Round 2
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(After the fight)


Ecru boos.

Henry:"Calm down."

Copper:"I'd thought they were gonna win."


Copper and Ecru walk onto the arena stage.

Port:*P.A.* "We have Copper Gepard and Ecru Hi of Team CHSE from Vale."

People cheer.

Ecru:"We got this!"

Copper straightens his hat.

Copper:"I hope."

Then Copper sees two females walk onto the area stage.

One has messy red hair and dark hazel eyes. She wears worn clothing and wields a bo staff. 

The other has braided blonde hair and blue eyes. She wears simple clothing and wields an ono (handaxe) and shuriken.

Oobleck:*P.A.* "And have Maia Galven and Octavia Castiglione from Team MOSS."

Maia is the redhead and Octavia is the blondie. 

Maia:"Hey you're Copper, Los Vientos del Vacío."

Ecru tilts her head in confusion.

Octavia narrows her eyes and gets a better look.

Octavia:"Oh, he is."

Ecru turns to Copper with a confused look.

Ecru:"You're famous in Vacuo?"

Maia:"Oh he sure is."

Copper rubs the back of his head and nervously chuckles.

Octavia:"You know my father worked at that bank." *She gets angry.* He lost his job because of you!"

Ecru:"Bank? What did you do?!"

Copper:"Can we not talk about this."

The arena floor opens up and a Snowy forest comes up behind Copper and Ecru and a volcano comes up behind Maia and Octavia. 

Maia:"And you got my dad fired from his job at an Atlas military base!"

Ecru gives Copper a WTF face.

Ecru:"Just what did you do before you came to Beacon!"

Copper looks away from Ecru and lowers his hat a little. He looks to the crowd and sees Winter and she's glaring at him.

Port:*P.A.* "Three!"

Ecru slams her fist together and they catch on fire. Maia twirls her Bo staff around.

Port:*P.A.* "Two!"

Copper pulls 'Diamondback' out and twirls it around. Octavia holds a shuriken between her fingers and readys her axe.

Port:*P.A.* "One!"

A  yellow light covers Octavia's shuriken and Maia slams her staff into the ground. Ecru lowers her sent to the ground. Wind surrounds Copper's legs.

Port:*P.A* "Begin."

Copper and Ecru charge at Octavia and Maia. A golden tiger appears next to Maia. 

Ecru:"Let's end this quic-!"

The golden tiger hits Ecru and she's sent flying into the forest behind her.


A blue shuriken strikes Copper and he's sent flying into the forest. Copper flies back and he slams into a tree and it cracks behind him.


Port:*P.A.* "Almost an instant double knockout!"

Copper gets off the ground and his hat falls on the ground. Ecru jumps out of a pile of snow and she laughs.

Ecru:"Finally! A worthy opponent!" 

Copper sighs and his tail picks up his hat and he grabs it and puts it on his head.

Ecru is about to run ahead, but Copper grabs her just in time as a few shurikens fly past them. A golden tiger lunges at them and Copper shots it one and it disappears into golden particles. 

Copper:"Snow cloud!"

Ecru brings her fist up and slams them both into the ground, causing snow to fly everywhere and make a smoke screen.

Copper:"Ecru, lead red head to the lava zone. You'll be in your element there."

Ecru slams her fists together and laughs.

Ecru:"I'm all fired up!"

Ecru bursts out of the smoke and she sees Maia. Maia's eyes widen as Ecru punches her and she goes flying out of the forest and Ecru chases after her.

Copper reloads his gun and the snow settles. A few shurikens fly towards him and he uses his whip to block them all.

Otavia yells and she falls from the sky and does an overhead swing at Copper. He uses his semblance and dodges to the side. Octavia's attack slams into the ground and snow flies everywhere.

Then sne and Copper begins to attack each other.

Over to Ecru

Ecru is carefully stepping on rocks, to avoid the lava, while also avoiding behind it with Maia's Bo Staff.

Maia:"Stand Still!"


Ecru stops and grabs Maia's staff. M

Maia:"Uh oh."

Ecru pulls her fist back and it lights up in flames. Ecru then punches Maia in the gut and she go up in the air and lands on a nearby rock.

Ecru looks to the Bo staff and she throws it to the side.

Maia gets up and she sees a red dust crystal next to her and she picks it up. Maia looks to Ecru then she throws the crystal at her.

Ecru just opens her mouth and the crystal flies inside. 

Oobleck:*P.A.* "I've heard Ecru do this before. It's part of her semblance. She can get fire crystals and it powers up her own fire."

Ecru slams her fist together and they catch on fire. 

Ecru:"I've got a fire in my belly now!"

Ecru lunges towards Maia.

Over to Copper.

Copper leans back and avoids a slash from Octavia's axe and he aims his gun at her and Octavie kicks up his gun at he fires. 

Copper kicks Octavia away from him and she throws a couple of shurikens at him and they glow blue and explode as they hit him.

Copper grunts and he looks up to the aura board and his is getting low. Ecru's aura is half empty. While the others are nearly full.

Copper:"Come on."

Copper reloads his gun and he sees a shuriken and he aims his gun and shoots it. It explodes mid-air. 


A few shurikens fly towards Copper and he shoots them out of the air. Wind surround Copper's legs and his tail tenses up and he charges at Octavia.

Octavia:"Uh, oh."

Copper drop kicks her and she goes flying through the air and Copper lunges at her again. He wraps his whip around her and throws her up into the sky.

Octavia throws more shurikens down at Copper and he blasts them out of the sky. He then wraps his whip around her and throws her into the ground.

She hits the ground hard and her aura takes a big hit.

Oobleck:*P.A.* "Oh, that's gonna leave a mark."

Octavia gets up and she holds her head.

Octavia:"Oh, my head."

Then she's punched in the face by Copper and she flies back into a tree and it cracks.

Octavia gets up and off the ground.

Octavia:"You think that's enough to take me out!"

The tree falls onto Octavia and her aura breaks. 

Port:*P.A.*"Octavia is out. Someone probably should check on her."

Copper straightens his hat and he twirls his gun around and puts it back in its holster. 

Copper:"And that's how it's done. I wonder how Ecru is doing?"

Over to Ecru.

Ecru punches a golden tiger and it dissipates. 

Ecru then jumps towards Maia and throws a punch at her. Maia jumps away and lands on another rock and it has her staff on it so she grabs it.

Ecru smiles and she lunges at Maia. Maia swings her staff at Ecru and Ecru grabs it and Maia eyes widen and Ecru throws her into the side of the volcano. 

Ecru then jumps up at Maia and she lands next to her and grabs her.

Ecru:"I would make this fight last long, but I'm kinda hungry soooooo...."

Ecru pulls her fist back and punches Maia in the gut and she goes flying out of bounds.

Port:"Maia is out of bounds. Team CHSE wins!"

Ecru throws her arms up.

Ecru:"I'm the best!"

Copper runs up to her.

Copper:"Good job."

They both high five.

Copper:"Let's go. Yang and Weiss's fight is next."

Ecru:"I'm gonna watch some ass get kicked!"



1165 words