Chapter 2
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Screams and cries arose from the room where the soldiers were gathered. Some soldiers were banging their heads against the wall, while others were rolling on the floor. The pain they suffered was not a pain that could be described in words.

All of their bone and tendon cells were mutating and starting to have a different material feature. The black metal gaia core was a one-time use core that was used once and worked throughout the body. It does not require any nucleus essence to be active. The only bad thing is the incredible pain it caused during the integration process. In addition to the risk of sudden death in individuals with weak mental strength, it could also cause people to lose their mental health due to pain.

In a dimly lit room with several monitor screens, Professor Adam was watching the process.Suddenly, a voice appeared from behind.

“Professor, how are things going?”

The professor was startled by the sudden voice, but he answered without breaking his demeanor.

“Everything is fine, Mr. Evans.New batch soldiers this time are different from the others. We will see the fruits of many years of suicide soldier development.The soldiers you see are the first 2nd generation suicide soldiers.”

Evans was a pale-skinned bald man in a white suit.His eyes were completely white without irises. His voice was emotionless.

“Good. The Elder council has high expectation for the new generation soldiers. Don't let us down, Adam…”

When Professor turned his head back to the screens, the 3rd core integration was finished. A notification came to the screen.

"Professor, the process is complete.All soldiers are alive and starting to become stable. We've never been able to achieve 100% success in the integration of Black metal core before."

Evans was quite pleased with the result that appeared on the screens. The new generation of soldiers would certainly have higher odds of survival than the first generation.

Suicide soldiers was a high-risk-high-profit type of project for The Bunker. The bunker also had high-tech androids made entirely of robotic parts.But since androids alone did not have a gaia nucleus, they could only stay at a certain level of strength and couldn't develop. Compared to Suicide soldiers,They weren’t a cost effective solution. And Suicide Soldiers’ openness to development provided more benefits for the bunker in the long run.

Strath lost consciousness for a short time from the pain. Even though his eyes were misty when the process was over, he was able to see around again. The pain was more than the worst pain he had experienced in simulation. The biggest pain that happened to him in simulation was the removal of the bone marrow from his body without any painkillers. This pain was 10 out of 10 but the pain he was experiencing now was equal to 30/10.

“The pain finally ended. I really thought I was going to die. And I hadn't even started life yet.”

After waiting for the soldiers to come to their senses, the researchers led them to the 3rd and final room. As their name suggests, the Suicide soldiers were soldiers who were generally considered to be single-shot bullets. It was absolutely impossible for them to get used to the peaceful life in The Bunker. Only those who deserve freedom can have this privilege. And if they want to be free, they need to give profit to The Bunker.

The final room, like the others, was a simple, metal-walled room with overhead lighting. It had a shooting range for the use of various weapons and weapons. Here the soldiers were presented with the equipment they would use and were allowed to practice to get used to their use.

"This is the plasma rifle you see. Besides being used like a normal rifle, you can also fire bullets with higher fire power at close range in burst style by changing its mode. The charge of the Rifle works with nuclear energy. In this way, when your rifle's energy runs out, you can fill it with your own energy by touching the red trigger with your finger."

A bullet in the normal rifle mode of the rifle was strong enough to kill an elephant in the old world. And this was an automatic rifle. The destruction in the burst mode was beyond conventional weapons in the ancient world.

Alongside the rifle, each soldier was given a handgun and a set of 4 grenades. The combat armor of the soldiers was a primitive system consisting of light metal parts. Without any electronics, the armor provided only simple protection. There was a small pocket computer containing information and various long-lasting supplies. Finally, there was a black box. According to the soldiers, it was a storage box. Although it looked like a 15-centimeter cube, it had a storage area of ​​​​about 15 square meters.

A middle-aged, well-built officer with a cut mark from his eye to his chin stepped in front of the soldiers.

“I don't like to talk too much. You can call me Jerkin. For you soldiers, The bunker has 2 options.1. The option is to protect a relatively safe area for 10 years in a row in a strategic area outside The bunker. At the end of 10 years, you can get citizenship from The bunker and regain your freedom.

The second option is to go to the points determined by The bunker in the outside world and bring the valuable materials. The materials you will bring will be evaluated by the bunker. If you bring materials that will make you earn 100,000 bunker credits, you will be directly free. But I must say from the beginning, If you choose second option, your risk of death will be over 90%. But if you get lucky, you would have a chance to get your freedom even with one mission.Now lf you choose option 1,go to my right, those who choose the other option go through the door on my left.”

Evans smiled excitedly while professor remained silent. Because they both knew the answer. In suicide, the soldiers always chose option 2. Interestingly, no suicide soldiers chose option 1. Actually, this was a kind of test. If he chose to do so, a soldier who would be on this type of guard would also be quite valuable. Because this type of soldier would be less of a threat to The bunker.As a result, soldiers created as clones of this type could become hostile to the bunker. Many types of prototype soldiers were tested before the first generation suicide soldiers were created. In ancient times, some hateful soldiers did serious damage to The bunker. It took some time to perfect the Clone Process.

Accompanied by the worried glances of the officers, the soldiers all slowly but firmly moved towards the 2nd door. When they entered the door, they passed in front of the platform with a kind of portal. Many research assistants injected some kind of liquid containing serum into the arms of all the soldiers.

Jerkin turned to the Soldiers.” A liquid antidote injected into your arm. Some kind of poison was injected into your body inside the clone pool. This is just a precaution taken in case our Soldiers escape after exiting the bunker. The serum injected into your body will be enough for you for 60 days. If 60 days pass and you don't come back to the bunker which is I never want it to happen.You will definitely die. The portal you see in front of you will teleport you approximately 1 km beyond your destination. You can check all the materials you can bring from your pocket computer. The pocket computer also has the scanning feature. You can throw it into the box. When you collect the necessary materials, the portal will open at the end of the 60th day at the place you came from. After the portal opens again, it will close in 5 minutes. So set your time well. The stopwatch will be kept automatically on your mobile computer. You have 10 minutes to set up your groups before teleporting ”

Strath was genuinely surprised at this treatment. He knew that he would serve as a one-shot bullet, but he didn't think it was that worthless. The officers had literally treated them like garbage. It was as if these soldiers were something they would never see again.He looked down and tried to calm down. There was a madness boiling inside him and he didn't want anyone to see him that way.

'l have to wait a littler longer.l have to endure just a little longer..."

“The reality was worse than I expected.” Bernard came to Strath's side, smiling. Instead of sadness and anger, there was a war fever in his eyes that wanted to fight the obstacles that would come his way.

During their short talk, both of them were very excited about the Gaia cores and the unlimited powers they provide. They had turned into a super soldier before they even started their mission. Maybe they could be much more in the future. If they can survive.Probably the whole group was like this, except for Strath. He was very curious about what kind of simulation the other soldiers were in, but he didn't even have a chance to talk. In fact, he didn't want to talk about it either. Because what he was going to tell about his simulation would not be welcomed by anyone.

'All I have to do is survive. If I can bring the mentioned materials, I may have a chance to get back my freedom then l can plan for revenge.' he thought.

While Strath and Bernard were talking, a blonde-haired woman with the Ice-eyes approached them. She didn't say much except that her name was Evelin.

“My name is Eduardo.Hi blonde bomb.”

Evelin ignored Eduardo's kissing gesture. The Spanish had a really colorful personality. It seemed real that they probably wouldn't get bored during the trip.Finally, a short, brown-haired man with white skin came among them. He stated that he was a tactician, except that his name was Jonas.

“You've got quite the nerd vibes Jonas hehe.”

Eduardo had an odd nature to pull humor out of the slightest thing. Jonas ignored Eduardo's teasing. He seemed to have a quiet and cold-blooded personality.They had formed the minimum group of 5 people needed to go. They would not have a manager at their head. The soldiers felt that things had been too rushed. But there was nothing they could do. Before they could talk too much, it was time to Teleport. The new world was waiting for them.Apart from anxiety and excitement, each soldier had only one thought in his mind.

They weren't going to throw away their second chance.This time,they will do the things that they always wanted.They weren't going to waste their second life with regrets as before.