Sun God – Prologue
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I woke up on the wrong side of my bed. I stumbled and fell. Screaming in pain, I hit my alarm clock and it broke open. I groaned. I started walking down the stairs. “Mom?” I yelled. No one answered. When I got down the stairs, I screamed. My mom, my dad and my sister were all there. Dead. Cut up. And in a pile of blood. I ran outside. My street was dark, except for a light up above. I looked up. It was upon me, a bright yellow light, covering the sky. Was that… the sun? Suddenly, I felt my legs drifting off the ground. I was rising. I screamed at the air, looking for any handhold, but there was none. I felt the searing sensation of the sun tearing me apart. Suddenly, my body started shutting down. Am I dead? Blank. 


I felt the ocean of time rewinding, my whole life ticking back…

3 hours before

I woke up in shock. I’m… alive? I started down the stairs, half expecting to see my parents dead. But they were asleep in their rooms. I was up before them. I needed to investigate how this happened. I started building a fort. I was scared, but mostly, I was mad. I yelled at the sky. But just then, fire came out of my mouth. I screamed, and fire kept coming. I finally had the common sense to stop. I looked at a pillow, and threw it up in the air. I screamed, and the pillow burnt to a toast. This will come in handy, I thought. I staked out my family from my fort outside. They were waking up, and no one even went up to check on me. I was sad, but they didn’t know what was coming. Suddenly, I saw a movement in the sky, so I looked up. The sun was coming down at us. I looked back to my sister and parents, and saw them screaming. I looked back at them hopelessly, knowing I couldn’t save them. A heat wave crashed into our house, destroying it, like the time right before I got that mysterious ability. I looked angrily at the sun, but heat lasers shot out of my eyes. I watched silently, as the sun collapsed. We needed a sun! I started screaming as loud as I could. Fire shot so fast out of my mouth, it started making a ball. Once the ball was in space, I shot it up into the sky. The sun was back. People were coming out of their houses, staring at me. But I had lost my family. I was not in the mood to talk. I disappeared into the shadows. No one tried to come after me. 

7 years later…

My name is Zeke Reanlers. At least, it was. Now, everyone just calls me Sun God. I’m a normal kid. At least, I was. Until, when I was 10, the sun hurtled toward Earth, caused by a gravitational anomaly, and killed my family. The sun absorbed me, and gave me the powers I have today. I am the Sun God. With the money people had donated toward me on those donation websites, I built a hideout, full of the latest tech. The only family I have? Uncle Brody. He works down at the docks, and has no idea that I am even alive, or that I am the sun god. And my girlfriend, Elise, who is my tech analyst. I wear a mask, with a frown, for hours at a time, when I am out being the sun god. No one knows it is me. Okay, sorry for the detour, let me go into the present. 

I walked into the department store on my block. It was where I got most of my stuff. A lady works at the front counter. “I would like some chalk, please.” I needed chalk because I was writing a detailed plan on how to beat my enemy, Purple Prospect. He was a rendition of the original Prospect, a robot that was capable of 747 quintillion calculations every second. The Purple Prospect, a human implanted with Prospect tech, could make 103 times more calculations than that. He was ready for anything. I bought my chalk, and hightailed it back to the hideout. Elise, my girlfriend, was waiting. I finished up my plan. Elise looked at it thoughtfully. She gave me a meaningful nod, and I kissed her on the cheek. I left to get the supplies. Two hours later, I was ready to execute the plan. I snuck behind St. Patrick’s Street, and slipped into his hideout. It was pitch-black, meaning he was not here. Or was he? The lights turned on. There he was, standing there, on his power board. It was a hoverboard, but it had power that could rip apart a human heart in the matter of a millionth of a second. We looked each other in the eyes. But there was something different about his shape. It wasn’t a man… It was a woman! I immediately knew who it was. Elise. This information was going to be amazingly useful for later. But right now, I pretended to not know. “Fight me, you foul old man!” I said. “Bet.” said Elise, using her voice changer. I charged at her with a roundhouse toward her face. She dodged and threw a hook. She missed, and I landed an uppercut, sending her flying up. I winced when she broke the ceiling. I levitated up, and screamed. Fire rushed at Elise, and her suit was badly burned. She hopped back on her Power Board, and sped at me. I tried to dodge, but just then, a drone picked me up. I was stuck! She was charging at me, and she was just a few seconds away. I held on to the drone, and shook it side to side, and it moved. Every part of my body moved out of the way, except for my leg. Pain seared through my cut ankle, and blood started spurting. I smiled, because I knew what time it was. I absorbed my blood into my hands, and made it levitate in the air. My blood was boiling at 750 million degrees, instantly cutting any part of the body. I shot it at Elise, and it missed, but it killed the power to her Power Board. I punched at her one last time, and faked a Roundhouse so I could High Jump Kick her. It worked, and she went down hard. “You are an evil man,” I said, knowing this would help my cover, “but I will spare your life.” I flew away, and waited at the hideout. 

Elise walked in, looking fine, as always. But I knew, as I kissed her, that the evil had to be removed. “I spared his life.” I told her. She stopped, and pretended to look surprised. “Why?” she asked. I lied to her. She nodded. I knew what had to be done. A final battle. I spent my day preparing for this fight. I had a plan against her. I couldn’t show her the plan, at least not the right one. I had to know how to shut her Prospect tech down. Then I remembered. My blood. It was the only way. I had to get her to cut my skin, so I could grab the blood, and hit her with it. Her tech, like the original Prospect, was on her chest, where no one would look. I turned around. Elise was looking through a window. I knew I had to do it now. If I waited for the final fight, she would find out in some way. I cut my skin with a knife. Blood came out. I held it, and walked toward her. “Elise?” I whispered. She turned, and I shot. The blood whizzed through the air… and stopped short. Elise smiled. I realized she had known about my plan. She had been a step ahead. The. Whole. Time. Or was she? She collapsed. And behind her, stood Uncle Brody. He had known? He helped me remove Prospect from Elise. We put it aside on the table, as Elise recovered. Brody left without a word. Elise woke up. “Zeke?” she asked. I hugged her as tight as I could. And as the sun rose on another uncertain day, something was certain, perhaps one of the only things in these past chaotic months. Victory wasn’t clear. But love always was, always is, and always will be. 


I got up to get all of the Prospect tech the next morning. But… it was gone! I looked around, and saw scratch marks headed out of the door. I could think of only one person. Uncle Brody. He said he put the tech in my room. He didn’t. It was the only explanation. I woke Elise up and checked her chest. No tech. 

     “Come on. We have work to do.” 


-End of Prologue-