Chapter 2
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1st July 1997


" Yeah, let's go face the competition."


The inside of the palace was a beautiful place, obviously created and decorated to impress, a display of wealth so outstanding that he felt like turning tail and running out of the golden gates. The ceilings were high, scenes of wixen and creatures carved into them with stunning intricacy that could only have been done by hand, with pillars of marble holding it up that glittered with embedded gold. Harry was sure that he was gaping as they joined up with the ever-growing crowd gathered near a platform.


Their competition appeared to be an underwhelming bunch, less intimidating than he had assumed they were going to be. Sure, the Harem hopefuls gathered within the castle were all beautiful beyond the norm, which was a great boost for their chances, but none seemed to hold anything beyond that at first glance. Most of them held only an average amount of magic, some none at all [Harry had to wonder what they were thinking- didn't they know that one of the first tests was determining magic power?], when one of the requirements was to have more magic than the average wixen. So, that automatically more than halved the competition.


He had also spotted a group of witches in the back of the hall falling over each other, trying to steady themselves on shoes they had never worn before. One of the tests happened to be about elegance, so he could only assume that they wouldn't pass that round.


The only test Harry was truly worried about was the final one, where those who had passed were judged by the Emperor himself, taking into account all of their previous scores. He had no idea whether the Emperor would dismiss him outright, only having heard his name. That would disgrace his family further, but he held out hope. When they had met all those years back, Harry merely ten years old, the Emperor hadn't looked down on him with any malicious intent.


He could only hope that the years passed hadn't allowed any negative feelings to grow.


His observations were cut short when an over-the-top noise of disgust echoed through the hall, drawing all eyes over to the scene. " I can't believe they would allow anyone, but Purebloods here, why would the court let the Emperor's undiluted blood be tainted in such a way? There are even Mudbloods here, feeling entitled to our esteemed Emperor!" The voice was girlish, sounding immature even in a room filled mostly with teenagers and young adults. Harry felt compelled to turn around and felt his lips twitch up at the sight of the girl.


She had long blonde hair and startlingly sharp blue eyes that looked too frosty to be natural, obviously charmed to enhance their colour. The clothes she was wearing were of obviously fine quality, the previously simple white robe bedazzled with gems that made it look garish compared to its elegant surroundings. She looked to be younger than him: perhaps fifteen, as that was the youngest age permitted to participate. Although, he wouldn't put it past some of the participants being younger than was allowed.


The girl seemed to be having a conversation with her friends, a crowd of them tittering around her with words of agreeance. She looked smug, eyes sparkling when they landed on Dahlia, who was standing beside him.


"Miss Dahlia, it is wonderful to see you here!"


"Miss Macnair." Dahlia's tone was once again frosty, a singular, pale eyebrow raised. Harry couldn't help but chuckle, which drew the eyes of 'Miss Macnair' onto him.


"And who may you be?"


"I'm Har-"


"This is Harrison Potter-Black, heir to the Noble houses of Potter and Black. A close friend of mine. Harrison, this is Eden Macnair, a member of the House of Macnair. "


Macnair's eyes grew greedy as she took him in, eyes darting from the heirship rings on his fingers to his eyes." Heir Potter-Black, it's a pleasure to greet you." She held out one small, pale hand, adorned with rings much too big for such slender fingers. They suited her, though, her personality shining in their gemstones.


Harry stared down at it for a moment, eyes darting to Dahlia's face to watch it morph into one of horror. It was all he needed. He reached out with his own, grabbing her hand and shaking it. " I get that a lot. Having two heirships gains me a lot of unwanted attention."


He could feel the icy daggers Dahlia was sending to the side of his head and barely heard her soft swear. "  Oh, for fuck’s sake, Harry.  "


Macnair's smile dropped, and she tugged her hand from his with a look of disgust. "What are you doing?! You don't shake a Lady's hand; you are supposed to kiss it! Dahlia, what planet does this boy come from? Does he not know how to treat a Lady?" She huffed haughtily, turning her nose up. " Daddy will surely be hearing of this. He's one of our Majesty's Knights, so he'll warn his majesty of what sort you are before you attempt to invade his Harem."


" A Lady? I don't see a Lady in front of me. All I see is a girl who prides herself too much on her blood when her magic is little more than a Squibs'. Have you forgotten that all of his majesties' children are powerful, ones born from muggle-born mothers alike? Do his majesties' children taint his image due to their Halfblood status?" She paled, stepping back, stuttering that she hadn't meant anything of the sort, that his Majesty's blood was 'so pure that it would wash all of the tainted blood away'. He couldn't help himself but add to her horror out of spite, despite Dahlia tugging on his sleeve. " And for the record,  why would I need to know how to treat a Lady, I'm going to be bedding a man, aren't I?  


Now, that was the sort of confrontation he had been expecting, and he didn't even mind it when Dahlia clipped his ear, feeling too smug with himself.



When his name was called by the Eunuch a little while later, Harry made his way onto the platform, robes fluttering behind him dramatically. He had learnt the move from his Mum's closest friend, Severus Snape, a master potioneer and high-ranking Knight. The man, throughout his childhood, had spent many hours patrolling their halls, Harry following behind him happily. Snape didn't like children at all, but he'd always held some fondness for his friend's only child. Hence, Harry had picked up on a few of his mannerisms over the years.


He placed his hand upon the orb and began to slowly push his magic into it, the magical glass heating up beneath his palm. It began to glow, first softly, then with greater luminescence that grew with every passing second. Out of the corner of his eye, he could spot some of the contenders gaping at him, wide-eyed at his display of magical prowess. Even the examiner standing to the side of the orb stepped forward slightly, pushing up the glasses that obscured his eyes.


" Harrison Potter-Black has scored a total of 92 in the Magic Power Test. He passes into the next round." The examiner announced after reading off the monitor he held in his hand, writing down the score onto the sheet of those who had passed. Harry accepted the hand of a maid waiting beside the steps, and stepped off the podium, following her into the next room where the second stage of the first test would occur.


The general health check was a simple procedure, simply a diagnostic spell that printed any current ailments into a book and would be updated by the royal healer if they became a member of the Harem. The fewer pages the ailments took up, the better the chance of passing.


Luckily for Harry, as his mother was a healer, he already knew that he had no current ailments unless he had caught a cold on the way here. And, as expected, only his name and medical information appeared, taking up the first page.


The fertility test, however, was much more invasive. The procedure consisted of multiple spells, one to determine the state of his womb, another to determine his cycle, a spell that discovered how likely he was to conceive at all, and one that even deduced the likelihood that he would conceive multiples. There were more, but they were done in such quick succession that he couldn't recognise them. Harry stood uncomfortably as the information gathered was added to the book, taking up the next two pages.


The healer gave a sharp nod to the Eunuch, who cleared his throat, and loudly proclaimed: " Harrison Potter-Black has Above Average Fertility and is in perfect health. He passes into the next round." He accepted the key handed to him by said Eunuch, feeling the magic ooze from it. It was relatively heavy, and a solid black colour that didn't glint even under the harsh light of the chandeliers.


It was the key to his private rooms in the castle, only given to those who passed the first round, and therefore needed a place to stay for their duration at the castle. Harry bowed, shallowly, and made his way out of the hall, having finished the tests for today. Only the ones that he couldn't predetermine the outcome remained.

3rd July 1997


The intelligence test was not unlike the one he would be given if or when he takes his NEWTs, catered towards those who've graduated Hogwarts already. Most of the questions were aimed at the sixth- and seventh-year's entire curriculum, meaning that one had to be an avid reader to know the answers to the ones that weren't on their course.


65: In what year was the Wizard's Council dissolved, and what reason was this for?


In the year 1707. Upon the signature of the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy in 1692, the wizarding community needed a more highly structured, organised, and complex government structure to support and regulate the community in hiding. Thus, it was dissolved in favour of the Ministry of Magic.


Harry felt his hand cramp, and hissed slightly, rolling his wrist. A glance at the next question only made him sigh. The test was about endurance and mental fortitude as much as it was about intelligence, for no average person could sit for a quarter of the day answering questions, and the Emperor certainly wouldn't accept average concubines.


66: Write a short essay on the uses of the potion 'Veritaserum'. 


Veritaserum is a potion of the-



Three long, arduous hours later, Harry was back in his rooms, an ache in his back and fingers almost locked in place. He winced as he stretched them out, gratefully seating himself upon the settee. His head maid, Anya, was quick to begin massaging his shoulders, and he grinned tiredly up at her. She winked back playfully, hazel eyes twinkling proudly.


" I think it went well. I answered most of them, although a few of the Arithmancy and Ancient Runes questions had me stumped. At least the next test doesn't require much, I just need to get some nice clothes sorted out."


" Well done, young master." Anya smiled down at him softly, carding her fingers through his hair. " Rest for now, don't worry about your outfit. Her Ladyship had robes sent along with Tabitha, who is putting the finishing touches on them. They are stunning. The same shape and make as the robes you wear now, but they are patterned delicately to add a little personal touch."


" Good, I wouldn't want to offend..." He let his eyes blink closed, breathing out tiredly as he sunk into the feeling of his muscles loosening, and drifted off to sleep to the sound of Anya humming.



A Eunuch visited his rooms later in the day with his score, a scroll decorated with runes placed on a pillow in his hands. The man cleared his throat: "Harrison Potter-Black has scored 84 on the Intelligence test. He passes into the next round."


Harry let out a small sigh of relief, shallowly bowing before the Eunuch to take the scroll, not allowing his face to twist into a grin until he was safely hidden within his room. " Anya, I passed! An 84, better than I had expected. I thought I'd score somewhere in the seventies."


" Congratulations, young master. All of your studying paid off." She beamed, placing down a tray of teas on the table. " Which tea would you like?"


"Mint, please."


5th July 1997


Harry felt bare under the assessing eyes of the examiner, who was stalking around him like a predator eyeing prey, looking him up and down with intense scrutiny. She had been silent for a while now, only stopping occasionally to note something down in the little notebook she held in her hand.


"The Emperor will be most pleased with your eyes. Such a vibrant colour will surely catch his attention." The examiner continued her prowl around him. " And if they are passed onto your children, I'm sure that they will be able to easily acquire beneficial matches themselves, benefitting his Majesty. I suppose your mother's genes should be thanked for such a gift." Her fan snapped closed, and it took his all not to flinch. She smiled at him sharkishly. " You pass. Eunuch Varns."


Said Eunuch stepped forward, a bolt of fabric within his arms." Harrison Potter-Black passes into the next round, with comments to his green eyes. His Majesty has graciously ordered for those who pass this exam to receive a bolt of fine fabric to do with what they wish." Harry allowed Anya to receive the fabric for him, nodding his head.


" I thank his Majesty for his benevolence."

6th July 1997


The final exam before the Emperor's choice was one that tested the contestants' elegance. For a few days, a small handful of contestants were each assigned to a Second-Class Attendant, the lowest rank of concubines in the harem. They would perform the duties of the Attendants maids whilst they and a Eunuch judged them on their performance. The Attendants had been brought to the palace specifically for monitoring the selection process, so usually, there was some sort of ill will felt between the parties.


Everything, from how they talked, dressed, spoke, and slept was closely examined for flaws. After all, it wouldn't do for the Emperor to have an unsightly spouse. It was the exam he was dreading.


He'd had a House Elf watch over him whilst he slept for a few weeks, waking him whenever he made a sound or turned abruptly. It had led to many sleepless nights and crankiness in the mornings, but now he could sleep through most nights without a peep.


" We greet her ladyship, Second-Class Attendant Clearwater." He, along with the four others bowed in unison, the lady in front of them barely glancing at them. She hummed, beckoning forward one of her maids.


" Lucy, give them something to do. Nothing too strenuous, one of them may become a fellow sister or brother one day, and it wouldn't do to invoke any animosity." She pointedly looked toward him with a slight frown. " You, come and brush my hair. I'd like to have a look at your eyes."


" Yes, my lady." Harry straightened from his bow and approached the Attendant cautiously. She pointed to a set of brushes on the table next to her, and with no further comments, relaxed back into her chair with scrutinising eyes.


He held in the sigh that wished to escape him, although just barely.



11th July 1997


Finally, the last day of his service arrived, and he robotically shifted through the motions of the morning routine, acquiescing to Second-Class Attendant Clearwater's every demand. Brushing her hair until it was glossy and smooth, fiddling it up into elaborate buns and pinning it into place with various ornaments. Spraying her with a sweet-smelling perfume that made his throat tickle and powdering her face until it was clear of any natural imperfections. He was lucky that she wasn't as outlandish as some, taking little pleasure in tormenting him and instead, for the most part, preferred to ignore him as best as she could. Although, she frequently asked for him to sit with her, which she did for none of the others, who were instead regaled to menial jobs such as cleaning and preparing the food. It was clear to all that he was the most likely to pass.


The Eunuch observing them pulled him aside before lunchtime and handed him the scroll he had been waiting for, which dismissed him from his job and sealed his meeting with the Emperor.


" Harrison Potter-Black has pleased the Second-Class Attendant with his skills, and she sends him her compliments. He passes onto the next round."


Harry felt an equal mixture of glee and panic at the sight of the scroll, which was made of finer parchment than the previous ones. Soon, he'd be meeting with the Emperor once more, this time with the objective of becoming the man's concubine.

14th July 1997


The final test was held in the same opulent hall as the first one, the platform having been decorated with a luxurious throne and additional seats for the Emperor and the higher ranked of his harem to sit on. Those lower in the rankings, Noble's and below, as unofficial spouses, had no say in who joined the harem, so their presence wasn't required. Although, it wasn't as if those in higher positions had much power over his choice either.


Emperor Slytherin was sat upon his throne, boredly staring down at the scrolls that contained their results as Harry and six others entered the hall, the third out of five groups. The only one in his group that he recognised was Zacharias Smith, a boy in his year that had a peculiar aversion for Harry despite having them barely having interacted with each other. 


That didn't matter anymore. He was up first.


Harry fiddled with the sleeves of his robe, anxiously rubbing the fabric between his thumb and his finger and stepped forward to offer the Emperor a low bow. " Harrison James Potter-Black, son and heir to Lord James Fleamont Potter, Lord of the Noble House of Potter. Godson and adopted heir to Lord Sirius Orion Black, Lord of the Noble and Ancient House of Black. Halfblood. Aged sixteen." The Head Eunuch, who stood to the side of the Emperor and his gathered higher Harem, announced him unemotionally, his eyes closed.


" This one bows in respect before his Majesty, the Supreme Emperor, and your highnesses, the royal concubines. May blessings and peace be with you." He bowed deeper, knees bending slightly, hands clasped together in the sleeves of his robe, the epitome of politeness. Harry hoped that the Emperor wouldn't disgrace him by sending him away after he had put so much effort into being accepted.



Tom watched as the boy bowed lowly, hiding his pretty green eyes. He let a satisfied smile grow on his face, staring down at the boy whose mere presence intrigued him so. He had grown in the years since he had last seen him, turning from a shivering child into the beautiful adolescent that stood in front of him, no longer shaking, but still looking as demure in his presence as before. His magic had also developed, rolling off him in such heavy waves that he didn't even need to glance at the scroll in front of him to know that he was the most powerful candidate yet. None of those in his Harem had ever scored over ninety, a feat only his most powerful followers had achieved. In fact, since his core was still developing, his results wouldn't be accurate until a few years' time, and with such a large amount at only sixteen...


Out of the corner of his eye, he watched as his concubines read through the boy's profile, and the subsequent scowls the information placed upon some of their faces. Bellatrix, who sat in the nearest seat, cleared her throat pointedly to gain his attention. She didn't look happy about his promising potential for joining, most likely due to his parentage and the matter of his family's reputation.


The Emperor nodded his head, smirking slightly. He couldn't allow somebody with such potential to be snatched up by someone else. It was for the best that the boy was in his harem, even if there ended up being no chemistry between them.


" Harrison James Potter-Black is selected by his Majesty to become a member of his Harem. Bestow the Ranking Jewel."


A white gem was placed within his hands and glowed briefly as it sucked his magic in, turning a dark blue colour. Tom watched as the boy's shoulders slightly sagged in relief and knew that he had made the right choice. The title would probably be the best rank bestowed today, high enough that it would be graciously accepted by his family, but not high enough to incite many protests from the current members of his Harem.


" Congratulations to Noble Potter-Black on being bestowed the rank of Noble by his Imperial Majesty. Thank him for his benevolence."


" I thank his Majesty and will do my utmost to meet his every want." The boy bowed lower, and they locked eyes when he glanced briefly upwards. Harry quickly turned his head, breaking off contact, and the Emperor huffed in amusement. It seemed he had learnt about the art of Legilimancy since their last meeting. He stepped backwards, joining the line of candidates, the gem clutched in his fist being eyes enviously.


" Talina Amra Rervell, daughter of Sir Lancelot Rervell, head of the Rervell family. Halfblood-"


Word Count: 3.6k

Last Edited: 26.06.22- +700 words