earthlings you have all been taken out your lame, and mundane lives to compete in a war the land your in is the army your in, “Of Course you don’t have to participate in the war, now I know what your thinking my friends, my family, and my job he mocks “And that’s rough for you all I can say is good luck finding them” The Tape Recorded cutted off.


“So my whole planet has been isekai’d” Erika thinks to herself “How would I find Jessica or any of my friends”, she then turns to see a giant frog “How would I survive” she whispers “It’s so cold, and destitute”.


She looks up and sees a giant mech suit “Awesome” She whispers “I need to find Jessica then, I will see what this world has to offer”.




“Well Hades let’s see if your plan will solve any problems” A man with a long hoodie and scythe states, “Of course” Hades answers “And, besides even if it doesn’t it will be ten times more interesting”.


 “Nobody knows this just yet but there a problem with the new Earthlings” A guy with a Kimono and a greatsword says “Due to the conditions of this world the Earthlings are stronger than the average person who was here before their arrival and new monsters have been seen, along with a new elemental known as Sound, and a new technique named Jujitsu soon the world we know it will be more extreme and dangerous than ever” he clutches his fist.


“If that ever happens we can just nuke the world like last time, Blade” A woman in a throne made out of rocks says, “I would still be worried if I were you guys” Blade answers “But fine”.