[Vol.2] Episode XXIII: Trials of Chaos, Pt.2
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This story follows Gallas Hafthyr’s perspective.


Condescending. It feels as such. An ever-present and looming sensation of an incomprehensible figure looking down upon me. The feeling is not welcome. The terror of the chaos wilds, as told by the monks of the Church of Odaoqith, has not been exaggerated.


Fear the unknown, yet remain resolute in its presence.


For those not part of the Church’s order, or even those members still unfamiliar, it is a saying that is much too difficult to comprehend. How does one act fearful yet remain uncompromising? Those who hail from learned backgrounds answer with bravery. For one only becomes brave in the presence of fear. To act mighty in the face of terror is to be courageous.

Although the monks accept the answer, the way they teach it relies on a different dogma. The complete indifference to external factors, whether it is pleasure or pain. To “fear” the unknown, as they teach it, is not to be afraid and surrender one’s own peace of mind to the terror it imposes. To “fear” it is to recognize its threat as something outside of one’s own control. Expel all responsibility to understand and control it. Utilize no effort to dominate it. Abandon the concept of universal superiority.

One is most powerful in one’s own domain. Once all thoughts of needing to come out as most remarkable are diminished, one can attain absolution. Fear is an instrument of recognition and respect. 

In less than two seconds after the veil collapsed, all seven of us fell to our knees upon receiving the full brunt of the chaos wilds’ combined pressure and draining. The arena where the preliminaries were held is nothing but a joke. A tickling feeling that barely posed a threat. This time… Even breathing feels like inhaling ash and smoke. I cannot help but wonder just how things would turn out if I hadn’t used my Earth Saint magic as protection.

Still, what occupies my mind more is the fact that there are two of us that are capable of using Saint magic in the same class. For its rarity and almost “unique” level of magic, this coincidence almost feels authored. I look up as my body starts to get accustomed to the level of mana I have to continuously exert to — at the very least — stay mobile.

I pick myself up, still shaking in the knees, and survey the crowd of seven. Ayen Norleth managed to keep herself seated while raising her hands, maintaining the protective and regenerative ice spell that she cast prior to mine. The Vanguard of Horith is holding up quite well. The rumbling of the soil and snarls outside definitely indicate that there are already monsters prowling the vicinity. If any of them chooses to attack, the vanguard will hold its ground and reflect 30% of the damage it incurs back to the attacker. Still, none of this is sustainable.

Ayen Norleth is already panting heavily. Saida Narira is on her hands and knees beside the ice mage, offering support, yet nothing more than encouragement. I don’t believe her polar magic offers any sustainability spells. As for the others, I believe they’re a few steps behind on trying to regulate the density of their mana cloaks.

Yet there is an obvious outlier. Ayre Vasatra. This human. This anointed elf. Adopted by the most powerful mage in all of the Cyranic; constantly monitored by a legendary dragon hailing from the distant continent of Asiluzon; protected by the royal family. I’ve even heard rumors of him being a mythical figure called a Dreamwalker, yet it has not been formally recognized.

Humans. The most recent offspring of the land. The infants of the world. The only beings that are not innately gifted with the connection to mana and cursed with the shortest lifespan out of all intelligent and social life. Yet blessed by numbers that somehow dominate over all other life and place them as a terrible threat against the natural order.

How is it that a human, cursed with such a frail constitution that mages of their kind have to resort to devious means to use magic, is currently standing tall and seemingly unaffected while all of us are struggling to even breathe? Just what are you, Ayre Vasatra? I fear you.

“Oy! Earth Saint guy! Really appreciate the giant golems. You’re definitely coming in clutch! Hearing these beasts circling us is making me shiver.” Idril Foz smilingly addressed me as he struggled to stand up.

He wobbles toward me, seemingly offering to give a courtesy bow.

“No need for pleasantries. I made the most logical call. I’m sure that everyone immediately knew that sticking together is the most effective strategy.” I replied.

“Oh, don’t be so coy. My father wouldn’t let me inside the house if he knew that I did not express my gratitude and give credit where credit is due.” Idril Foz answered with a firm expression.

“Your father must be an honorable man,” I replied

“The most honorable! You don’t become Captain of the Interior Force without it!” Idril Foz smilingly expressed himself.

His smile could almost fool me, yet the dripping sweat from his face tells me that he’s struggling just as much as everyone else. Except for Ayre Vasatra. He’s just standing there, looking up at the sky from the box-shaped gap made by the shields of the four golems.

I look at the other loner, Toross Beala, as he sits in one corner, also looking at Ayre Vasatra with furrowed brows.

“I can’t forget to thank you too, Lady Ayen. I’m sure we’re only able to have time to balance and reform our mana cloaks thanks to your spell.” Idril Foz slowly turned to face Ayen Norleth.

“You’re welcome…” Ayen Norleth strugglingly replied.

“Uhm!! Is there something I can do?? I really want to help!” Saida Narira said frantically.

Come to think of it, she is not expressing as much tension or exhaustion. There are signs, she’s not like Ayre Vasatra, but she definitely is handling it differently. There are definitely days when I wish to have been born with the gift of sight, or mana perception as they call it.

“Oy… Ayre…” Toross Beala says while shivering and almost drenched in his own sweat.

The human doesn’t respond. His gaze is completely fixed above.

“Listen to me when I talk to you!” Toross Beala erupts in a rage.

Ayre Vasatra remains unfazed. Toross Beala is struggling to get up. He pants heavily as his sweat drips to the floor with each step.

“Oy, Toross… You’re not well. Sit down.” Geta commented, sitting down himself.

“Toross, please! Whatever it is, it can wait.” Saida joins in while looking back and forth between the lightning mage and Ayen Norleth.

Toross Beala raises his pointed finger at Ayre Vasatra. Shaking wildly.

“This guy… He didn’t even flinch when the pressure hit!! Now he’s just staring blankly like a damn lunatic! Why are none of you questioning this??” Toross Beala said angrily, swinging his trembling arm around to point at everyone.

“Calm down…” Idril Foz joined in tempering the enraged lightning mage.

Be quiet.” Ayre Vasatra finally responds.

“HUH!? What did you say!?” Toross Beala, despite the pain, rushes toward the human and tugs on his overcoat.

Ayre Vasatra slowly raised his hand. He points his finger at the gap he has been staring at all this time. The way he ignores the lightning mage just fuels his rage. After a few seconds more, an eyeball peeks in for a few split seconds before instantly disappearing.

Seeing it instantly sent chills to my spine. The eeriness is something that would make even a brave man shiver. Its eyes expressed such a hunger for blood that would not even translate into words. Ayre Vasatra has been looking at it this whole time? You keep giving me reasons to be interested…

“Oy… What the fuck!? What the fuck was that, Ayre!?” Toross Beala shook him by the collar.

“I said, be quiet.” The human finally broke his gaze and turned his golden irises toward the lightning mage, exuding a terrifying presence without actually exerting mana pressure.

Toross Beala staggered backward. His furrowed brows showed his annoyance, yet also somewhat recognize Ayre Vasatra’s inherent authority when it comes to power. Everyone else fell silent. Beyond the dozens of grumbles and footsteps of the monsters prowling outside of the earth walls, there is a faint sound emanating from the outside. Barely noticeable, at best.

“You hear that? Keep your attention to it. Then as soon as the monster above peaks again…” Ayre Vasatra said while nervously staring up at the gap above.

As soon as the horrific eye appeared, the sound intensified. Just a little bit, but the difference is noticeable for those paying attention.

“You catch it? The sound is coming from that eye. I don’t know about any of you, but I’m pretty sure that’s a similar sound to the whirring noise that Beast Mage Munsong’s bird thing made when it cast an illusion.” Ayre Vasatra explained.

“So… Are you saying that all of these beasts surrounding us are just illusions?” Idril Foz asked the human mage.

“No, that’s too much of a gamble to make. I’m just saying that we can’t completely trust what our senses are perceiving. It would be nice if that’s the reality, but the reverse could also be said.” Ayre Vasatra answered, pondering his thoughts.

“Reverse?” Saida asked for a confirmation.

“He means that there could be a lot more beasts than what we can sense,” I answered.

Quite the useful observation, Ayre Vasatra. You are definitely proving yourself to be a useful member of this make-shift team.

“Then… Shouldn’t we just stay inside, then? I mean, up until this point, we haven’t really had any problems just staying here, right? I don’t see any reason why we have to leave.” Idril Foz said with a nervous smile.

“Incorrect. As it stands, the Vanguard of Horith is at 68% of its strength. We do not notice it, yet my internal connection tells me that it is taking considerable damage.” I shared information.

“68%?? We’ve only been here for like 10 minutes! You didn’t think to share this vital information earlier, huh?!” Toross Beala once again exploded in rage.

“Shut the fuck up, Toross! You’re contributing nothing but annoyance and disorientation!” Geta Teriza stood up, wobbling for a bit, and shouted at the lightning mage.

“Enough!!” Ayen Norleth finally joined the conversation.

She no longer possesses the Ice Saint armor granting her the capability to cast the regenerative spell. From this point forward, we will have to endure the totality of the chaos wilds’ punishment. She is heavily panting on all fours while Saida Narira is right beside her, offering comfort.

“We get nothing with arguments! Let’s focus on the facts that we know of.

    • The beasts outside do not represent the totality of our enemies.
    • They could be fewer or more, we have no idea.
    • The nightmare creature that peeks from time to time is the cause of the illusion.
    • Our earth wall protection will not last us anything more than another 10 minutes of safety.

Within that time, we have to come up with a strategy to keep ourselves safe. Any takers?” Ayen Norleth spoke with regality amidst all the pressure.

Perhaps there are some benefits from having a team member with a lifetime of practice when it comes to political dealings.

“One thing’s for sure, if these walls come down, we won’t be able to defend ourselves. We’re in a clearing. An open area without any other natural protection.” Idril Foz said nervously.

“Agreed. Defending a spot where there are natural barriers would definitely be beneficial.” I say nodding.

“Regardless of where we go from here, I say we need to figure out exactly what the fuck is going on.” Toross Beala finally calmed down enough to participate normally.

“For once, you actually make sense.” Idril Foz comments while looking at the lightning mage with an appreciative smile.

Toross Beala just scoffs at the fire mage.

“In terms of illusion magic, it does not exist without its inherent limits. An illusion, no matter how strong the caster, will have at least detail that is out of order.” Geta Teriza began his explanation.

“Like the stars that Ayen noticed earlier!” Saida Narira commented.

“Exactly. Noticing this detail immediately breaks the illusion.” Geta Teriza added.

“If that’s the case, why hasn’t it been broken yet? Didn’t we already notice that the monsters we’re currently perceiving aren’t the correct number?” Idril Foz asked.

“No. The detail is something minute. Something out of place in the environment that the caster would definitely like to keep hidden. Whatever the caster projects as illusions do not count as this detail.” Geta Teriza answered.

“How are we supposed to find something like that?” Ayen Norleth said with worry.

“None of the other options are easy.” Geta Teriza expressed hesitation.

“Let’s hear it anyway,” I said firmly.

“Don’t forget that I didn’t warn you. I don’t want to hear any complaints about impossibility.

    • Overpowering the caster with an overwhelming amount of mana that is at least double what the caster is using.
    • Casting illusion magic that breaks the original caster’s sense of reality while keeping hold of one’s own.” Geta Teriza listed.

The group fell silent. No one in this group is in a position to even attempt using a powerful attack against the caster. Everyone is gravitating toward the second option, yet the only illusion mage in the group is the most hesitant. He is gripping his hand so tight that his knuckles are far lighter.

“I guess we don’t have a choice.” Geta Teriza answered.

I’ll give it my best.” He added, an unwavering force burning in his eyes.

A wave of relief, even if small, wafted over the whole group. Despite being in a state of anxiety, an option is presented. Interesting…

“First, I need to catch the caster off guard. Some wild distractions would decrease their concentration.” Geta Teriza pondered.

“I can help with that.” Ayen Vasatra answered.

“There’s an interval of about 16 seconds between each peek. We can time a powerful attack directly at the point when they expose their fucking disgusting eyeball. Saida, Toross, Idril, can I count on all of you to help me out on this one?” Ayre Vasatra smiled with such charisma that even Toross was compelled to nod in response.

I think the lightning mage surprised himself that he agreed so quickly.

“That’s perfect. Thank you, Ayre. I’ll trap that monster in an illusion right as your attacks land. If we’re lucky, that should break the illusion surrounding us.” Geta Teriza slowly approached the human, staggering with each step, to give him a tap on the shoulder.

“Given that it works, your attack will surely trigger the aggression of the rest of the monsters surrounding us. Regardless of the number, my golems will surely not hold up.” I commented.

“Have any suggestions?” Geta Teriza asked.

“I will move the golems to a half-moon formation, then we charge forward along with the golems. I have an Earth Saint magic that can roll the ground forward in a small area for faster movement. We’ll be leaving one side of us exposed, but that will at least pile them up.” I answered.

“The crazy just doesn’t stop with this group, doesn’t it?” Toross Beala expressed his disagreement.

“No, I think it makes sense. Opening a part of the wall funnels the enemies into a single point of entry. No matter how many there are, we can take them in one by one. I don’t know all of your capabilities, but I’m confident we can take them down.” Idril Foz smilingly said.

I nodded at the fire mage, agreeing with his points.

“I think I have it in me to use Blizzard Cloak one more time. But after that, I’m completely out of it for at least an hour or so.” Ayen Norleth commented.

“That’s more than enough. Our composition severely lacks restorative and sustainability skills. Perhaps it is also one of the things this test is making us realize.” I commented.

“Is everyone ready?” Ayre Vasatra asked, generating a massive amount of pressure around him as he charges up for an attack.

Idril Foz and Geta Teriza smile in the presence of this abnormality. The attack squad: Ayre Vasatra, Idril Foz, Saida Narira, and Toross Beala, all charge up for an attack on the human mage’s cue. Once it lands, Geta Teriza will use his illusion magic to attempt and break us out of this spell. Once the illusion breaks, we charge forward in an attempt to get out of this open area.

Ayen Norleth is already concentrating to cast another Ice Saint spell. If we make it through this, survival until dawn is most definitely possible.

Despite the absolute pain that we are feeling as we tread the soil of the chaos wilds, there is no one inside of this earth structure that is on the brink of giving up. All of us are afraid. All of us fear the unknown, yet all of us stride forward. May the heart of the land bless our every step.