Chapter 35: Invasion
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"Can't come up with anything." Princess Peach had tried to come up with a plan to "defeat" Dante, but with her trademark decency holding her back, she couldn't come up with anything.

"Haaa, maybe I should give up, I've never tried this kind of thing." As she rambled the door to her room opened.

“It must be time for another meeting” She left ready to take whatever came.

When she got to the computer room, the princess thought it would be just another meeting.

"Peach, the time has come to meet face to face."

"You mean!?" She covered her mouth, thinking it was that time.

"Yes, we are ready to invade Grodus' lair, rescue you and stop him once and for all."

"Thank god... now that I think about it, where am I?" She hadn't thought about it

"On the moon"

"The moon! You mean the one you see in the sky!?" Since there was no Mario Galaxy here, this is as far away as anyone has ever taken her.

"Yes, I already have the plans ready and the previous data confirmed them, just at this moment Grodus makes his final move, hide until we arrive"

The princess already knew where this was going and she didn't like it very much.


On the other side, Grodus, effectively performing his finishing move.

"I'm surrounded by incompetents! Can't you contact Beldan?" The leader would like to strangle the X-naut in front of him.

"N-No, excuse me, Lord." The subordinate trembled as he replied.

"And I assume that Dante got the missing Crystal Star?"

"I-It's likely"

"I'll have to change my strategy, bring me the princess, she could serve us" He would be in for a surprise when he went to look for her.


Our heroes updated the map for the last time, but they only focused on their next destination

“I was kidding!” When Goomarina joked early in the adventure about following Dante to the moon, it wasn't literally.

"I don't think I can pay for this, Charmy" To get back faster, and not force Bomlivia to get back on the train, with their savings and selling some jewelry from Claudia's house, they bought a luxury car in Poshley Heights... the only place they could think of to park it was next to Cortes so he could take care of it for a while

"Wow, let's go to space!" Yoshibeth's eyes sparkled.

“I did not expect this” Koopatricia did not even consider this type of adventure.

"Why couldn't it be under the sea?" Bomlivia was encouraged that it could not be worse than that train, it did not even seem strange to her to go to the moon

“…” Bibiana imagines that this would be the ultimate goal, but she was ready and had information to contribute.

"We must look for information, I didn't even imagine that I would have to go that far" Dante got off the pedestal, sadly for him, his knowledge of the videogame reaches here, thanks to the language bar he could never reach the Moon, but thanks to the data obtained by Peach, he had an idea of Grodus's plan.

(He doesn't understand that he shouldn't play with forces bigger than him, especially if they are sinister)

"Wow, I'm almost glad you're not ready for this" The archaeologist almost wanted to rub it in her face, but she would feel petty, it was a ridiculous situation, after all.

"That hurts." The blonde pretended to be hurt, but she just laughed at him.

"Are we looking for someone with a rocket?" The athlete never thought she would need one in her life.

"I have... an idea" They all looked at Bibiana.


The witch led them through the sewers to a building that looked like any other.

"It's locked." Dante recognized the building, always a little curious about what was inside, but not enough to bother to investigate it.

“Can you… please?” Bibiana looked at the helmsman.

"Okay, but I'm not going to pay if someone sue us" Bomlivia stood in front of the door and blew it to pieces.

Inside there was only a futuristic-looking machine, but it seemed to be turned off.

"Oh" The witch was disappointed to see it deactivated.

“Bibiana, can you explain to us what this is?” The blond inspected the machine,

“Teleportation… to the Moon”

"Why is there something so convenient here?!" Leaving aside the existence of a teleportation machine, why was it in a sewer? For Goomarina, it should be in a laboratory.

"Is he one of the guys you worked for? Is his lair on the Moon?" It wasn't hard to connect the dots for the blond.

The witch just nodded.

"They are more incompetent than you told me" The helmsman found it absurd to leave an entrance to your secret lair in a public place.

“How does it work, we have to go stop her evil plans…whatever they are!” The fighter was ready to storm the lair.

“Only… it can be turned on from the base” She expressed sadly.

"Don't get depressed, baby, you tried" Claudia gave her a hug to cheer her up.

“Thank you…” she felt like crying.

"Yes, don't be sad, I'll turn it on" Since it was time for the final match, he wasn't going to hide anything and transformed to connect to the computer again to activate the teleporter.

"Wow" Koopatricia watched in amazement as the machine activated and glowed.

“Is it a transformation for electrical appliances?” The archaeologist asked curiously.

"I'll explain later when we're done with this, I'll let you know we have to pick someone up"

"To who?" The athlete scratched her head

Goomarina's new sense was beginning to vibrate.


"What do you mean she's not here?!" Grodus would be red with fury if possible, they had to move immediately and they were coming with this.

"S-She just disappeared, Lord Grodus, only his clothes remain and the cameras show nothing, it's as if she had vanished into thin air"

“Princesses don't just 'disappear'! Send a squad to investigate everything! And I mean as much as possible!” Before he could continue barking commands and an alarm began to sound.

"What's wrong now!? Can no one be competent today?!" The leader activated a communication with a guard.

“Lord Grodus, we are being invaded!” An X-naut looked scared.

"Who would dare!? We are on the Moon, we would notice a rocket from anywhere approaching!"

“They're a group of women and…” He couldn't finish because an X-naut in a black suit fell on him and cut off the communication.

Grodus slammed his scepter into the machine.

"I'll have... to make another change of plans, call Crump and Lex and if you can't, pray he doesn't find you" He's lost his patience

"R-Right away!" The subordinate ran out of the room.


"As always these guys only have numbers" Goomarina was writing facts about the X-nauts to add to her book.

"Speak for yourself, these things disgust me" Bomlivia defeated an improved Sentinel, Bibiana had burned her mini shields

Yoshibeth next to her was fighting with a group of X-nauts in black suits being helped by Claudia.

"You shouldn't be rude to the ladies"

"Y-You are beasts" It was the last thing her opponent before being crushed by the cloud.

"Like I said, don't be rude"

“G-Go after the weak ones!” Another platoon went after Koopatricia and Dante.

"That offends, let's teach him" Dante mine to partner and she nodded.


After several confrontations and a break to replenish energy; they defeated a disturbed and perverted X-naut in Princess Peach's cell and no one came looking for them there; They arrived at the command center, where an old acquaintance and Dante's "father" were waiting for them together with a large robot.

"Juas, juas, juas, I was waiting for you and I was getting bored" Crump was not intimidated

"Is he! This time you will not escape!” Goomarina was ready to deal with that nasty once and for all.

"Idiot, stop wasting time and get on my wonderful machine! As for you, you must surrender to my genius" Lex offered "mercy".

“You don't give me orders.” Although he was getting ready to mount the big robot anyway.

"We are not interested in your speeches, assholes" Bomlivia did not want to listen to them.

“Inept is because you don't understand my…” He couldn't finish because Dante, using the power of the emerald star, threw a bomb at him to paralyze him.

Crump made a great leap to avoid it and get on the robot, but received a flying kick, courtesy of Yoshibeth, which sent him to the ground.

"Take that evil!"

“These guys are pathetic” The helmsman didn't have to do anything; she watched as Bibiana, Yoshibeth and Claudia took care of Crump; and Dante, Koopatricia, and Goomarina tying up the paralyzed scientist.

“I must say that I agree with that.” Another voice sounded from the background.

"Are you the leader of this group?" Goomarina questioned the newcomer.

"That's right! I am Lord Grodus to you, leader of this organization!" Grodus was indeed taking matters into his hands.

“Are you coming to give up?” The athlete had hope that this would end.

"Juaa, jua, of course not, I expected my subordinates to weaken you to finish you off, but you are a bunch of useless people" He tightly gripped his cane, seeing his defeated henchmen.

“You should hire better staff”

"You must be that annoying blonde, Dante, right?"


“I would like to thank you for bringing the Crystals Star.”

"Sounds like I'm going to hand them over to you."

"You will, by hook or by crook" he surrounded himself with a protective shield generated by small machines

"You don't scare us!" The fighter threw some eggs at him, but the shield protected him.

"That is all?" He responded by throwing a ball of fire from his staff.

They all moved away from her to avoid her.

The witch tried to blow up the machines, but they seemed fireproof.

“They are… resistant”

“Yoshibeth eats those machines! Claudia cover her!” Dante went for another tactic

"I'll take care of it!"

"Don't worry, Charmy"

Surprisingly, Grodus did not defend himself and concentrated on Dante.

"I know I must eliminate you first, you are the main stone in my shoe." He pointed his cane at him.

Dante expected the attack, but suddenly he couldn't move.

"Freeze the space around you, it doesn't last long, but time is something you don't have" Grodus created a curtain of lightning to prevent his team from helping him and covered him with a kind of dark cube while his machines confronted the actress and the fighter

"Take measures for that traitor" The cube prevented Bibiana from getting closer by melting into the shadows

"No!" Goomarina didn't know what to do, this couldn't be like this.

"This will teach him not to meddle in my business, the world should be mine." He had just charged up a beam to vaporize Dante.

"We should hurry up, sweetie." She didn't show it, but the cloud was sweating.

"We're going to stop you!" only one was missing

"Bibiana, bring me closer to Dante!" That shout from Koopatricia, everyone was surprised, she had never raised her voice.

"Understood..." The witch did not hesitate and led her to the blonde through the shadows.

The tortoise raised her arms and then it seemed that she began to pray.

"How touching, pray for your mates later." He fired the laser, but a shell suddenly appeared and protected Dante.

"What?!!" His attack crumbled the shell, but the blonde was intact and could move.

(That...was closer than I'd like) Looking at the big picture so far, he didn't even think he needed Koopatricia's protection ability, but Grodus was more dangerous than he imagined.

"Jaaa... Don't worry us like that!" The Goomba didn't even question the magical appearance of the protective shell.

"I don't know how you guys did it, but you won't have the same luck next time."

"There will be no next time, madman!" Bomlivia had moved closer to exploit him, they had already destroyed all of his shield generating machines.

"Charmy, he will reward us later for this" She didn't want to see a similar scene ever again.

“The new green comet technique is fabulous” The Yoshi was confident that it would work out somehow.

"Boom!" The helmsman was exploding with all the force and speed she could, seeing one of her "crew" nearly die didn't put her in a good mood.

“They won't stop me with that alone.” Despite taking damage he managed to get away and readied another beam.

"But this yes!" Dante used the stellar energy to attack him with the crimson star.

Grodus couldn't stand how space shattered him and he ended up collapsing to the ground.

"I see why we have had problems with you, but I still have a surprise" He managed to get up, although he was very worn out and hit his scepter on the ground so that a sphere with a person inside appeared.

"Help!" An easily recognizable blonde woman was pleading for help.

"Isn't that Princess Peach, ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom?" Goomarina doesn't expect to find someone so famous in this place.

"Exactly, and if you want me to stay in one piece, you will give me the Crystals Star" He trusted that if they are as good people as the report said about them, they would not sit idly by before this

“How can you be such a coward!?” The helmsman looked at him with disgust.

“You're so…” Yoshibeth was at a loss for words.

"Silence! They would surrender or her life would weigh on her conscience" His pulse did not tremble.

"Ha, ha, ha." Dante laughed.

"What is so funny?!" The villain said furiously, although the others also wondered.

"I dont believe it"

"H-How do you not believe it?!" If he could he would break a sweat

“Do you think I would allow a member of our team to be captured so easily?” Well actually yes, but not this time

"Besides, she's prettier in person."

"What the hell are you talking about?!" He didn't understand how his trap had failed.

"It's not your problem, let's finish him off, girls!" Dante ran with his hammer towards the leader, although the others did not fully understand the situation, they trusted him and followed him to finish this fight.


"I... I can't... die here." Grodus was on the brink of his consciousness 

"You're crazy, we're not going to kill you" Although Goomarina expected him to suffer in prison, for all the trouble he gave them, she wouldn't admit it, but her heart almost stopped when he froze Dante.

"Hurrah! We have defeated the forces of evil!" Despite being somewhat worn out, the fighter jumped for joy

“Charmy, can you now explain to us how you knew it wouldn't harm Princess Peach?

"The princess was never here, right? In retrospect, why would she be in this place?" The archaeologist deduced.

“W-When you say it like that, it's weird” Koopatricia was breathing heavily, she was very tired, especially after using her protection technique.

“I can't believe we almost got hit on that one.” Bomlivia would want to slap herself if they lost over that.

“No…she was…here…was kidnapped” Obviously Bibiana knew that she was in the base.

Everyone was surprised.

"So..." Goomarina looked at the "princess" in the sphere.

"Girls, don't worry, she can't be the real Princess Peach" Dante had full confidence in his statement.

"How do you know?"

"Because the real her should be in this room." He hoped that with all the fuss they made, she was discreetly following them.

"Where? If she isn't that, there aren't many places to hide." The helmsman looked around.

“Yes, she is there, she can answer us now, we are sure”

“Dante, I don't think…” But the archaeologist couldn't finish because another voice sounded creepily close to them.

"Ouch-Hello, nice to meet you." It seemed to come out of nowhere.

"S-she's a ghost!" The athlete clung to Claudia

"Cool!" Yoshibeth expected anything.

"As always, one can never let one's guard down with you, Charmy"

"It's time for explanations" But first they had to finish immobilizing the criminals.


After the last talk between Princess Peach and Dante

(I can't believe I'm doing this again) The princess was “hiding” waiting for the right moment to slip out of her room.

"It's good that I'm not the one who has to give this news" Two X-nauts had come to escort the captive, but they only found her clothes on the ground, so one went to report and the other stayed to watch

(Ready, now please go, I want to put away my clothes) Since she wished she was wearing them right now, she should have hidden them better.

The subordinate looked to the sides, searching for spectators.

(What does he do?)

"The guys at the club won't create this." He put his hands inside the dress.

“…!” Peach couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"Prize" He pulled out what looked like underwear and stuffed it into his suit.

(Give that back you…you…hooligan!) It was the best word that came to her, she couldn't believe that was watching her underwear being stolen.

When the princess thought that this couldn't get any worse, the X-naut had another idea and took over her crown and dress.

(What is he doing now?)

"Oh Jerry, I can't stand your handsomeness, I feel like fainting, rule the mushroom kingdom while I recover" her voice acting wouldn't convince anyone.

If you could see Peach's face you would notice that her face got a shade of blue, she had no way to express what she felt watching this show, she almost made him consider leaving her clothes.

(J-Just finish at once) But sadly, Jerry felt creative to act out various scenarios.

"Ugh, that felt liberating, I should come more often, no one has come looking for me" he had turned off his comm, he could give the excuse that the device was dead.

Peach felt that this lasted for hours, this experience almost made her appreciate Bowser a little… she wanted to think that he wouldn't act this way in private.

"I'll freshen up and go back to my job"

(Thank goodness) She was hoping that she would leave her clothes alone, but these thoughts were quickly shattered.

“This will be a great night, I will only give the crown to the club”

(No… he won't do that… Right? Right!?) She had a strange need for a pan right now.


You can imagine the princess's happiness when she saw a blonde familiar to her enter her room, although she instinctively covered her private parts despite remaining invisible, and knocked Jerry down.

"Let's rest a few moments, we must take a breath" Dante leaned back on the bed.

"No one is going to comment on the guy in the dress in the bathroom" Bomlivia searched the room for valuables.

"Actually, I'd rather not know." Goomarina was sitting next to the blonde, updating her book.

"I have some ideas." Claudia had a mischievous smile on her face.

"L-Let's just leave it as a mystery" Koopatrcia didn't want to hear it.

"It was... cute" Bibiana lifted the piece of cloth that used to be a dress

Dante tried not to laugh, he didn't know if his partner was still here.

(My dress…) She felt like crying a little, luckily she had several of the same in the castle.

“Looking at it closely, it seems familiar to me” Goomarina pondered for a moment.

“That was refreshing” Yoshibeth came out of the bathroom

“My turn, I want to wash my face” she would already remember her later.


(They are very strong and united) Leaving the topic of clothing for later, she began to follow Dante's group, Peach and he had agreed on a signal to reveal himself or when the place was secured.

She watched as his rescuers wiped out the X-naut and Sentinels

"Charmy, could you tell us who we came to look for or where he is?"

(Charmy?) The princess didn't know they were that close…not that she should be worried.

 "Is a woman" For Bomlivia it was a fact.

"She is a mysterious companion who came to infiltrate their base to defeat them from within!" The fighter's eyes shone at her leader's strategies.

"Please..." The archaeologist rolled her eyes.

"Close enough." Dante accepts the theory with a smile as the Goomaba nearly trips.

“A-Are you serious?” Even Koopatricia thought it was exaggerated.

"It was not an elaborate and methodical plan, but you have the idea, I will finish explaining it to you and I will present it to you when we leave here, she is very sympathetic and brave, I know you will like her"

(Dan…) She was a little moved that he would consider her brave.

"It's safe, you usually have a good eye, Charmy"

"Remember that this is your last space" Goomarina gave him a look that said that if he replied he would suffer a lot.

(Last space?)

At that moment more enemies arrived.


Peach was shocked to see a copy of her trapped in a sphere, just as she was going to risk it and warn Dante that it wasn't her.

"Besides, she's prettier in person."

(H-how can he keep thinking about these things right now?) Though she couldn't stop feeling flattered, it was embarrassing.

The princess saw how Dante's group surpassed Grodus, within her was born the feeling that wanting to be there, to be part of the help, her heart almost stopped when she saw Dante immobilized, and not just avoid being a hindrance.


Peach was ready for her formal introduction when the danger had passed, she approached the group to speak, when the image that she was still without clothes came into her head and she bit her tongue.

“Ouch-Hello, it's nice to meet you.” At least no one would notice her blush…because she couldn't be with Dante without ending this way, but there was a strange warm feeling in her chest that she couldn't explain.