Chapter 1 : The Unfortunate Man
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Year 2030, a world were people are separated from poor to rich.

Rich people tend to do whatever they want. Bought something they don't need, use drug and alcohol for pleasure, and have many women that can bring back home.

This is the life of the rich.

While the other party, the poor living in the slumps, carrying the filth of the world. They were starving, they were struggling to survive the cold nights. They were suffering everyday trying to find something to fill their stomachs.

Xin, a man who were living in between the rich and the poor. He just finished his works on their office when he suddenly turns his head and looked up the skyscraper with different color of lights beaming with it.

His eyes are looking at the skyscraper with enviously. He's jealous, while he's working his ass off to feed himself, they're goes the rich guys having parties drinking alcohol and fucking every woman they met.

Goddammit! Goddammit!

Argghh! I'm so jealous!

Why I am so unfortunate?

I want to be rich too!

I want to live freely and do whatever I want!

Why do I have to work for them? Fuck!

In this world, those who have a normal life will have no choice but to work on a company that a rich person is holding.

Fuck those bastards! I want to fucking steal their wives and fucked them till they become my slaves. Goddammit!

Anger eat up Xin's head. Not noticing that he's in the middle of the street, he suddenly stopped and rub his head calming his anger.

In the other side of the street a truck driver suddenly lose control over the steering wheel and the break isn't working.

With no control over the vehicle the truck driver couldn't help but go forward.

While Xin is calming his anger, the people around him started to run when they saw the truck crushing around the stalls.

Haaaaa! Finally, I managed to calm down.

Hey you! Quickly run over here!


Why would man suddenly shouts at me? Hmm?

I want to ask why would he shout on me. When suddenly a truck came across and hit me

Arghhgh! It hurts! 

What's this?

It's hot! Hahaha

Is this it? Goddammit! I haven't even have a wife!

I am dying? Fuck! Fuck!

I want to be rich before I die!

I want to rule!

I want power!

I will dominate every woman I see!

Shit! Xin breathed heavily, before he close his eyes he can clearly hear the surrounding people around him screaming and calling for help.

Goddamit! Goddamit! Haaaaaaaaaaaa.........

With that he finally breathe his last breath and dies. 


Huh? I am dead? What's this? Huh? Where I am? 

Xin couldn't help but be shocked! He is in a place where there's nothing but complete white.

He didn't know if this is heaven or hell. One thing he knows is that there's nothing here but him!


Suddenly a blue screen appeared in front of his face!

But Before he could know what's happening. He heard a voice in his head.

" A Strong Desire have been detected after death, The Heavenly Will is opening "