(Vol 2) Chapter 30: If it doesn’t kill Ya, it’ll make you stronger.
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{A/N: Sorry for not posting for a week. Whether it be going over the direction this book is going to take or IRL things, it's been hectic. However, things should be fine now and my update schedule should be normal. I apologize if this happens again, and I hope you enjoy the chapter.}

[P.S. For those who know who the "crawler" is, this book is going in his direction.



The healing factor won’t immediately cleanse it as that takes up more energy or stamina. These poisons mess with your senses while taking a lot to cleanse for regenerative factors. Most who are affected by such poisons retreat for 12 minutes, as that's how long it stays in effect.

However, if they can’t get away, then this is a prime opportunity to deal with them. The reason I brought you here is for you to learn and grow, so grab your weapon and get ready. "

Azure crouched to get a better sense of balance. He picked up the dagger and relied on hearing and touch since his sight was messed up.

"You are not allowed to use your quirk since this simulates a situation when your quirk is useless and you only have your body to rely on. You shouldn’t use your energy to fix the poison since I’m not pulling my punches-."

Azure tensed up as he heard Stendhals' light but firm steps move.

Stendhal also whispered while circling Azure.

"Or stabs."


*Naruhata District*

"Ah! More cracks…!" Said a civilian who was looking at the building filled with numerous cracks. "

"That's dangerous..." 

"The building’s become really fragile thanks to that whole Godzilla incident the other day."

"Were all the people inside able to escape?"

"Apparently they haven’t accounted for everyone yet."


*In an alleyway between the cracked building and one adjacent to it.*

*Azure Pov*

I was trying to doze off after working for an entire night when something hit me in the head.



I said as I sat up off of the trash can that was acting as my temporary bed.

I glanced at the floor as multiple chunks of concrete lay on it. Looking at the chunks on the floor, I started to sweat slightly as I thought about what would have happened to my skull had that landed on me.

I move my hand to brush the debris out of my hair and jump off of the ‘temporary couch’ now that I’ve woken up.

I take a piece of bread out of my pocket as I think about how stressful this past month has been.


"Your training has reached a satisfactory level to the point where you can defeat thugs with just your hands despite your body size. I’ve got a call from a possible client that I need to cash in on, so I’ll be gone for a while-"

Azure sighed as he heard this. Although he’s been hunting villains and criminals for the past ten months, the past two tired him out more than ever. Training with Stendhal was hell, especially since he has a healing ability.

The amount of training he’s been doing is so much that if anyone else was put in his position, their body and mind would have both given up long ago.

For the past two months, Stendhal would arrive at the warehouse around 10-12 pm. He and Azure would always have a ‘light’ spar that would last for 1 hour with a ten-minute break before resuming for another.

That always ended with his defeat, although two weeks ago he figured out a style that would allow him to not get defeated within two to three moves. His fate remained the same, ending up on the rigid concrete floor.

After that, they would focus on either torturing villains or engaging in field combat. Sometimes he would be handicapped with no quirk, or no kills. And every time, Stendhal would purposefully gather the majority of the villains in one location so that he could fight alone.

Sometimes that would take their remaining time, making them end around 6 am and making Stendhal leave Azure for that day with nothing but his exercises to complete, but if there was more. 


My body moved uncontrollably just thinking about it. Every time we got back, no matter how bruised or tired I was, he would make stamina recovering drink and have me drink it. 

After I used my quirk to heal any major wounds but leave minor ones since if I did it would ruin the progress I was making physically. He would have me complete his training regime of 100 sit-ups, squats, and push-ups.

After that, it would reach 3 am, which would mark our final activities for the night. I would ingest various amounts of non-lethal poison. Some affect my senses like sight and smell, while others affect my body’s temperature and reaction time.

Every single time he would attack me, despite my state. I couldn’t even tell where he was the majority of the time, and when I could, something in my body would be off, affecting my limited combat abilities.

When asked why, he responds, "In this line of work, you have no idea what kind of quirk or person you are going to be facing. In an ideal world, you do, but information can be forged and faked, so to train you for every situation, I need to replicate every situation."

After God knows how long, I would be free from the hell of being beaten up. I wasn’t allowed to use my quirk and if before I could barely block one or two punches, kicks, or slashes, then this time I would be lucky if it only broke my skin.

He would say "Stop." and that would be the rest. He gathered the things that he needed for his mundane life and would leave the warehouse. While I carried my injured body to the medical area and nursed my wounds.

I would get some rest after my wounds were taken care of before cleaning our sparing area of blood and cleaning his knives and other tools and gear. Once finished, I also lock up and leave to take a shower in a bathhouse and get some food.

Stendhal looked at Azure’s relaxed face and finished his sentence.

"-However while I’m gone, I’ll be giving you an assignment. On the news, you’ve seen an increase in villains in this area. I want you to find out about what's going on and if there's an organization behind this.

If that's the case, either take them down or report back to me based on your assessment of their strength. I’ll give you a call when I finish my mission. "

Ignoring Azure’s aggrieved face at his mission, Stendhal turned around and left the warehouse.

*Flashback End.*

I’ve been fighting with so many villains that I’m starting to feel fatigued. My funds have dropped as well. I mainly get my usable money from villain groups, but as you can guess, the majority of their money is "dirty money" that can’t be used.

And this month, my usable amount has decreased, while the rate of my villain encounters has increased. Most of the ones I've been fighting are by themselves and have little to no money.

‘I mean, I don’t get it. After the new year has passed, villains usually appear more and more scarce in the open since, as the district warms up, the number of heroes active also increases. Maybe that Villain Factory has something to do with this?’

As I get out of my musing, I hear civilians talking about the building and how not everyone has been accounted for.

I decided to test something. I use the fruits of my effort in training with Stendhal.