Chapter 98
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Sun Li immediately walked into the crowd and speeded up to get rid of the tailer. 

"Impossible!" Anxiety appeared on his face after he walked in the crowd for about five minutes-the tailer was still there. 

What was worse, he still couldn't find out who the tailer was. 

It seemed everybody had got a suspicious face. Sun Li was stressed. "Must get rid of him or I'll be killed. Tailing with murder intention; not Li Taiyi's heeler."

He was like an escaping sheep that was chased by a starving wolf.  

At last, he made the most terrible choice-directly entered an alley. He thought with less people around, he could run as fast as possible, but it also made him lose the natural shield.  

Panic would definitely lead to mess. 

He ran and ran. Facing the giant wall, he had no choice but climb over. 

But as he took a step backward and was ready to climb, he suffered a cardiac arrest. 

He dared not turn around. Actions wouldn't do any help except accelerating his death. 

Cold sweat fell down from his forehead and despair extended in his heart. His old body became unprecedentedly feeble. 

"It's him (Shi Hu). I can't defeat him, but if don't fight, I'll definitely die. What should I do?" The strong desire for survival forced Sun Li to figure a way out from the impasse.  

But obviously, he couldn't find any solution within in such a short period. 

Shi Hu asked with surprise. "Stop running? I thought you would run longer."

"I know it's you!" Sun Li quivered despairingly, for if Shi Hu was here, Li Taili's situation wouldn't be better than his. 

Shi Hu chuckled. "Since you've stopped, hand out all your money and I'll send you to your last journey."

"What?" Sun Li was stunned that Shi Hu unexpectedly robbed him at the serious moment.

"Didn't hear me or don't have money?" Shi Hu got a headache and threw a punch.

Hardly had Sun Li felt the pain when his arm was twisted off and tossed in the sky.  

"Ouch..." Sun Li extended his distance with Shi Hu. He knew it wouldn't make any difference, except for a hint of psychological comfort.  

"I'm not good at negotiation, so just hand out your money. Anyhow, you're a dead man and money is useless for you." Shi Hu indifferently gazed at Sun Li.

Sun Li was very nervous. "Calm down! We can talk about it! How much do you want?"

"Nonsense! Of course I want all your money. If it were not for your money, I would kill you the moment you were out." Shi Hu exclaimed. 

Sun Li took out his phone, trying to make a final struggle for survival.

"Mobile money transfer, ok?" Sun Li asked, seemingly daring not waste time.

Shi Hu nodded and took out his phone. "Hurry! Why must you torture yourself like this? Why not die simply and directly?"

The atmosphere was super embarrassing. Who would prefer to die rather than live?

Sun Li was totally hopeless as the transfer was finished. He stood there and was almost suffocated by "death".