Chapter 9: Volunteer movement
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Gloria 04/10/1639, Military HQ, Polihark, Qua-Toyne Republic, 08:40 AM.

"Nice to see you, Lieutenant Colonel Lisa. I hope our military forces can work with the East Rodenius Foreign Legion." Prime Minister Amane stated.

"It's an honor for us to be sent back to combat... So, let's just get started... Please, everyone, have a seat!"

Everyone on HQ immediately seats down, and the folks on HQ are not only elves or dwarves but also World Union Volunteers. The picture projector immediately projects many visuals regarding the Louria Armed Forces as the meeting space becomes darkened by light.

"All right, we're going to have some Louria military background... We already know that there will be air support aircraft to assist the Louria army on the battlefield; however, all of them are fighters with propellers that rely on machine guns, autocannons, and bombs. We will use the FIM-920 Skiexploder to intercept any Louria aircraft. This is a surface-to-air missile that can destroy everything in the sky, including wyverns, airplanes, and even drones. Okay, let's go on to their armored vehicles."

They have a medium tank called the LMT-1 Mediumzer, which is startlingly close to the Japanese tank used during WWII, the Type-97 ShinHoto Chi-Ha. We know that vintage tanks' weaponry is unstable and readily penetrated, so we can employ the FGN-720 Armortrator."

The FGN-720 Armortrator is a new anti-tank weapon that was developed before the end of the 21st century.

"In terms of their armored vehicles, they-"


"What the fuck was that?!" One of the Qua-Toynian officers called out.

The explosion was not only loud, but it was also more than three explosions. numerous officers look out the window, and what they see is shocking: their weaponry facility is on fire, and numerous Louria light bombers are flying above them.

"Are we being attacked by an enemy bomber?"

"There is smoke coming from the factory!"

"There is a Louria bomber in the skies, and we are being raided!"

There are 20 Louria medium bombers dubbed LAMB-1 Forty, each with two propeller engines and aircraft rockets."

"That has to be a Louria medium bomber, the LAMB-1 Forty." Said

Surprisingly, the Louria Empire dispatched 20 medium bombers to interrupt the production of Qua-Toyne weapons.

"Let's put the FIM-920 Skiexploder to the test right now!"

The World Union volunteers grab the FIM-920 Skiexploder and point it at the Louria medium bomber on its way to the military headquarters.




As anti-aircraft missiles were fired into the sky, all of the LAMB-1 in the sky were destroyed, exploding into various fragments of metal objects. The crew of the LAMB-1 was mostly burnt to death, or if they survived the explosion, they died by falling from the heavens. The Qua-Toyne officer is delighted and cheering, while some World Union volunteers have condescending expressions like "It was nothing" or "It's just a small problem." This demonstrates that the World Union weapon is suitable for usage on the frontlines or battlefield.

Takamagahara, Fegahara Kingdom, 11:32 AM.

Takamagahara is one of the capital cities of the Fegahara Kingdom. Takamagahara is located on the island of Gahara, which includes a thousand wyverns as well as wyvern varieties such as wind dragons, fire dragons, ice dragons, electrical dragons, and other types of dragons. On Takamagahara, there is a big building on top of the mountain, which is known as Deholiw Mountain. Deholiw Mountain rises to a height of 10,000 meters. Not everyone can reach the summit of the mountain, not because of government restrictions, but because this is a holy mountain. When wicked person walks to the highest point of a mountain, they are always transported to the base level without realizing it.

On top of the mountain, there is a building called the Calming Room, which is only accessible to King Shihan and King Minakanushi, who are sitting on chairs and watching the rain. They are discussing the progression of the Rodenius Continent, Third Civilization area, and Second Civilization area.

"Recently, the Unified Kingdom of Mu tested their latest jet fighter, which is a multirole fighter capable of reaching 2,250 km/h. This jet fighter has yet to be announced, but it made its first flight yesterday."

King Shihan hurled a photograph at King Minakanushi. The photograph depicts a jet fighter flying in the sky; the aircraft is known as the Muan Aerospace Product 25 Flying Lion, or MAP 25.

"Is the Flying Lion a drone? I don't see the pilot..." Said King Minakanushi as he examined the photograph.

"It has a camera and a screen so the pilot can see what's in front of the aircraft while controlling the jet fighter."

"Hmm, does this jet fighter VTOL?"

"Yes, but it's not as stealthy as Mirishial's latest jet multirole fighter." This aircraft may be introduced some years later, but due to the threat posed by the Gra Valkas Empire, they may be able to accelerate the process."

"It would be interesting if we could buy their plane."

"I don't think so; they declared no country would buy this jet fighter unless they changed their opinions... Speaking of jet fighters, the Leifor Empire has just revealed their next model. It has not yet been introduced, but they intend to do so in their own airforce next month."

"Tell me a little more about their jet fighter."

"It's known as CA-Veggin. These planes have a top speed of 2,250 km/h. Its strength and categorization are comparable to the MAP 25 Flying Lion, and it has-"

They were surprised to feel an earthquake, which was not expected because their island is earthquake resistant. An earthquake is a sense of anything like a divine announcement or an impending threat.

"W-What's going on, our island should be earthquake resistant!" King Shihan stated.

"Don't tell me... Oh, this really is happening... we need to get to Lashingra Shrine immediately!"

Then they both race towards the Lanshingra Shrine, which is not far from the soothing room; when they enter the Lashingra shrine, the theorizer's ball glows white and dark.

"It's glowing a crimson red and azure blue color at the same time, it appears we have bad news for our future." According to King Minakanushi.

Shimagawa, who is dressed in purple wizard garb, is directly in front of them. She is an expert in the wizarding and also knows how to obtain information that has just been emitted from the ball of theorizer.

"My king... According to what I learned from this ball, there will be three bits of news: doubt, certainty, and the unknown."

"Shimagawa, please tell us everything we learned from the ball of the theorize." Said Minakanushi.

"The Fegahara Kingdom's future is dubious; please tell us everything from the ball of the Theorizer!" Said King Shihan.

"There is concern about our future nation's safety; something sinister from the Philades is marching to our homeland... The Ancient Sorcerous Empire has undoubtedly returned, the island we were scared of has risen from the depths of the sea, and the link connecting their planet to this globe has been reconnected... It is unknown how many people died as a result of the fight against the Ancient Sorcerous Empire, but it is safe to conclude that more than one billion people died."

"Because of the threat of the future, more than one billion lives have been reduced to nothing except dust or ashes... The races' alliance will be reformed to face the menace of the Ancient Sorcerous Empire..." Said King Shihan.

No one can anticipate the truth about Gloria's future, but they know it will be bloody due to the losses of people on both sides.

Gloria calendar: 04/11/1639, Province of Rajaf, Quila Kingdom, Rodenius Continent 07:28 AM.

The province of Rajaf is located in the heart of the Quila Kingdom; if Rajaf falls to the Louria Empire, the Louria Empire is on the doorstep of the province of Aturu; the capital city of Barrat are located in the province of Aturu.

As the situation in the Province of Rajaf deteriorated, the weather in the Quila Kingdom became warm, making it ideal for the Louria tank to march on the Quila Kingdom.

"Everyone, get out of here before the Louria army tortures you!" According to one of Quila's inhabitants who fled the Louria Army.

The Louria Army marches through the streets on horseback, blasting the beast men and dwarves with their magical bolt action weapons.

"Please don't shoot me, don't-" Said the young dwarves before she was shot with a magical pistol by one of Louria's men.

The citizens of Quila feel apprehensive and in misery. Meanwhile, General Snark and the Head of the Royal, Wizard Yamirei, are positioned behind the front lines.

"Our magic has healed most of our army in the Quila Kingdom, should you commit-"

"For the last time, keep your Supexploder skills and use them in the city of Barrat, because this place is too small in comparison to the city of Barrat."

“Hmm… In any case, our supply network appears to be a bit challenging because the topography of the Quila Kingdom is harsher than we anticipated. Should I ask for more planes to transfer the resources and ammunition?"

"Yeah, we bombed the train station too severely, so we can't carry resources and ammunition from the train until the train station we conquered is restored and operational as usual... Anyway, how is your wife doing?"

"Are you referring to Lanna? She is at ease on the battlefield, she assisted Louria's army in successfully capturing several cities in the Qua-Toyne Republic, and she is content with her position as the Royal Wizard's Vice Head... "And why are you asking?" Yamirei inquired, his left brow furrowed.

"Shouldn't you be fighting for the Qua-Toyne Republic?" In other words, the Qua-Toyne Armed Forces are significantly more dangerous and strong than the Quila Armed Forces."

“Why? So you want to be near my-"

"First and foremost, I am already married. Second, perhaps she will face an unanticipated peril, such as assassination..."

“Heh… She is protected since she possesses an old magical power known as a force field, as well as my capacity to employ this magical power in an emergency."

"Do you mean that ancient shield barrier that blocks every incoming attack with a force field?" That sounds incredible; can you do it right now?"

"Please forgive me, but I can't use the force field right now because I need to conserve my emergency energy for this; it's only used when an emergency event occurs."

"Emergency energy?"

"Yes, emergency energy or emergency power are used when a royal wizard is severely injured, such as when their legs or hands are being cut by enemies or when they try to flee from enemies but their legs are in too much pain to walk or even run."

“I see….”

A female Louria cop then approaches each of them.

"Please excuse my interruption, but we just heard about the Quila Kingdom and the Qua-Toyne Republic receiving military reinforcement from a World Union country."

"The World Union? Is there a rumored developing nation to the east of the Philades Continent? Let's examine what kind of reinforcement they got, and maybe we-"


"What the fuck was that?!" General Snark, yell.

Hundreds of Quila tanks, twenty Qua-Toyne tanks, and five World Union tanks may be seen from afar; the tank awes and surprises the Louria, and its shapes recall the power of the Ancient Sorcerous Empire.

"Are those enemy tank formations?"

"Prepare your artillery, then-"


Despite being 5000 meters distant, the World Union tank is already firing shells at the Louria, and its shots are faster and more repetitious than the Quila tank or even the Qua-Toyne Tank. The World Union tank's designation is MMBT-Elephanzer. These tanks have stealth technology and are unmanned, which means there is no personnel inside the World Union tank.


"What an extraordinary enemy assault! Their strike is so precise that it blows up our fucking tank!"

As the tank shoots machine guns and autocannons into the Louria army, they cry in agony.

"The adversaries are getting closer..."

While the enemy's tank marches, other enemies' armored vehicles such as APCs, IFVs, trucks, and even jeeps march toward the settlement.

"Shit, they've come for vengeance, and their counterattack is faster than we expected. General Snark, summon reinforcements, and inform them that we urgently require a dive bomber and another kind of bomber to destroy the enemy's tank!"

"Roger that!"

General Snark dashes to the command post and grabs the Magical Radio Ground or MRG, dials the number of the headquarters contact, and then presses the call button. He then begins speaking while his mouth is close to the microphone.

"This is General Snark, we are requesting reinforcement, I repeat, this is General Snark, we are requesting reinforcement!"

"This is Louria's temporary military base in the province of Olbo, we are accepting your request, Louria men with the powerful tank are on their way, estimated to arrive in twenty minutes, just hang in there," says the commander.

"We also want dive bombers, and we need them right away."

"Roger that, there's will be a squadron of dive bombers on the way."

"Royal Wizard Yamirei, I successfully requested reinforcement, and there would be-"

"Enemies firing multiple missiles into the skies, incoming artillery barrage attack!" exclaimed one of the Louria soldiers.

Four missiles were launched from the World Union's multiple missile launcher. The missile is known as HPMS (High Precision Missile Strike), and it has a futuristic form and a range of 1,000 kilometers. As it impacted the ground, there was a big explosion visible from the sky, which was horrifying and truly massacred the people.

Fortunately, Yamirei activates the emergency force barrier, shielding General Snark from explosions and wreckage.

"Are you alright?" Yamirei invites Snark to rise up while offering his hand.

"I didn't feel well... "We must-"

"Both of you freeze and don't move!"

Then, numerous Quila army members leveled their magical bolt action rifles and said, "Raise your hands now!"

As the Quila army instructed, both General Snark and Royal Wizard Yamirei raised their hands and were successfully arrested. With the support of the Qua-Toyne and World Union, the Quila army successfully repelled the Louria army in the province of Rajaf.

Ejey Fortification, Qua-Toyne Republic, Rodenius Continent, 09:31 AM.

The fortress artillery opened fire on the tank corps of Louria. The Louria army is screaming in agony as their bodies suffer from an explosion of artillery shells, tank shells, and even bullets from Louria guns.

 Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom!!!

As the Louria sniper prepares to snipe down the Qua-Toyne army operating the fortress artillery, they are sniped down by the Qua-Toynian sniper who utilizes World Union Sniper Rifle, they employ the Photonova Sniper rifle. The sniper rifle is caseless and much lighter than their own rifle; it fires a photon bullet that can penetrate stone walls or even hide behind a tree. It even has a sophisticated scope that can look through the structure or behind the object.

General Qranz, the commander of the Louria army, is in anguish after being shot in the stomach by an enemy photon bullet.

"Fuck those World Union reinforcements; we really need aircraft and tank reinforcement right now!" General Qranz exclaimed.

There are two LAHB-2 Supercitadel, Louria Heavy Bombers in the skies, and they are about to drop a bomb on the Qua-Toyne fortification that they are bringing. Anti-bunker bombs, incendiary bombs, and explosive bombs are all options.

"Enemies heavy bomber in sight, dropping a variety of bombs, take cover!"

The Qua-Toyne army instantly takes shelter as the bombing strike occurs; despite some of the Qua-Toyne bunkers being in ruins due to the explosion of the bomb, they were still able to live despite being severely damaged.4

The Qua-Toyne army immediately takes cover as the bombing strike occurs; despite some of the Qua-Toyne bunkers being in ruins due to the explosive of the bomb, they were still able to survive despite being severely injured; more than 80% of the Qua-Toyne army on Ejey fortification is in such bloody pain that some of them can only craw or have no hand.

"Sh*t, it appears our fortifications have been overrun... Is the reinforcement still some distance away... We desperately need them..."

"Everyone, take a look at the skies; there are multiple friendly missile barrages!"


More than ten missiles hit the enemy territory, putting an end to the Louria army, which was deployed by World Union volunteers. To push back the opponents, multiple Qua-Toyne and World Union tanks, APCs, and IFVs are stationed behind her.

"This is General Nou; we will lead the armored division to the border and push them back; I want the Qua-Toyne army to back us up and assist the supply division; we are marching on!"

"Roger that, we are counting on you!"

10:09 AM, conference room, Jin-Hark castle, Jin-Hark, Louria Empire.

The King Hark Louria and the Queen are not present in this conference session because they are both outside the conference room.

"It's only been a week, but the Louria Empire has already lost over 10,000 troops. How could this happen?!?" Field Marshall Patagene stated.

Field Marshall Patagene is enraged because he realizes the Louria dominance strategy has backfired because the Qua-Toyne and Quila armies are pushing back their force.

"Don't worry, we have five Corelear power that our bomber can drop." This Corelear power is capable of annihilating entire cities with no survivors." Air Chief Marshall Elnath stated.

"He is correct; we can halt their counterattack with the assistance of our navy and airforce." Prime Minister Maus stated.

"You are right, but how many heavy bombers do we have?"

"We have a total of 200 LAHB-1 Elitecitadel, 20 LAHB-2 Supercitadel, and two LAHB-3 Hypercitadel." We can transport each LAHB-3 Hypercitadel to their respective capitals, Barrat and Polihark."

"All right, is our Corelear bomb ready to go?"

"Yes, we have Archaos, Bombastic, Corruptor, Devastator, and Enderlifes Corelear bombs." We will maintain three Corelear in case, if necessary, one of our Corelear can be used to nuke the World Union."

"First and foremost, we must ensure that the Qua-Toyne Republic and Quila Kingdom are in ruins; they must surrender or make a white peace with our country before we can deal with the World Union." I don't believe a land invasion is viable, but we can bombard the World Union mainland with every aircraft we have... "Where are all of these four Corelear located?"

"They are at the Nahnettum base, a secret facility." They'll use the secret truck to deliver to our bomber."

"Hmm, I hope this weapon is secure and not in the hands of the enemy..."

They continued talking about the Corelear idea until late at night. Meanwhile, in certain bedrooms, there is King Hark Louria's Advisor, Stureremil, who is currently sitting on a chair and reading a legendary book.

"I miss my wife; I wish she wasn't departed yet..."

"Don't worry, you will be reunited with her in HELL!!!"

"Who are you?"

Someone stabs him from behind, and Stureremil tries to scream but he is too weak and dies instantly, falling to the ground, the killer wearing a black hoodie, he is now cleaning the blood on the ground and covertly putting him in the wardrobe. He takes the MRG and calls someone.

"We've killed him effectively... What will my next mission be?"

"Capture King Hark Louria and Queen Shi Louria, as well as their daughter and Prime Minister Maus, if possible." Then you take over the entire country and fly the Annonrial Empire flag."

"Understandable, but what about the Corelear weapon and the World Union with their allies, such as the Qua-Toyne Republic and the Quila Kingdom?"

"As for the Corelear weapon, leave that to our secret military services, who are on a mission to acquire the Louria Corelear weapon... In order for the Rodenius fight to continue, you must rapidly seize them before the World Union and their allies capture the Jin-Hark; this will be more difficult if the World Union officially joins the fight against the Louria Empire."

"Aren't they already at war?"

"Aren't they already at war?"

"They're only sending volunteers and military aid, but it's a big step for the Qua-Toyne Republic and the Quila Kingdom to push back the Louria army."

"All right then... I'll get four of them as soon as I can..."

"Good luck, we are counting on you!"

Castle Lampall. Kilcrus, Inertia Kingdom 

Castle Lampall is a gold-plated castle located in the heart of Kilcrus. King Irtis XIII and Queen Artis XIII are having a private talk with their children, Aethes and Lumina, inside Castle Lampall.

"My darling son and daughter... I want you to leave the Inertia Kingdom the next day, but don't worry, Viri will accompany you." King Irtis XIII said.

"Don't be sad or worried, my lovely dear children; we'll all be fine." Queen Artis XIII stated.

Prince Aethes and Princess Lumina adore their father and mother; both do not want their mother to perish or be slaughtered at the hands of the Gra Valkas Empire.

"No, despite the fact that the Gra Valkas Empire has the ability to kill both of us, I and my sister will remain in the Irnetia Kingdom."

"No, my son, for the sake of Irnetia's future, I want both of you to leave this location the next day, it may be our last order, but please... Do it…”

"Yes, Father, we will do as both of your commands..." Said Prince Aetes before start crying.

Both of them leave their parent's room, Princess Lumina crying, and Prince Aethes feeling unhappy that he will leave their parent in the Irnetia Kingdom, fearing their parent will perish in the hands of the Gra Valkas Empire. He can only pray to God for the safety of their parents. After their children have left, King Irtis summons them to his bedroom.

"Yes, my king and queen, how may I help you?"

"Bring Aethes and Lumina, they won't be safe in here." I knew they'd miss us, but... It's all for their own benefit..."

"Don't worry, your Majesty, I, Lord Viri, have already prepared everything I need, and I will accompany them to the Unified Kingdom of Mu..."

"All right, you can go now... Oh, and this is our family portrait, which I want you to preserve till Aethes and Lumina grow up."


As Viri exited the King and Queen's bedroom, he went straight to his brother's planning room, Bealey Mcwell's.

"Little Brother..."

"... Ah, yes, my diplomatically gifted younger brother, speak up."

"... Surely you are not being evacuated with our majesty and my children? This would be my final offering to you, big brother..."

Bealey Mcwell take a deep breath and then said, “No, I am a fighter, not a loser who fighting outside of the Inertia Kingdom, I am the soldier of the Inertia Kingdom, who would defend the homeland if the army is scared? Noone. So that’s why I will be here to defend the Inertia Kingdom. The Inertia Kingdom is our born place. Little brother, I understand you don’t want to leave this beautiful place and go fight alongside me but you need to understand that you are different, it’s not like I am saying you are a loser or pathetic Irnetian, NO, THAT IS WRONG!!!... You are special, you are a diplomat while I am a soldier, I am fighting on the battlefield while you are fighting on the politic, you aren’t effortless diplomatic because we know that everyone sees you as a strong and best diplomat in the Inertia Kingdom, so that’s why I want you to fight through your way which is in a politic way… Your preparation would be in the Unified Kingdom of Mu. That will be your place for trained yourself before facing the battlefield full of politics…”

"I will always love and care for you, I may die as the Gra Valkas Army shoots my head, but I always watch the progress of this world through heaven, just remember about this little brother...," Bealey Mcwell remarked, tapping Viri on the shoulder. "Your big brother is always keeping an eye on you in any place and any time..."

Viri wipes his tears away with his palm and smiles, adding, "You are right brother, I am a diplomat, a politician, and a soldier, and I will fight in my own way, just as you do. We may always have opposing viewpoints and physical appearances, but we will be always the same and strong because we are both family, goodbye big brother, cause I will miss you..."

Then Viri left the room with coincidences of his future path about being diplomatic; he may still be concerned about his brother and the majesty's safety, but he is now trusting them that everything will be fine; all he needs to do is do his own task as an Inertia Kingdom diplomat.