(Vol 2) Chapter 29: Intelligence and Wisdom Correlate, but so do Age and Experience.
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Rojiya was cooking up a large number of devious schemes. However, it seems as if the heavens were playing with him.

The light had just returned to his eyes as he set his purpose to get revenge against his torturer.

When they would be extinguished in an instant. Rojiya, having experienced extreme pain and being in his thoughts, didn't notice the burning at first.

When he did, it was already too late as he could not even scream. Rojiya quickly turned into dust while Azure had plugged in a fan to blow his ashes through the sky.

And with that, the former big boss and executive of the Abegawa Tenchu Kai, Rojiya Yonenaga, died.


Azure had just finished killing the yakuza Rojiya when he heard Stendhal's returning footsteps, along with something heavy that was being dragged across the ground.

He turned around and saw Stendhal dragging a crate filled with some heavy objects.


Stendhal stood 3 meters away from Azure and dropped the crate. The noise from the crash reverberates throughout the warehouse.

Stendhal picked up a knife and looked at his reflection as he started speaking.

"As I said earlier, you are weak."

Azure thought back to his previous experiences. He has fought many people during these last months. He may have lost a couple of times and let one person go, but that's it.

He believed that even though when he and Stendhal exchanged, he lost, he could win if he released his flames in an around a circle. Besides, he also wasn't trying to kill Stendhal; at that moment he wanted information, so it was necessary to hold back a bit.

His flames can reach such a high temperature that when he tested his maximum temperature on villains, they were burned into nothing.

Although he may not be the strongest, he definitely didn't believe he was the strongest. He could handle most of the villains. He may even be ranked in the top 100 in Musutafu.

{A/N: This is his thinking as an almost 11-year-old boy who hasn't met many of the strongest.}

However, he thought this Azure was listening to what Stendhal said. He may disagree with his estimate of his strength, but he does believe in Stendhal's experience.

The man has been on the streets fighting and killing villains for years. His experience and age are more than his by more than around 15 years.

Stendhal tilted the knife slightly forward to see Azure. Seeing how he acted after he finished his sentence, he gained a glint in his eyes.

"As I was saying, you are weak. You, much like many in this quirk-ridden society, rely heavily on your quirk. There's nothing wrong with that for heroes, as they have others to call on. If Mount Lady ever encounters a slippery villain who's too fast for her to catch, she can call on someone else to defeat them.

That's the reason that the heroes have classifications. Whether they are captured heroes, such as Best Jeanist, or speed heroes like Ingenium, in our line of work, we only have ourselves to rely on. "

Azure was contemplating Stendhal's words, so when a knife was thrown toward him, he was slightly caught off guard. However, only barely, he remembered Stendhal's fight with him a week or 2 ago.

Whenever he trained and got exhausted, he would meditate while simulating the battle in his mind and thinking about what he could have done better in that fight. He does this with every fight he's fought, so he wasn't scared by this knife.

As if he'd practiced this thousand of times, he moved his head out of the way, dodging the knife and letting it imbed itself into the wall.

He smirked at Stendhal behind his mask. That was until Stendhal, whose hand was still in a throwing position, twitched.

His index finger, which was pointing out, was moved towards the back of his wrist. As he did that, Azure felt a sharp wire scratch against his left shoulder. He had sweat coming from his forehead as he jumped to the side.

He cursed himself for his ignorance but put that thought to the back of his mind as he was on more alert. Stendhal, who got his point across, continued.

"I'm not proficient in fire emissions quirks. Nor do I know anyone who does. So the matter of training you quirk will be put aside for the moment. The only piece of advice is this:

Fear, not the man who can kill a thousand times, but the man who can kill in a thousand ways. "

Without giving time Stendhal continued.

"But that's beside the point. My quirk isn't very powerful, but I can kill many enemies and haven't been caught. No matter how strong your quirk is, as long as they are my target, they all meet the same end.

They're heroes who boast a great reputation or someone who can spew flames so hot they match Endeavor's. My experience, training, mind, and body allow me to defeat them. "

Azure moved his head to check his shoulder and figure out why he felt odd despite the fact that the wound had closed up.

He turned his head and saw a purple blemish under his skin. 'Wa-'

He thought before becoming dizzy. The world slightly spun. He realized through his jumbled mind that he'd been poisoned but wondered why his quirk didn't fix it.

Stendhal stood there as Azure wobbled and tossed a dagger in front of him.

"Those careless in this line of work only have one fate, and I'm sure someone like you didn't want such an end before you finished your goals. I brought you here and have been training you so that you can survive in this harsh world, spread your wings and show this world your ideals.

In a fight, someone may have a quirk that can absorb fire and turn it into their strength, or they may just have information about you and your quirk. From my observations, your quirk has many parts to it.

However, what you rely on more than your flames is your healing factor. I discovered a poison that can harm you in just two weeks of staying with you. You don't rely on your regenerative capabilities to heal you in a fight, instead, you use them as a last resort when you need to. After you get hit, you counterattack.

This makes me believe that you have a danger healing factor, an ability to regenerate quickly in cases of danger, but it focuses on danger and speed. To deal with people like yourself, a poison that has mild but strong distortion and paralysis effects should be used.

The factor won't immediately cleanse it as that takes up more energy or stamina. These poisons mess with your senses while taking a lot to cleanse for regenerative factors. Most who are affected by such poisons retreat for 12 minutes, as that's how long it stays in effect.

However, if they can't get away, then this is a prime opportunity to deal with them. The reason I brought you here is for you to learn and grow, so grab your weapon and get ready. "

Azure crouched to get a better sense of balance. He picked up the dagger and relied on hearing and touch since his sight was messed up.

"You are not allowed to use your quirk since this simulates a situation when your quirk is useless and you only have your body to rely on. You shouldn't use your energy to fix the poison since I'm not pulling my punches-."

Azure tensed up as he heard Stendhals' light but firm steps move.

Stendhal also whispered while circling Azure.

"Or stabs."