Vol 1, Chapter #1 Life?
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Why do I get up in the morning? Is it so support my family? No, they packed up and left. To play video games? No point. It's all fake, and doesn't do nothing but raise the electricity bill. I see no benefit. But when I sleep, it's paradise. No worries. I can go on my own adventures for a short amount of time. I can sit under trees in a slight breeze under the night sky. It takes me on a ride, and it drives me crazy. I feel like I made it in life, as I'm stargazing.

But, everyone wakes up at some point. What I see then, is a white ceiling, and numerous bottles and trash laying around my room. It grounds me back to the earth, to be forever trapped. I'm supposed to have a job interview today, but I don't want to work. I need the money, but I have no motivation to get it. I wish I had the power to teleport somewhere far away. 


Whatever. I have to get ready for school. 

[On the way to School]

Luckily for me, the school is across the street, so I don't have to walk far. It's a well maintained school, with everything you'd expect. The pathway to the entrance is lined with blossoming trees, with the student council greeting everyone. People laughing, having their conversations with groups of friends. What is a friend? Define friend. Is it somebody you share personal memories with? Create memories? Rely on when you needed help the most? Am I a good friend? Somebody has the answers to everything, I just wish I knew who did.


[Bell rings]

Crud. I'm gonna be late to class. Not that I care. 

[In the classroom]

Teacher: "Ok. Everyone in your seats. Koy, you are late again. How many times have I told you to be here before the bell?"

"What do you want me to do about it? Fucking go back in time?"


Teacher: "Watch your tone mister. Just because your family left you does not give you an excuse to be late to class."

Class: "Ooooooooooooooh. He's in trouble. Haha. Loser. Fucking idiot."

Tacher: "That's enough class. Koy, take your seat."

Whatever. This class has no point to it. I just wanna sleep. Dream back to that tree under the stars. I take my seat, and everybody is staring at me. Do I have something on my face? What the fuck? I don't like attention. I just wish I could disappear. Become invisible so nobody can see me. 


Just start the lecture already.


That tree on the hill. It is indescribable. I've seen it so many times, and yet, never have and probably never will. That breeze on my face takes my worries with it, as my eyes fixate on the countless stars. The sun dissipating over the horizon, the feeling of the grass on my back. I wish I could slow time to look at this longer.


Teacher: "Koy? Koy. Koy! KOY! Wake up!"

Of course. Every time I go back there, I leave as soon as I arrive. 

Teacher: "School ended an hour ago. Sigh* I need to have a talk with you."

It wouldn't be the first time. She always just says the same shit. "You need to pay attention. Your future is in your hands. I can't force you to succeed in life." Just shut the fuck up already. 

Teacher: "Koy. Answer me this: Do you dream?"


Teacher: "When you sleep, do you dream?"

"Well... yes. Everyone does."

Teacher: "What do you dream of?"

Should I tell her? Maybe she will understand. Understand what? What is there to understand? Everything is pointless. Maybe.

"Well, I dream about laying down underneath a tree on a hill, stargazing. Every night. The same dream. It relaxes me, and lets me take a break from my life."

Teacher: "Well...then, maybe you should be a park ranger. Care for the trees and that hill you dream of."

What the fuck? No. Where would you get that from? 

"That's not what I-"

Teacher: "Well, that's all I wanted to ask. As long as you have a goal for yourself. To be a Park Ranger. That's good. You are dismissed. Don't be late to class tomorrow."

What the fuck just happened? I thought she would get the image but no. Oh my fucking god she just pisses me off so much. I just wish people would understand me.
