Chapter 20: Creepy Simple
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Our heroes said goodbye to the coliseum staff

"It's a shame that you are leaving, but I understand that you have a mission" T.Lisa would respect the wishes of the people that  saved her brother

“Godfather, I will be champion again, this time with my own strength and effort… You will not defeat me again! Don't be careless!" Even Hawk Hogan was present

"That's the attitude!" Yoshibeth encouraged his change of path

"Thank you very much for all godfather, you have been a super colleague..." King K and Bandy Andy had managed to recover

"I thought King K had retired and gone home," Koopatricia whispered to Goomarina.

"Maybe he never left town and changed his mind." They would always be in the dark about it.

"I'll take care of the coliseum now, you'll always have a place here, come back whenever you want... Good luck" In a strange move for her, she gave them a smile.

"Thanks, we'll keep that in mind" Dante and the girls said their goodbyes.

“Of course we will be back!” Clearly Yoshibeth was the most enthusiastic as always.

On the way out, they ran into another acquaintance

“The godfather and his beautiful hitwoman! How does it feel to be a champion? What does he say about the rumors about cheating and arranged combat in the coliseum? Do you sleep with all your companions? Is it a requirement to join the group?...” The pineapple-man reporter bombarded them with many questions, some quite inappropriate, but he was a reporter after all.

The archaeologist stood back for a moment and stared at him.

"What do you feel about your fan club?...Ouck" Before he could continue, the Goomba started headbutting and stomping on him; his companion Lakitu fled.

A few streets ahead

"What's Pink Tidal wave doing?" Yoshi found it strange that she stayed with that unpleasant reporter.

"Nothing important, sweetie, maybe it will make him see reason." The smile on Claudia's face was obvious, what famous person doesn't want to hit a reporter sometime.

The Koopa sighed and Dante didn't care because they were already leaving.


"Nice lights" Yoshibeth watched almost hypnotized the spectacle of updating the map.

"Enjoy, sweetie... although we can see it whenever we want" The cloud looked at its other companion

“I can't believe I almost forgot to record it, I couldn't forgive myself for losing something so basic” Goomarina had borrowed a camera from Goomez

Koopatricia let out a small laugh looking at her friend

In the west of the map, a kind of cathedral emerged along with some dead trees

Dante took the map and put it away

"Let's go with the teacher... and then eat" he had clear priorities.


(Twilight Town a completely unknown place… so much so that he has heard rumors about it and knows how to get there) Dante questions if the professor understood what he was saying while he had a soda to wash down the meat he ate

“That food was delicious!”

"She hasn't let us down so far, sweetie."

"She has my approval." Goomarina was satisfied.

“I have to remember to bring Koops and Dad”

"And I remember to ask for lessons when we have time, for now, let's go for that pipe." The blonde understood how good this Toad cook was.


"This silly pipe keeps throwing us back!" Goomarina was frustrated, the group was thinking about how to make the pipe work towards Twilight Town… except for Koopatricia who was reading an email from her brother.

(Why does my whole family want to embarrass me?!) The half of the message was normal, how was the trip going and stuff, the other half, which was addressed to Dante, was the reminder of what he would do to her if he laid a hand on her.

(What is Koops thinking!? ... No! What is everyone thinking!?) The red tone of her skin indicated that it was a trick question, but the only thing missing was for the mayor to talk about it.

Luckily for her, the others were too distracted to question her.

"I know! It's not very reliable, but we can try." This saves them from going out to look for the dark boy.

“We must cover everything we can”

“Go ahead, Charmy, you always surprise us”

"You can, godfather, nothing stops you!"

“In my travels, I have heard of these types of pipes and the most common method of making them work is to write your name somewhere on your body”

"... You're right, it sounds like an urban legend"

"But we have nothing to lose by trying, dear"

“Write on me!”

"Haaa, that's right, take my pen" The Goomba handed over the Dante item.

"Okay, who first?"

"I'm not going to take off my clothes! Put it behind my head... and don't think anything funny"

"Yes, we haven't reached that stage yet" Claudia nodded.

“Exactly… stop doing that!” She didn't understand how she always got it.

"The truth always wants to be free, my dear... Put it on my back, Charmy, and don't be a rascal"

(Your skill requires me to grab your breasts and blow on it… You're not going to convince anyone)

"I do want fun!"

Yoshibeth saw the gaze of the cloud.

“…Is this another conversation for later?”

"It's starting to grow, sweetie." The actress gave her a hug.

"I'm done, did I miss something?" The tortoise gave Dante his communicator back."

"Take off your shell, green comet, Godfather is going to mark your back!"

"What!!?" She was gone for a long time


"This place doesn't give me a good feeling" It was the first thing the Yoshi said when they arrived at the village.

"Will it be the dead trees, the crows or the red sky?" The gloomy atmosphere and the design of the houses, gave airs of a horror movie

"Don't be so harsh with sweetie"

"No, I'm serious, this place is creepy" For Goomarina, the environment indicated that a ghost would appear at any moment.

“It's not the most…welcoming town.” The Koopa was trying not to be rude.

"The good thing is that we're not looking to move," Dante joked.

"That requires more planning, Charmy... I almost forgot, your reward for another job well done" Claudia planted a kiss of hers

"I-I just wanted to try something before we went to investigate" Her kisses always make him a little dizzy

“Should we also reward Godfather?” Yoshibeth asked her other two companions.

Koopatricia's blush would have to be answer enough because a local, who could be described as poor rag dolls, welcomed them.

"It's been a long time since anyone came from outside, are they from far away?"

“Some more than others” Finding a world map after this adventure would be a good idea.

"You guys are adventurers, right?... I see it on your faces!"

(I don't think we look like doctors or lawyers)

“Well, you arrive at a bad time”

"What's going on!? Tell us and The Godfather and his beautiful hitwomen will help you!"

"… thanks, I guess"

If Goomarina was physically able she would pat her face

“But it is a terrible thing that scares both when you hear it and when you tell it”

"Stop dragging it out, be a man" Goomarina and the rest heard a chime.

“Ah… it's ringing again… I-I'm scared… Who will be next…” The villager couldn't finish because he turned into a cardboard pig.

“What was that? Yoshibeth was not processing what she just saw

"Aaaah!" In contrast Koopatricia screamed in horror and jumped on Dante, who luckily caught her.

“Yes… why not? people who turn into pigs “Ever since she's been with Dante, the archaeologist's sense of disbelief and strangeness was being stretched a lot… maybe too much.

“We already know that he was going to tell us”

"You said it, Charmy, we must be careful" We could say that the cloud was the midpoint between Goomarina and Koopatricia

"Oooh... this time it was Sombracio who turned into a pig" Another local, but older and worn, with bushy eyebrows and mustache.

"Who are you?" Questioned the dinosaur

"I am the mayor of this village and you are travelers, right? Follow me, this is not a place to talk" He stepped firmly with his cane.

"Can you walk Koopatricia?" It was good that the stars made it a little stronger

"Y-Yes, I'm sorry!" She hurriedly got off his companion to follow the village leader


The mayor told them that a curse weighs on his town, due to a spirit that inhabits a temple in the forest.

“Do not suffer! We are going to defeat that evil spirit!” Yoshibeth was ready for combat

"Let me guess, the spirit guards some kind of crystal." Dante didn't have to ask because the archaeologist stepped forward.

"You stole my dialogue" The blond joked.

"In fact, yes, it is said that the Creepy steeple hides some kind of crystal"

"Haaah of course"

"A-At least, we know where it is" The turtle hoped that they would finish quickly with this Crystal Star 

"You have a lot of courage" These travelers were very eccentric for the mayor, they hardly seemed scared... in general.

“Nothing stops The Godfather and his beautiful hitwomen!”

"You've got the right attitude, sweetie," Claudia laughed.


Our heroes had left the village, completely ignoring the guard and the fence that blocked their way.

"That village is starting to scare me more than the curse" Goomarina was the first to say it and no one debated, not even Koopatricia or Yoshibeth.

(The subject who prayed to the moon was the most normal of all)

Even ignoring the guard who wouldn't let them pass, being people who came to fight against the spirit that unleashed the curse, the girl who wanted to eat her mother when she turned into a pig or the guy wanted to know, directly, what it was like to become a pig, did not leave the best impressions


(There are people that crazy in all dimensions) Dante received a newspaper and read the news about how a teenager, without any common sense, climbed onto a train track to take a picture.

"Why were there so many hidden areas?!" There was even a hidden hole in a tree, which you could walk around!

“I don't know, dear, but I'm not complaining” Claudia had a smile that got on the archaeologist's nerves a bit.

"This must be the lair of the bad guy." The great dark temple, with a beautiful stained glass window above the door, loomed over them.

"A-At least it's less creepy up close." For the turtle, if they painted it another color and planted pretty flowers, it would even be nice.

“Charmy, the door seems closed” A chain closed the entrance to the property

“Clank!” Dante shattered that with his hammer.

"Not anymore, come on, maybe it'll be easy for a change"

"With us, I doubt it very much" Goomarina only waits for the turn of this place, it could be a house of mirrors, the star would break into pieces or the spirit would make it invisible.


"This recipe book, will give us some good meals" It is the only thing that he would not leave this temple before ascending the spiral staircase, thanks to his transformations and that he broke the lock of the door, it has been the easiest act.

"Well, it wasn't the temple, it must be the crystal or the spirit"

"You shouldn't be so negative" The turtle understood that her adventures were not... simple, but for once everything can go well at first

"Pumpkin's right, cheer up, dear"

“We're the good guys, good things happen to us!... most of the time, but it always works out in the end” The talks and her travel experiences are already starting to affect her.

"The more you want weird or complicated experiences, the less they will come" Mainly because in this act they are easier to avoid.

"We'll see." She wouldn't give up so quickly.