How stats and proficiencies work
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HP (health points): The measure of life(existence) you currently have.


MP (Mana Points): The measure of mana that you currently possess.


SP (Spirit Points): The measure of spirit you possess.


EXP (Experience Points): How many experience points you possess as well as how many you need to level up your level (specified/ unspecified)


AP (Attribute Points): Points earned from a level up (and special circumstances) that are used to increase an attribute. 

SKP (skill points): a numerical value that increases one’s skill. (Rarest of all values [besides luck]) 


Agility: Agility determines how nimble, flexible, and graceful one can be. Agility is a measure of how easy it is to dodge attacks and has a direct correlation to (most) movement-based actions and skills. 


Dexterity: Dexterity is similar to agility but is focused more on the phalanges of a character and the accuracy of small movements. Think of dexterity as hand eye coordination and the ability to use your body to achieve desired results. Dexterity affects combat and even more so crafting, medicine, and anything that requires your hands and phalanges. 


Strength: Strength focuses on hand-to-hand and melee-based combat along with the number of items one can carry. Think of this stat as a measure of how much one can lift. Small effect on ranged weapons, javelins, and bows, etc.


Intelligence: Intelligence is the measure of the ability to learn, emotional knowledge, creativity, and total knowledge. Intelligence is a record of what you have retained from your experiences. It directly correlates to mana refresh rate and total capacity. It is also correlated to magic attack and defense. 


Wisdom: Wisdom is awareness of self and how oneself interacts with their surroundings (both inner and outer perceived world) Wisdom is correlated minorly to resource regeneration. It correlates with learning speed, problem solving and the ability to stay calm. 

Intelligence and Wisdom are closely connected and the interplay that they both have on one’s ability are similar. Think of Intelligence as a library that has the total sum of your knowledge. Think of Wisdom as the librarian(s) that interpret and pull from that knowledge. 


Constitution: Constitution represents health and vital force. Constitution has a direct correlation to HP and the ability to stave off illness and signs of physical weakness. (Is also tied to mental wellbeing)


Endurance: Endurance focuses on physical energy. This stat determines how long one can carry something. 


Charisma: Charisma measures a character’s force of personality, persuasiveness, personal magnetism, ability to lead, and physical attractiveness.


Resilience: Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness. Resilience affects how much damage you take and your resistance to damage. 


Perception: Perception focuses on sensory awareness. Perception increases accuracy, weakness detection, and alertness. 


Magic: Magic is the stat that refers to magic attunement and how much resonance a character has towards magic. Magic directly affects magic damage, magic defense, Mana points, and magic perception. 


Luck: How lucky are you? (Hidden stat [most of the time])


Skill proficiency goes beginner (10%)>novice (25%)>apprentice (50%)>intermediate (100%)>advanced (150%)>master

(200%)>grandmaster (300%)>Illuminated (500%). The proficiency % is a skill modifier on attribute stats. 

please let me know what you think in the comments, I thought of this for a while, and I would appreciate some feedback. I will be releasing chapters more frequently from now on. I wanted to get this part somewhat correct, so I hopefully don't need to retcon any inconsistencies in the future. Sorry for the long blank time, I tend to get caught up on these things.