Chapter 79 Hawks and Doves
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"If we do it well, the time merchants will continue to provide us with defections, and if we do not do well, the time merchants will cut off their transactions with us."

Liu Lao listened and thought quietly.

"Dad, who do you think I should sell these three peaches to? Who will make the most difference?"

Liu Lao thought about it and said.

"Since the affairs of the Deng family are done by time merchants, all attitudes towards the existence of time merchants can be roughly divided into two categories."

"One is the one who can't wait to take the Time Merchant into their own hands, and the other who wants to make a deal with the Time Merchant."

"It can be classified as hawks and doves for the time being!"

"I feel that we have to explore the general attitude of each family. What we have to do is to win over the doves, form an alliance, stand on the side of the time merchants, and resist the aggressive actions of the hawks."

At this time, Liu Rong asked his father inexplicably.

"Why don't we choose hawks?"

Liu Lao sighed and said.

"Because we don't know him!"

"After all, the opposite side has extraordinary power. When we don't know the other side, but rashly stand on the opposite side of the other side and become the enemy of the other side, this is a very irresponsible and very dangerous choice."

"Once you choose the hawks, you can only go all the way to the black. Unless you win the final, you can only wait for the continuous blows from the time merchants."

"Think about what happened to the Deng family. Do you want that kind of experience to fall on the Liu family?"

When Liu Rong thought of the tragic situation of the Deng family, he couldn't help being startled, and quickly shook his head.

"When we become doves, we have the opportunity to constantly trade with time merchants and gain time. With the exchanges between the two sides, we will inevitably get opportunities to get to know each other slowly. When we find out the other party's trump card, we will turn into eagles. It's not impossible to send."

Hearing this, Liu Rong's eyes lit up involuntarily.

"Yeah, why do you have to be in a hurry when everything is vague and uncertain? Why not get along well with the other party first, and then make your own decisions in a safe and secure manner after everything is confirmed. Wouldn't that minimize all kinds of risks?"

Thinking of this, Liu Rong became more and more impressed with his father's ingenuity.

At this time, Liu Lao continued to speak.

"Go back to each house, chat casually, and find out the attitude of the main members of each house towards the 0810 task force, and the attitude towards the extraordinary power that may exist behind the Deng family."

"After we get the attitudes of the main families, we will decide what to do next. You must get a family, those who can make decisions, those who can participate in decision-making, and the attitudes of the main members."

Liu Rong nodded, feeling that the family had an old man and a treasure, and it was his father's arrangement.

He immediately went to each house to start a big visit.

But he said that Liu Rong jumped up and down in the major families in Kyoto, and he kept talking about all kinds of New Year's greetings, drinking and chatting with the main members of each family, talking about all kinds of legendary things. .

Chatting and chatting naturally brought the topic to the Deng family and to the 0810 task force.

The 0810 task force is also the focus of the major families, and everyone often communicates with each other, so this topic of Liu Rong is not surprising.

With the visits from family to family, Liu Rong found that families with a military background tended to have more views on control, and families with a more administrative orientation tended to have more views on cooperation.

Of course, this is only a general tendency. Families that are also biased towards government affairs have strong hawkish views, and your families with average housing also have strong dovish views.

In the process of constant communication and chatting with various families, Liu Rong has acquired more and more information about the 0810 task force.

After all, no matter how important the 0810 task force is, and no matter how strict the confidentiality measures are, it is difficult to hide the big families from them. All kinds of top-secret information for the 0810 task force are often just gossip from the mouths of the children of the major families. , used for chatting at the wine table.

Liu Rong found that the 0810 project is comprehensively arranging all social relations, especially focusing on people who have had various conflicts with the Deng family and have had various conflicts with the Deng family.

In this way, all the things that the Deng family had done were excavated in every detail.

After all the secrets of the Deng family were exposed and basked in the sun, the 0810 task force was stunned by the darkness of the family.

The task force was surprised to find that the Deng family continued to grow during the time they were entrenched in Quancheng. As they grew every step of the way, they were almost accompanied by various small actions outside the rules.

They often use forces outside the rules to gain huge benefits for themselves.

However, they also have the power, and they have the legal right to harm. Under the sharp blade of power, unless it is a family of the same level as the Deng family, other families have almost no resistance.

As long as Deng Jia takes a fancy to him, he will soon encounter all kinds of repression, and he will be swallowed alive by Deng Jia, swallowed whole with blood and flesh.

This expansion of hegemony will inevitably bring about a lot of conflicts and contradictions. The Deng family is not an honest person. Whenever they face a conflict, they are never afraid to use all kinds of gray or even black methods.

Even more entrenched in Spring City for 10 years, from an ordinary family to one of the main families in Spring City, there have been countless conflicts and contradictions in these decades.

When all the secrets of the Deng family were revealed, what appeared in front of the 0810 task force was such a bloody family covered in pores.

This situation brought a huge psychological impact to the 0810 task force, and once affected the attitude of the investigators, because they suddenly discovered that the extraordinary power belongs to the side of justice and is a hero who punishes evil and promotes good.

The 0810 task force played a disgraceful role. What they did at this time was more like an accomplice to the abuse of Zhou. Instead of punishing the villains, they investigated heroes who maintained justice.

Everyone has a steel scale in their hearts. Faced with the role of catching ghosts, there was a lot of discussion within the task force. The elite soldiers and inspectors who were recruited from all over the country showed strong indignation.

After all, everyone's work has always been to fight against evil, and as a result, they have been recruited to defend evil. This is really incomprehensible!

The turbulent internal emotions caused the 0810 task force to fall into a strange state of disorder. Many tasks were passively resisted by the task force personnel, and the entire task force fell into a strange state of semi-stagnation.


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