Chapter 8: The “Demon” of Chiteki High Is Actually His Sister’s Childhood Friend
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Even Mr. Okamoto was rambling, clearly distracted by the furious whisper conversation taking place in the back of the classroom. As was the rest of class, the majority of them blatantly ignoring him and eavesdropping.

After Anna and Elizabeth had taken their seats, a no-shits-giving Ichika had grabbed her stuff and forced a student out of the seat in front of Yuki. The student, a timid boy wearing glasses, was a little dazed at the fact that one of the school's princesses was talking to him. He quickly snapped out of it when he saw the deathly look on her face.

Squeaking, he had hurried his way to the front of the class where Ichika's previous seat was. All while Mr. Okamoto was coughing and drawing a diagram on the board. She seated herself in a manner with her back towards the front of the class. Her eyes held a ferocious energy and she instantly leaned in and began demanding some answers.

"psst...Yuki!" She covered a part of her mouth to reduce the noise but it didn't really matter. With the monotone voice of the teacher fading into the background, even her whisper carried across the room.

So naturally, people were shocked when it turned out that the hot guy who was surrounded by girls was the same slightly nerdy Yuki that would hang out with the Prince and Princess of the academy.

And their own whisper conversations began as they gossiped about the latest news. But that's besides the point.

"psst...Yuki I'm talking to you!"

She began poking at his face, greatly annoying him in the process. He was doing his best to ignore her and focus on the lesson; finding the derivative sounded a lot more exciting than having to deal with Ichika and the others.

Speaking of the others, Anna was slightly pouting on her desk seeing how much Ichika was touching him. She cleared her throat quietly taking Ichika's attention who looked her over and cursed. Ichika was clearly comparing their womanly assets, trying to eyeball their measurements to decide who would win. Unfortunately, their bosoms were just too similarly shaped that she ended up just clicking her tongue. Her long hair flipped to the side as she wordlessly dissed Anna.

Anna didn't take to kindly at this and made a noise moving her desk to be right next to Yuki's.

"Miss Mori..." Mr. Okamoto weakly said from the front. Even he couldn't help but protest at how loud they were being. Unfortunately, his protests were met with nothing but the occasional questioning look. He sighed and went back to pretending nothing was happening.

Anna and Ichika were both hissing at each other, both looking like they were about to go to war. On the other hand, Elizabeth had her eyes closed and was the sole student still trying to pay attention to their poor teacher. She was quietly trying to listen to the soft voice of the teacher, her eyebrows twitching every time she heard the petty remarks Anna and Ichika would fire at each other. They were like cats taking every opportunity to either kick the feet of the other from under the desk or cling onto Yuki.

The bell was a saving grace for the whole class. The teacher nearly fainted in relief and there was a collective breath as everyone could now fully pay attention to the little show going on at the back of the classroom without having to pretend to listen to the lecture.

The two girls in question were about to go at it right in front of everyone, Ichika rolling up her sleeves and Anna cackling like a witch. That is, until Elizabeth stepped in.

Closing her notebook with a loud snap, she stood up so fast from her chair, Yuki swore he saw an afterimage. Like a striking viper, she grabbed the two girls by the scruffs of their necks...and tossed them out of the open door.

From his position, Yuki could hear the sounds of several screams and a loud crash in the hallway as the thrown girls knocked something over in the commotion. The funniest part of the whole thing, was the fact that no one seemed to even question Elizabeth's ridiculous strength. Yuki was about to tease her about being a gorilla when he realized that it wasn't because no one had cared. Rather, it was because something far more distracting had occurred.

Stepping through the crowd of onlookers, Yuki came to the source of all the excited whispers. It was Anna and Ichika, both lying facefirst onto the cold floor of the hallway. But that wasn't it. Their uniform skirts were, how to say it, turned over their heads displaying their panties to the whole world.

Ichika's was a plain white one whereas Anna was wearing a lacy pink one, clearly not meant for school. Yuki could only sigh. Truly, only troublesome women seemed to hang around him. Now this would explain why nearly every guy (and a few of the girls) were sporting bloody noses.

Yuki stepped to the front, kneeling down and taking care to take the hems of their skirts - *gasps* - and lower them to give them some dignity back. Neither of the girls reacted, both of them out cold from the impact of their landing. If Elizabeth felt bad, she didn't show it, her nose crinkled in displeasure at the sight of their shameless behavior.

Yuki was currently thinking about damage control when he heard a loud, authoritative voice come from somewhere down the hallway.

"Hey! Back off, someone help me take them to the nurse!" The owner of the voice, a woman dressed in a fashionable suit appeared, her short bangs swaying with her every step. Her heels clacked on the floor and the sea of students parted to make way for her.

The once excited faces of the students drastically shifted towards ones of horror and fear. People began quietly slipping off, hoping the "demon" of Chiteki High wouldn't notice them.

And for good reason! The woman's sharp eyes were swaying over the crowd, as if daring them to call her a "demon" to her face.

Known for her ruthless grading and the several fanclubs the masochistic perverts at the school had made in admiration of her, this woman who was now standing behind Yuki's back was known as the "demon" of Chiteki High.

But Yuki let out an even louder sigh, seeing the woman's mood shift the second he turned around.

"Oh Yu-kun! My god you look so different now!" Her voice instantly brightened up and even increased a few octaves. For a new student, it'd be like seeing an elephant talk, but for the veterans, the only thing they could do was clench their fists and curse the bastard.

Yep. The "demon" of Chiteki High went by another name. "Mari-aneki," Yuki grumbled.

"That's Mari-sensei to you Yu-kun," she winked. WINKED at Yuki. Some of the perverts in the crowd were audibly crying seeing this.

Mari's full name was Mari Yoshida. She was the older sister of Ichika and the childhood friend of Shizuku. This meant that she would also be acquainted with Yuki and Akira as the two of them, along with Ichika, were practically joined at the hip.

It hadn't taken a long time for Mari to instantly start doting on the little brother of her best friend, constantly patting him on the head or squeezing his face against her chest (yes this is where Ichika got this habit from). For some reason that Shizuku never understood, Mari had never gotten too close with Akira. Perhaps it was because of the lewd gazes he'd always give her?

Not that Akira would have done anything with it. Even at such a young age, he was still a pervert for older sisters but Ichika had quickly knocked some sense into him. She had sit on his back for nearly two hours before he finally cried and promised to never lust after her sister again.

She was about to give Yuki the same treatment but he had quickly defended himself saying that there was no one he liked at the moment. But for some reason, this only made her even angrier and ended with him suffering an even worse fate than Akira. As the two boys were lying down on their stomachs on the rough carpet of Yuki's living room, Akira had called him an idiot.

Strange as it was, Mari had quickly become just as overprotective over Yuki as she was with Ichika. This had continued on into adulthood, and Yuki remembered how annoyed he had been at her constant doting even at their age. He was no longer the little kid from before! She didn't still have to treat him like one!

He turned his face to the side, muttering about how she should act like a teacher if she wanted to be treated like one. Hearing this, Yuki witnessed firsthand the "demon" part of Mari.

"Hey, Takahashi Yuki." her voice suddenly turned ice-cold. "Care to say that again?"

"I'm sorry sensei..." he quietly said. Her eyes were terrifying and he didn't dare look up. Demon lord who? If the demon lord came across this devil in front of him, he'd run away screaming for his mother.

Hearing Yuki call her properly, she nodded her cold expression softening. Seeing this, the other students let out a sigh of relief. Though they hated Yuki for being so treated specially, they had to admit he had a calming effect on the "oni sensei." Or so they thought.

"The hell are you staring at! Get back to your classes!" she barked at them, her "demon" coming out again. Hearing this, the remaining students fled leaving Mari and Yuki alone with the two girls. Elizabeth had long since ditched the hallway, preferring not to be late to her next class.

Now that they were alone, Mari took a harder look at Yuki. She frowned, muttering about how much he had changed. "Hey," she gave Yuki a tight hug. "It's been too long. Jeez, just what are your parents feeding you? The last time I saw you I was at least two inches taller than you."

Being as young as she was, she had just recently gotten the job at Chiteki, thanks to her status as top alumni and recommendations from her university teachers. This also meant that she was far too busy teaching and prepping to bother saying hi to Yuki. 

But even so! She hadn't even recognized him when she first approached him! She only knew him from the way he reacted when hearing her. Only Yuki would freeze up out of displeasure in front of her!

She didn't find his transformation as impossible as the others. It had been nearly two years since she had last seen him and she knew that people could change over time. But even so, didn't he get a little too good-looking? She wondered why Ichika had never brought up Yuki's glow-up before and decided to ask her once she woke up.

Seeing Yuki casually lift up Anna in a princess carry, she started frowning. She herself had Ichika slung over her back like a sack of potatoes, but this was different. 'I guess you can really change in two years.' 

They walked toward the nurse's office without speaking much. She didn't want to bother Yuki who was clearly doing his best to make the girl in his arms as comfortable as possible. Mari was the opposite, not at all caring about the way her sister's head was bouncing up and down. She wasn't even paying attention to the slight groans Ichika would make. Instead, she was looking at the back of Yuki as he tenderly carried Anna in his lean but muscular arms.

She didn't like the way he was holding her. It looked...too intimate. She recognized the girl as one of the transfer students but hadn't she just transferred? How were they were already this intimate? She wouldn't have dared to ask Yuki to carry her like that before as she would be afraid of embarrassing him because of his physical weakness. But now, seeing his strong frame, she couldn't help but feel jealous of this transfer girl.

Still thinking, Mari felt Yuki's wide hand tap her on the shoulder, shaking her out of her thoughts. "We're here, Mari-aneki."

Yuki had Anna propped against the wall, one hand still supporting her around the waist and the other opening the door. He held the door open as Mari walked in. She peeped in, looking around the brightly lit room. "Miss Yamamoto? I've got two students for you."

"Ara ~ what happened?" A sweet-looking middle aged woman wearing a white coat and glasses peeped from over her computer monitor. Seeing the unconscious girl slung over Mari, she quickly guided her towards one of the beds, helping her lay Ichika out on the sheets.

Without Ichika's weight, Mari straightened her back and shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not sure. But I found them unconscious after walking towards a commotion in the hallway. Just a checkup should be fine, I didn't see any blood or anything."

"I see," the nurse said, now focused on Anna who was still in Yuki's arms. "Please take her to the bed next to Ichika-san."

Yuki dropped her off and thanked the nurse prematurely for taking care of the girls. He was about to head out of the door when he heard Mari call out. "I'll swing by later, I've got a bone to pick with Shizuku..."

Yuki sweat-dropped not liking where this was going. Unfortunately, the first bell had rung meaning he had less than five minutes to get his next class. He tossed back a "don't bother!" and raced out of the door before she could reply.



"Sensei, you're not supposed to come in here!" wailed a student. He was running at full sprint through the aisles in the locker room, getting chased by a dark-skinned woman in an ill-fitting tracksuit.

The woman was cursing, constantly trying to stretch the clothes. "Damn fabric! It's getting in the way!" as she ran, her breasts were moving up and down, captivating the eyes of all the other half-naked boys who were raptured by the movement.

The woman, quickly catching up to the feeble boy, tackled him to the ground. The boy let out both a cry and a moan. She pulled the whistle from somewhere in the depths of her cleavage and blew on it loudly. Sitting on top of the poor (or lucky?) student's back, she barked out. "Well? What the hell are you standing around for! Get changed before I rip the clothes off you myself!"

One of the braver boys laughed nervously. "Uhm, Sensei?"

The woman turned around, her hair whipping around fiercely, the movement causing another set of noises to come out of the fallen student. "What is it," she squinted her eyes at him, "Mr. uhh..."

"Ito. This uh is the boys locker room?"

"And?" the woman responded back immediately with an expressionless face.

"And you're making them uncomfortable by being around here. You can go bother the girls next door."

Yuki stepped in at the moment, entering into the locker room having just arrived from the nurse's room. He walked over to Kuro, who was still sitting on the boy and lifted her by the wrist - "Ah!" - and dragged her out of the locker room.

The rest of the boys were still in shock at seeing the beautiful woman in their locker room and didn't even comprehend what had just happened. They stood there frozen, shirts still hanging from their arms. Only after hearing the screams coming from the other side of the wall did they react. "Hey, was that the new gym teacher?"

"Haha I think gym might be my favorite class now."

As they were discussing amongst themselves, Yuki returned and began changing into his gym clothes.

There were several groans of frustration as he took his shirt off, revealing his perfect frame. "Damn guy's living life on easy mode!" Yuki ignored such comments and changed before closing his locker and slipping into sneakers.

He was about to head out when he felt a hand grab onto his wrist.

It was the boy who had been tackled earlier, a rather effeminate-looking guy who was nervously fidgeting with his long fingers. "Uhm, thank you for earlier Yuki-san."

He was bowing and Yuki could see that the guy was practically on the brink of tears. Seeing this, Yuki softened his expression a bit and patted the guy on the shoulder. "Don't worry about it. If she gives you trouble again just come to me, I'll handle her."

Hearing this, the boy nodded furiously with an almost puppy-like admiration on his face. Yuki turned away and left the locker room, leaving behind the boy who was looking at his retreating figure like he had just met a god. "So cool..." the boy whispered.



Gym class was separated by gender at Chiteki and Yuki was leaning against the bleachers watching the girls stretch. He wasn't alone in this, and the majority of the guys who had already finished their exercises were spread around doing the same thing he was.

However, unlike the others, he didn't openly have a perverted expression on his face as he watched the more womanly aspects of their bodies bounce around as they stretched. But just like them, he was feeling a little pressure building towards his nose. 'Yeah, Elizabeth definitely looks great in those. It's been a while since I've seen her legs. How are they so bare? I don't remember seeing her wax in Falanir.'

Elizabeth felt a shiver, quickly turning her head towards Yuki's gaze and frowning. She was quietly stretching in the middle of the field, a group of devout classmates surrounding her and chattering excitedly. One of the girls near her, a short girl with pigtails, followed her gaze towards the bleachers and began to grumble in displeasure.

"Tch, those stinky boys always do this during gym perving us with their eyes!" The girl shook as she spoke, hugging her sides, "it's so gross!"

Elizabeth didn't respond but she couldn't help but agree, seeing the lewd gazes of all the boys in the stands. Especially one in particular...

Seeing Yuki with an extremely thoughtful expression on his face chilled her to the bones. The others clearly didn't see the hidden expression under his supposed pokerface. While the others weren't as wary, she knew he was the lewdest of them all! She felt naked under his eye and she reflexively shuddered, though she wasn't sure if it was out of excitement or apprehension.


A shrill whistle blew and Elizabeth jumped to see Kuro standing with her hands on her hips. She had a stopwatch in her hand and another student was by her side with a clipboard and a pencil.

"Get to the starting line, we're gonna start trials today!"

Though they had been expecting this, all the girls groaned. It was scorching hot and they had to run a timed mile! Muttering complaints, they obediently began lining up around the track.

Elizabeth made her way to the starting line of the track, closely followed by her classmates. For some reason, they had been crowding around her since class had ended and were constantly asking her questions about something called karaoke or the cafeteria.

She had politely answered all the questions she had answers to, informing the others about her disinterest in the activities she wasn't sure about. She had expected the crowd to dwindle, but it had only increased their curiosity! And now they seemed to be calling her big sister.


That reminded her of the princess knights, where she had been the little sister for years. She unconsciously smiled, something the girls around her noticed. They mumbled about how cool she was as they scattered around the starting point.

Though there were easily over a dozen girls, all the attention was going towards a certain girl whose long hair had been tied into a ponytail. 

As a former knight, Elizabeth's lean body was quite the eye-candy for the average person. Though she had a long-sleeved shirt, it failed to cover her long arms and most importantly, the sizable bust that her armor usually hid. The gym shorts revealed her model-like legs and the way her tight butt wiggled in the air as she got into proper form was the icing on the cake for the half-drooling boys in the stands.

Seeing the foreign beauty's unintentional eroticism was too much for these puberty-driven boys. The majority of them fell backward exaggeratedly, their hands reaching up towards their noses spurting blood. The others were shamefully turning away while whistling, sitting in a way that covered the rising tent in their pants.

Of course, the girls noticed the antics of the boys. While the majority of them were disgusted and vocally expressed their scorn, a few of them frowned while looking at Elizabeth's perfect figure, disgruntled at the difference between her and them.

Yuki was the sole exception to the males. While the others were turning away from the heavenly sight, he was standing up in the stands a smug expression on his face while he began clapping like a proud parent. Elizabeth, hearing the applause, looked up confused, and realized what was going on. Her face turned red and it looked like steam would pour from her face at any moment. She covered her face with a hand, turning away for the remainder of the warmup.

Ignoring Elizabeth's embarrassment, Kuro started snapping her fingers to get everyone to focus back. Once she got all the girls ready, she blew the whistle and all the girls shouted as they began running.