Prologue-12-Exploring a new world
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The conductors are those who have an innate affinity towards an all incopacing energy which many still to this day can't fully comprehend. It is said that all the miraculous deeds that conductors have performed using the void energy can be considered only scratching the surface and the true capabilities are much more extraordinary.

From what has been observed from this mysterious energy, it can be found in its highest concentration where there are spacial fenomenon: newly born suns, dying suns, wormholes,black holes, spacial nebulae, areas of collision of celestial bodies etc... Many theories try to explain this behavior such as the energy being product of whenever there is an enormous release of some form or energy or that the void energy is the one responsible for those fenomenon in the first place.

But regardless of how it is formed or its impact on the whole, many experiments have confirmed that it's presence can dictate the likelihood of the birth of conductors on nearby planets. Furthermore the type of fenomenon can dictate the type of conductors that will emerge.

Those that are nearby a nearly formed sun have a higher likelihood of kinetic manipulators, more especially pyrokinects, while dying suns yield cryokinects, wormholes and black holes yield spacial manipulators and so it goes. 

Despite it's effect on the population of planets and space stations, it is completely harmless and undetectable by those that lack the affinity, being exclusively used by the conductors to express their habilities and by leviathans: giant space wandering creatures that seem to sustain themselves exclusively by absorbing void energy. Their behavior tends to be very pacifist and they ignore any ships that approach them unless they are repeatedly provoked.

The means from which the conductors transform the harmless void energy into the various types of destructive energy are the 'templates', that are engraved into the conductor's brains after they use an void crystal or naturally uncover after some time circulating the energy on their circuit.

This template that exists on their brain is called: Nexus and it is in their most basic form a series of equations, formulas and complicated diagrams that are responsible for making this conversion. To this day no one has been able to transcribe the nexus, all those who dedicated their lives to doing so where met with failure in all their attempts and eventually gone insane. The reason for such persistent attempts is to uncover how an conductor works and it is the key to allowing those that do not possess the innate ability to wield this power.

Each conductor possess the template for a single power, that is the reason that those who express one ability cannot learn another one, for example: an space manipulator cannot replicate the abilities of an mind manipulator regardless of learning the techniques to do so.

'This book really is a treasure trove of new and useful information' Thinks Alabaster whilst feeling great satisfaction. The bookworm within him is elated while acquiring all this  new information from a book he was given for free.

It has been a day since the end of the ceremony, after seeing his ability Alabaster wasn't happy nor sad but quietly calculating the possibilities that this power would give him, the then devastated Salasha didn't even had the energy to say anything else before leaving, she obviously didn't extend an invitation after seeing his result since he would have nothing to gain inside the order. But despite his last result the  fact that he was a monstrous genius didn't change, so before leaving she gave him an codex that explain the basics of being a conductor, which he is currently reading and absorbing every last spec of knowledge contained within.

After yesterday's ceremony came to an end, he was bombarded with an shower of questions from the people of the audience that were both curious about his experience in the ceremony and worried about his overall health. After assuring everyone that he was fine he was finally allowed to leave.

The ones with the biggest reaction among them were his parent's, it seems that they were not only feeling both of the above but also extremely relieved that he didn't have to leave. They must have thought that if the old lady from the order had extended an invitation he would accept without any hesitation, but it was for naught. He had no plans of joining the order even if he was invited and guaranteed the best conditions, this is because doing so would mean giving up everything else, dedicating solely on his path as a conductor and he didn't put on so much effort training learning so many things up till now just to give everything up. His father also told him about the privileges that augumenters recieve in the army, and since he was already planning to attend military school this was welcome news. 

Meanwhile with Jonathan and Leon, both didn't care much about him becoming a conductor and weren't going to treat him differently regardless of what was the result. While Jonathan focused mainly on congratulating and telling how fortunate he is for being able to witness the young lord becoming an adult, from now on he would no longer be referred as a 'young' lord. Leon on the other hand wasn't very interested in noble customs and was just curious about how much of his "training" He could endure now that he became one of those strong and mysterious conductors he heard about.

And finally there was Beatrice, she was acting nonchalantly about the whole thing, saying things like: 'I expected no less from my master' and 'if I was able to do it than there is no reason you couldn't' but things rapidly changed when he asked her if she was looking at his body when he undressed to enter the pool. From then on she has been avoiding making any contact with himf, it will probably take a while for her to return to normal.

After the banquet during the day and the ceremony at night he was completely exhausted and after laying on his bed he fell asleep instantly.

In the next day things started as usual, with him completing his morning training but he decided to ask for an relieve from the lessons in order to read the codex he was given, which Jonathan reluctantly agreed as long as he promised to not slack off on his studies from now on.

And that has brought him to this moment, after reading all the information the book had about the void energy and finding out about the nexus, wich made him discover another competency of conductor: mental acuity, which since the nexus was basically a bunch of equations and diagrams inside someone's brain then their mental power would dictate the consistency, speed and precision in wich the energy conversion occurs. One thing to note is that all that mental work occurs subconsciously meaning that becoming a conductor doesn't require someone to be a math genius, that is also the reason that nobody was able to transcribe the template they had despite already being inside their heads.

This new parameter is one that he was confident in also being very high, after all since his birth he always had an advantage on others when it came for his mental capability and it should extend to the efficiency of his nexus as well. 

Now he moved on to read about the various different abilities that someone may get when they become a conductor, that was in order to compliment and complete the information he already had on the subject.

Outside of a few examples and new applications for the production and combat powers and a few bits and pieces of information about the soul manipulators that remain the most rare and mysterious of the bunch, most of it is information that he already knew. What he was really interested in was the information about the special powers, since they were the ones he knew the least about after the soul manipulators and were the most relevant since his own power is an special type.

The first type were the biomancers or 'healers' as they're most commonly called, as the name suggests they are supports who specialize in healing injuries, curing diseases and poisoning. One interesting thing that he discovered while reading the book is that although healers can help others their powers, it cannot be used on themselves, wich makes them very vulnerable. 

The last type are the augumenters or enhancers, they much like the healers are considered a support type, meaning that their powers can only be used when there is someone else present to use it on and by themselves much like the healers their power is completely useless. They are capable to make so those under the effect of their power have an increased: strength, speed, toughness, reflex and mental performance, aiding them in whatever activity they may choose to do.

But, that still leaves one question to be answered. 'Why are enhancers not welcomed in the order when all other types including the production focused ones are?'

The answer that he found was a very unexpected but at the same time a very understandable one: their ideology.

Enhancers are not very popular on the order because their presence has caused quite a few problems for the organization as a whole. An enhancer can be extremely helpful to a conductor, both in combat or when they are performing some extremely sensitive experiment, and over time the conductor starts to develop a dependency on the enhancer which has in turn caused many conductors to become much weaker when the enhancer in question is not present. There has also been many cases of conflicts and many murders that took place in order for someone to be partnered up with a enhancer, wich led to enhancers being forbidden to aid normal conductors, even them they were left with another issue, the enhancers as supports need others to protect them and with them being prohibited from using their power in their fellow conductors had to resort to bringing subjects or slaves for it, the order as a isolationist organization didn't like having non conductors among them and eventually stopped recruiting enhancers to join their circle.

Healers meanwhile are also supports, but do not carry with them the same problems, since healers are essential for the health and well being of others and all conductors know that healers are an asset to everyone. So it is on everyone's interest to protect them, rather than trying to monopolize like an enhancers, since wounds are common appear when competing with each other or performing dangerous experiments.

In order for it to be easier to understand I can give an example:

Let's suppose that to conductors are rivals and have decided to settle their differences in a competition, be it combat or any other subject. In this particular situation if there was a single enhancer present, both would try anything, even dishonorable methods to get him on their side since he would provide an enormous advantage to whoever succeeded, even if the duel did not permit their interference, they could still help in making preparations before the competition, the advantage you could get beforehand would be enough to ensure your victory. On the other hand, if there was only one healer, both would be very courteous and try to stay in his good side since they know that regardless of the outcome of the competition they would both need him afterwards in case any mishaps occurred.

The first example would generate discord, conflict and a lot of headache for the order,even among the high echelons of the organization. Meanwhile the second example would create a much more cordial and safe environment for everybody involved.   

Not to say the enhancers aren't valued by the order, they are still sought to make connections, to call for aid whenever the order needs it or if there is an very talented apprentice wich the order thinks that is worth it to grant him a exclusive enhancer in order to aid him in his growth, they just not want them inside the order.

I am likely to be observed from now on by now by the order and they are currently waiting, in case that I grow to be a powerful or influential enhancer, they will once again contact me in order to make a connection. Specially considering that all my results were much above the average genius, that is a very smart way to still have enhancers at your command while avoiding conflicts that they bring.

His hypothesis was mostly correct with one exception. He may not current know, but he already caused a good stir among the order solely due to his enormous affinity and control that is unheard of among humans. But the reason he wasn't aproached by the order yet is not because they want to wait for him to develop, the reason they are biding their time is to have him realize the hardships of being a conductor. Advancing as an conductor can be very costly, especially for a Frontier noble do he would quickly hit a wall on his progress, him receiving this book was also a bait in order to show him the heights a conductor can reach and stimulate his ambition. And when he realizes the benefits the order provides he would approach them by himself, then they would be able to get much better terms in their future partnership and a talented enhancer on their side.

The next thing that I sought to learn is about the ways in which an conductor can become stronger, now that I got this power, I should use this information to start planning out what will I do to get stronger.

He discovers that to become stronger a conductor must condense their circuits after they reach their maximum size in order to achieve further growth, that also allows him to wield more condensed and pure energy that in turn allow him to wield more power, the ways to do so are varied but the most basic and the way described in the book is by shrinking his circuits, making condensation cycles, that way sacrificing what you accumulated so far in order to increase your limits. That is also the method that new apprentices use since in the first few cycles are fast, not worth the cost and this method gives you an stable foundation while later on when you have to accumulate energy for years, you would use other methods that retain your efforts while require more resources.

After taking a little while to organize his thoughts and start making plans with this new information, he finally makes up his mind. He puts away the book and prepares to head out.

"I have already accumulated all the theoretical knowledge I need for now, I just need to put it all to test. Its about time I start practicing with my new ability." He murmurs while thinking of someone he could use as his first test subject.

He may not have noticed, but his sudden craving to experiment is a very common trait among conductors. Considering his personality, a life as a conductor will fit him like a glove.