The Invasion
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Callon stands up and looks under the bench to see his little sister smile with glee at her playful prank.

Lea?! Callon yells out, annoyed at what she did.

Lea releases her grip on Alora and tries to escape, but her brother reaches out and grabs her pulling her out from under the bench.

What’s wrong with you? Can’t you see I wanna be alone with Alora? Callon scolds his sister.

He then begins to drag his sister towards the villagers around the bonfire. She tried to resist but wasn’t strong enough as she was being forced to return.

This is not fair, she yells back. You always want to be with Alora; you never make time for me anymore.

Callon stops in place and turns to face his sister. He kneeled down to match her height and smiled, but she was upset.

Lea, you know I like spending time with you. But now it’s not a good time. We can spend time tomorrow, how’s that? Callon asks.

Lea wells up in tears of frustration as she knows her brother sometimes never keeps his promises. She pulls her hand away from Callon’s grip.

You always say that!. She yells.

She runs from her brother away from the center of the village as she heads towards their hut. Callon stands up and watches her for a bit. Knowing she was running off to their home, he returned to check on Alora who was still catching her breath from that jump scare. Lea begins to cry. She couldn’t help as she felt her best friend, her brother, was pulling further away from their friendship. Too distracted by what happened, Lea wasn’t paying attention and bumped into someone. The impact causes her to fall back and land on the ground.

Ow! Watch it! She snaps as she rubs her sore butt.

She looks up and gasps as she sees it is Toby, but not Toby. He looks down at her, glaring at her with a look as though he could kill her on the spot and no one would know. She froze in place, unsure of what was going to happen to her. Then she realized that Toby’s shirt was stained in blood; her fear then grew to curiosity.

Toby, what happened to you?

Toby ignores her question and looks ahead instead at the villagers nearby. He walks past her, heading towards the bonfire where everybody is gathered. She stands up and watches as he walks away. Not wanting to follow, she heads back home. Unknown to her, as the full moon casts her shadow, beady eyes like the creatures from earlier opened up from her own shadow and watched her waiting for the right moment to strike.

Meanwhile, Toby arrives at the festival and makes his way towards the bonfire. At first, the villagers were thrilled to see the son of the Taisen chief arrive at the festival, but they noticed his blood-stained shirt and muttered among themselves as to what had happened to him. Even others started questioning Lua’s whereabouts. One of the villagers informed the chief about his son. The chief arrives at the bonfire concerned about his son.

Toby, what happened to you? Were you attacked? He asks.

Toby ignores the chief as he looks around. Unknown to everybody, Toby was scanning the environment, calculating how many people were in the village.

Come son, let’s get your wounds checked out. Says the chief; he grabs him by the hand and tries to take him to the medicine hut, but Toby isn’t moving as he is still scanning. The chief stops pulling and looks at his son, who is ignoring him.

Son, are you ok? He asks. You went to get Lua, but only you returned. Son, please speak to me.

The chief grabs Toby by the face to get his attention. Toby then looks at the chief, grabs him by the throat, and lifts him off the ground. The villagers watched in horror at what was happening. The chief tries to pry his son’s grip desperately to get in between breaths of air.

Son…what are…you doing? He says, gasping for air.

Abduction will now commence. Toby orders

Suddenly someone from a distance is screaming as a creature comes out of the person’s shadow and grabs her. From out of the ground, more of the creatures emerged and started capturing the villagers. The village was being invaded as villagers tried to flee for their lives. The creatures captured by the villagers were being dragged toward an open area away from the village. They all stood in one spot, patiently waiting as something approached them from above but was hidden. Suddenly the sky opens up, and a high tech air ship decloaks itself as it is hidden using a cloaking device. As villagers are trying to escape, Callon and Alora are looking for Lea as everything around them is chaotic.

Cal, we have to get out of here; they’ll take us away like the others. Alora cries.

Not until we find my sister. He orders.

Without a moment to lose, Callon hears his sister cry for help and follows the sound as it is towards their home. Lea is cornered by the creature that was hiding within her own shadow emerges and is trying to capture her. Stuck in her room, she trembles in fear as the creature inches closer to her.

Someone help! Lea screams.

Just as the creature is about to lunge at Lea, it gets intercepted by Callon, who pounces on it. The two fight and scramble around the room. Alora runs over to Lea and moves her away from the fight. The creature takes a swipe at Callon with its claws, but Callon moves just in time as the claws only rip at his shirt. Callon sees the ax that they use for chopping wood and grabs it. Callon starts to swing at the creature, which dodges. Lea wanting to help, grabs a nearby book and throws it at the creature. The creature gets hit in the back of the head by the book. It looks back to see who did it, giving Callon the perfect time to swing his ax and kill the creature by striking it on its mask. The mask breaks and shatters as it shatters; the creature shrills in agony and dissolves into dust as it falls apart to its death. Relieved, Lea and Alora hug Callon.

Brother, I was so scared. Cries Lea.

It’s alright; we’re getting out here, come on. Callon orders.

The three dart from house to house, avoiding the creatures as they check each house to see if anyone is hiding in the houses. Meanwhile, Toby releases his grip on his Father’s throat. As he falls to the ground, the chief catches his breath, but two other creatures rise from the ground and hold the chief by each arm, keeping him on his knees.

"What is the meaning of this, Toby? Answer me!" The chief commands.

"It’s’ simple…Father." Toby calmly says as he unbuttons his blood-stained shirt.

Baring his chest, he reveals the wound where Lua stabbed him, but in the center, an imprint of the alpha leader’s face mask emerged. Soon the imprint begins to protrude from Toby’s chest as he emerges from his body. From its head down to its torso, the creature appears as it coldly stares at the chief. The chief’s face dropped as he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

"By the dragon, what are you?" The chief asks in horror.

"We are Lurkers." The Alpha Leader replies with his inhuman mechanical voice alongside Toby’s as the two are in sync. "Our master needs specimens; you will serve our master."

The Alpha Lurker using Toby’s hands snaps his fingers, and the two Lurkers send the Chief away towards the air ship. The chief struggles to break free from the Lurkers, but their grips are too strong.

"Damn you, vile creatures; you killed my son. You will pay for this!" Yells the chief as he is being taken away.

The alpha monitors the progress of the capture but notices three figures running from the village and into the forest.

"Capture will now commence."

The Alpha Lurker follows them. The three escaping were, in fact, Callon, Alora, and Lea as they were running, hoping to find help.

"Callon, why didn’t we look for Mom and Dad?" Lea asks curiously.

"We have to keep going; we need to get to Auran and warn the city about those monsters. They’ll know what to do." Callon explains.

Suddenly a small beam of energy arrives without warning. It flies between Callon and Lea, which was too fast for them to see but brazes against Alora’s left arm, causing a deep wound; it starts to bleed. Alora screams out in pain. She stops in place as she goes down on one knee, holding her wound. The others gather around her to examine her.

"What happened?" Callon asks. "How did you get hurt?"

"I don’t know," Alora replies, trying to hold back the tears. "Something hit me."

As Lea watches Callon trying to tend to her wound, She starts to feel a strong presence, something powerful approach. She looks back to see something coming after them from a distance. Lea tugs at her brother’s shirt to get his attention.

"Callon, something is coming." She cries out.

Callon looks back to see that it is Toby running towards them, but he also sees that Alpha Lurker is attached to him. In the condition that Alora was in, they would surely be caught. With no other choice. Callon makes a choice that he knows has to be made. He brings Lea close to him to grab her attention.

"Listen, sis. I need you to be brave for me and help Alora escape. I need you two to get help." He orders.

Leas looks at him, surprised as he is not going with them.

"But what about you, brother?" She asks. "Please come with us." She begs.

Callon smiles at his sister in hopes that she will help convince her that everything will be alright.

"I’ll be fine," he replies. "The city needs to know what is happening. I will hold him off, so you guys have a running start. Protect yourself and Alora."

Lea begins to tear up, afraid that she may never see her brother again. Understanding the circumstances, she agrees to his request. She helps Alora up, and the two run off while Callon remains where he stood. He turns to face Toby, who arrives at the scene. He stands before Callon and looks around the area for the others.

"There were three of you; where are the others?" The Toby/Alpha Lurker asks.

"Don’t worry about them," Callon replies. "Your business is with me now, so come at me.”

Toby charges at Callon and aims to strike him. Callon dodges his attacks and counters with a kick. Toby bends back, avoiding his kick as it swings past him. Callon continues to throw kicks and punches, pushing Toby back as he dodges easily. This frustrates Callon as he knows he will get tired if he continues to attack.

"Quit moving around and hold still!" Callon yells.

"If you insist." Replies Toby.

Toby then stands still, which causes Callon to make contact. Callon kicks Toby in the neck so hard that he brakes his neck. Toby smiles as his head rests on Callon’s foot; an injury like this would instantly kill a normal person but for the Alpha Lurker that dwell inside, its nothing more than fleshy body armor Callon freaks and quickly steps back as he’s never seen such a horrific sight. Just to see Toby’s neck stretch over revealing the tip of his neck bone almost makes him want to vomit.

"This fight is futile," Toby replies as he puts his head back in place as the Alpha fixes it from within.

With the ability of the Alpha Lurker, Toby’s arms become metallic tentacles, and he begins to attack Callon with them. It wasn’t easy for Callon to maneuver as Toby was getting faster. It wasn’t long till the Alpha grabs Callon’s right leg using his tentacle like hair. He lifts him up in the air and slams him to the ground several times before he stops. Callon coughs from the dust in the air. As soon as the dust clears, the Alpha drags Callon closer. His hands then change to black tentacles wrapping Callon up like a python to its prey as he brings him to the Alpha’s mask.

"It was foolish of you to fight me when you and I both know that there was no chance you would win." The Toby Lurker scolds Callon.

Callon knew he was defeated; instead, he began to laugh, which caused The Alpha Lurker to grow concerned.

"You laugh at your own defeat?" It asks. "This is illogical."

"Idiot," Callon exclaims. "I did this to give my sister and my girlfriend time to escape."

The Toby Lurker just remembered about the other two and looked around as they were nowhere in sight, and he couldn’t detect them. Enraged, the alpha Lurker’s tentacle-like hair transformed into sharp metallic blades and points them at Callon, ready to pierce and tear his face apart. Callon just smiles at him.

"Go ahead and kill me." He enticed. "My death gives them a chance to get help and stop you. So who’s the foolish one now?"

The Alpha shrills in anger and turns its tentacle hair in to sharp spear as it point them at Callon’s face ready to pierce him.

"Enough!" Yells the Lurker’s master in speaker mode through the Alpha Lurkers' com-link. Toby is obedient and stops his threat towards Callon.

"Master, two witnesses have escaped." Toby Lurker replies.

"Forget them and return to the village and complete your mission." Orders it's master.

"Yes, my master."

Still wrapped in its tentacles, the Toby Lurker carries Callon back towards the village.

"Consider yourself a fortunate human. You’d wish I ended your life swiftly where you will be going."

Night has fallen in the city of Auran. In the heart of Auran was its castle that softly illuminated in the night. Around it was modern-day buildings like sky scrapers and towers that looked almost futuristic. As the city stretches towards its border, it becomes desolate where the poor and thieves dwell. At the end of the city were its gates that border all of Auran. The guards at the gate of Auran monitored the traffic and flow of ingoing and outgoing visitors. All was peaceful till they began to hear the sound of a child calling for help. One of the guards left their post and followed the sound. The guard reaches the bridge, which has very little lighting. From a distance, he sees the silhouette of what looks like a small person trying to hold up another bigger person.

"Who’s there?" the guard calls out.

Using a flashlight, he shines it at the two to reveal Lea holding Alora, who has collapsed due to the loss of blood from her wound.

"Please help us! She needs a doctor." Lea pleads to the guard.

The guard responds by taking out a radio-like device to contact help.

"This is the front gate calling for medical assistance by the bridge. I repeat, I need medical assistance by the bridge." The guard requested over the radio.

Help was on the way for our little heroines. The news of the girls reached the castle. The next day, a meeting was held at a chamber held for the council. Inside were the delegated representatives and elders for the city of Auran. Like the senate or supreme court in America, they represented the people and maintained law and order for their city and country. Inside the room where they all gathered was designated just like how the house of representatives are set up only; the elders are held in a higher area in the room while the other representatives remain in the lower areas surrounding the elders. They were informed of the incident that happened last night and have called a meeting to discuss what must be done.

"This meeting will now commence." Says Elder Chandler as he pounds his gavel on the block.