Chapter 5 Deal Closing
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This is not a very easy question to answer. The merchant sells the item and lets the buyer set the price.

This is the case only for very specific commodities that have a dominant or monopoly position.

And time just meets these conditions, so Su Mu is very confident, because so far, he is the only time merchant in the world. In this transaction, he occupies an absolutely dominant position.

Tan Sheng is obviously aware of this. After all, he started from nothing, started from scratch, and worked hard to create a huge Tan group. He has enough keen eyes and enough rich life experience. He understands that he is now making one of the most important choices in his life.

Tan Sheng pondered for a moment and said slowly.

"I was dying, my world was taken away by my brother, my family turned out to be illusory, my son was someone else's, and once I died, everything I had would be wiped out very quickly, I actually There's nothing left."

"If I can, I'd like to buy some time from you on credit, and then I'll go and take back my group, take back everything I've ever owned, and give this, all this, to you, trade this, trade you on credit time."

"I wonder if you can accept my trading model?"

Su Mu listened and nodded.

"You want to take back your Tan Group and use the Tan Group to buy time?"


Su Mu thought for a while and asked again.

"How many assets does your Tan Group have in total?"

Tan Sheng replied slightly proudly.

"The Tan Group has a total of 5 enterprises. The total value of various fixed assets and working capital is about 200 million."

Su Mu raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect that the value of the Tan Group was quite large.

It seems that I can make a lot of money from this single transaction.

Su dreamed and said.

"Then I will trade you half a year of life, which should be enough for you to take back the Tan Group and do some revenge."

"Retake your Tan Group in half a year, deal with all kinds of hands and tails, and give it to me clean and complete."

"Can you fulfill this requirement?"

Seeing the other party's trading plan, Tan Sheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and he quickly nodded in agreement.

"It can be achieved! It can be achieved!"

Su Mu stretched out his finger and waved it gently, arousing the mysterious energy in the void. This energy landed between the two people and connected them.

Witnessed by the power of rules, Su Mu said.

"I will make a time deal with Tan Sheng, and Tan Sheng will use the complete, no-sequelae Tan Group to trade for half a year's life. Tan Sheng, are you willing to accept this deal?"

Tan Sheng felt the mysterious power that descended on him. Heart awe. Full of awe for this mysterious power, full of awe for the time trader.

"I do!"

Tan Sheng replied very solemnly.

As soon as Tan Sheng's voice fell, mysterious power emerged, and the countdown to Tan Sheng's lifespan increased rapidly and quickly became:

"Name: Tan Sheng"

"Age: 47"

"Lifetime: 180 days, 11 hours, 25 minutes, 47 seconds"

At the same time, Tan Sheng's physical condition improved rapidly. His body once again showed the phenomenon of time reversal. His body is regressing from decay to health

When the deal was reached, Su Mu immediately kicked Tan Sheng out of the time acceleration field.

Su Mu slowly left the ward, dropped a note and left a sentence.

From Tan Sheng's point of view, the time merchant in front of him suddenly disappeared, a note fluttered down from the sky, and a sentence floated from the sky.

"You still have half a year, and in half a year you will appear here again, lying on this hospital bed again. Cherish the last half year of your life."

Tan Sheng stared blankly at the empty space in front of him, his thoughts were up and down, and he had mixed feelings.


A scream woke Tan Sheng from his deep thoughts.

The nurse looked at Tan Sheng who was standing under the bed in surprise, dancing in surprise and incoherent.

"How are you, how are you?"

"Why did you stand up by yourself?"

"Aren't you dying?"

"Who are you? Are you Tan Sheng?"

The nurse's mouth was like a machine gun, and a series of questions quickly popped up.

Tan Sheng reached out and took the falling note, cleaned up his emotions, and smiled smugly.

He walked quickly to the door of the ward, he walked faster and faster, and finally he just ran wild.

The feeling of regaining a healthy body was exhilarating to him, and he wanted to experience the joy of running again.

Su Mu was strolling down the street when a high-pitched shout came from his ear. Tan Sheng got carried away, wearing a hospital gown, holding his hands high, shouting and rushing out of the hospital gate.

Su Mu turned his head slightly and watched Tan Sheng run away quickly, smiled slightly, and walked into the distance again.


Su Mu'an walked slowly towards the house as he walked in the car. At this time, he was walking in a familiar city and felt completely different.

In the past, I was forced by the pressure of life when I walked in the city. I always had a heavy survival crisis on my body, and I always thought about making money and fighting hard.

Now everything has changed. When Su Mu obtained the special ability of time trading, he once again looked at the city and the world around him from a new perspective. He found that everything had been put down, and he obtained a brand new perspective.

At this time, he seemed to have gained a new life, gained freedom, removed all the burdens and shackles, and looked at everything around him with a new and free mentality, and the air was full of the fragrance of freedom.

Su Mu's eyes lingered on the lovers around him, and swayed freely in the surrounding streets. At this time, everything around him was full of interest, as if everything had a new meaning, and the world around him seemed to be full of kindness.

This is a completely different feeling, a feeling that has never been experienced before. Su Mu is seriously experiencing the new world.

Everything is so beautiful in this world, everything is so attractive, everything is so interesting.

Su Mu found that he couldn't see enough, even the scenery that he was used to at ordinary times showed a completely different color at this time, with a unique attraction.

Su Mu didn't feel tired at all, didn't feel tired at all, and walked home little by little.

When he pushed open the door of his rental house, this time he saw his own dwelling.

At this point, she no longer felt cramped. Instead, I felt a strange warmth and familiarity in my cabin.

With these peculiar and fresh feelings, Sun Wukong seems to have gained a new life and a new life.

Su Mu was filled with uncontrollable excitement, his mental state was excellent, his thinking was quick and his mind was clear, he sat at the desk and picked up the pen. Start combing through the day's harvest.


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