Dance Dance Infiltration
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Ruby is standing at the punch bowl and Jaune slides up to her.

Jaune:"I see you're hiding at the punch bowl too."

Ruby:"Yup."*She pops the P.*

Jaune holds his glass out.

Jaune:"To the socially awkward."

Ruby laughs and they clink their glasses.

Ruby:"Sorry things didn't work out with Weiss."

Jaune:"Meh, it's fine; Neptune's pretty cool. I get why she went with him."

Ruby:"What do you mean?"

Jaune:"Well, come on. Not many people can pull off blue hair."

Jaune sips from his glass.

Ruby:"No, I mean Weiss came to the dance alone."

Jaune chokes on his drink and he coughs.

Jaune:"Uh, what!?"

Ruby motions to the side and Jaune looks and sees Weiss coaxing up a wilting flower.

Ruby:"Yeah, she said she had too much to focus on to worry about boys."

Weiss is unsuccessful in trying to keep the flower from wilting. Then they hear laughter and they see Sun, Copper and Blake laughing at Neptune, he's doing some funny actions.

Jaune frowns and grunts.

Jaune:"Hold my punch."

Jaune holds his punch out and Ruby grabs it. Jaune walks over to Neptune and on his way to him Pyrrha walks by him and he stops. Jaune watches Pyrrha walk up some stairs.

Jaune goes and follows her.

Over to Copper.

Neptune leaves and he heads outside. Blake puts her hand on Copper's arm.

Blake:"I'm gonna go get some punch. Be right back."

Copper nods and she walks away. Copper looks to Sun and Sun gets excited.

Sun:"It worked!"

He laughs.

Sun:"I'm the best wingman ever."

Copper raises an eyebrow.

Copper:"You really didn't do anything though."

Sun puts a finger on Copper's lips.

Sun:"Don't ruin this for me."

Copper looks over to Blake, she's talking to Ruby. 

Sun:"Dude you should really just go for it."

Copper gains a small blush and he coughs.

Copper:"No tengo idea de lo que estas hablando."

Sun:"Really, you're deflecting in Vacouin."

Copper crosses his arms and a song comes on.

Copper:"I like this song."


(Start at 0:23)


Sun:"Just go for it!"

Sun pushes Copper in Blake's direction. 

Copper glares at Sun then he turns towards Blake and he sighs. He goes over to Blake and he holds his hand out to her.

Copper:"May I have this dance?"

Blake grabs his hand and Ruby claps.

Blake:"You may."

Copper smiles and pulls Blake towards him.

After a few minutes of Dancing.
(I'm not going to write a 4 minute dance scene.)

Copper dips Blake and they stare into each other. Their faces get closer and closer. Blake grabs Copper's hat and covers their faces as they kiss.

Suddenly people start to laugh and Blake out's Copper's hat back on his head and they stand back up.

Copper:"What's goin-"

Copper starts to laugh as he sees Jaune walking towards Pyrrha. wearing a dress.


Jaune:"Eh, a promise is a promise."

Pyrrha starts to laugh.

Pyrrha:"Jaune, you didn't have to."

Jaune:"Hey. An Arc never goes back on his word. Now do you want to stand there and laugh at me," *He holds his hand out to her.* "Or do you wanna dance?"

Another song comes on and Pyrrha grabs Jaune's hand.

Pyrrha:"I.. would love to dance."

Play this


Team JNPR starts to synchronize dance. 

Blake:"What's going on?"

Copper starts to dance.

Copper:"I have no idea, but I love it!"

Copper does a little dance and Blake laughs. Copper laughs and he holds his hand out to her and she grabs it and they start to dance together. 

Blake:"Your such a dork."

Copper smirks.

Copper:"But you love me."

Blake kisses Copper, he wasn't expecting it so he gains a massive blush and his tail tenses up behind him; Blake separates from the kiss.

Blake:"Yes, I do."




551 words