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 Inside the basement where there's only a torch lighting it up, you can see a silhouette of a girl about the age in her late teens is chained up and naked. She's drooling yet dehydrated. Her left eye is missing because it was gouged out and swelled due to her endless crying. Her body is full of wounds, bruises, and scars. Her joints and limbs are also broken, and her healthy body is now skinny and dry. The shape of her private parts is disfigured and grotesque that even the most perverted person in the world would rather mate to a dog.

"It's been almost two years now and still being stubborn and refusing to join our side... Are you perhaps still hoping that your little kingdom would immobilize some special troops just to save you? No that is just impossible!"

Said the middle-aged-looking man while eating his breakfast in front of her, eating casually and enjoying the view because he is looking at the girl. 

"Now that you can't use any of your limbs it's time for phase two hehehehe... hehe."

He signaled the guards and the door of the basement opened, then someone entered is a person wearing a wizard's robe he is a sorcerer. However, his eyes are full of madness as if he is devoted and cannot achieve the goal of his life

"Oh! Supreme Sorcerer Setarcos I would gladly offer you a rare specimen!"

"Let me recognize her worth, it will take a while to examine her in that condition. Why did she end up like that anyway?.. It doesn't matter."


The sorcerer's staff glows and studied the girl's capabilities and the information available about her.


"W-what is it Supreme Sorcerer!?"

"She is a Saint candidate! This.. will be great! You! bring my apprentices! and order them to bring my tools and the heart!"


"Yes! You!"

"As you wish."

The middle-aged man bowed and left the room. 

A moment later another four robed men came inside the basement.

"We brought your precious tools master."

Said the sorcerer's apprentice.

"Great! Great! Now don't waste our precious time and start the ritual!"

"Yes, master"

The robed men started to draw their knives and stabbed their chests. While their chests are bleeding they started to chant thus the ritual has begun.

"Uvuvuwevwevwe Onytswenwevue Ugunubwem Ossas"

"Uvuvuwevwevwe Onytswenwevue Ugunubwem Ossas"

"Uvuvuwevwevwe Onytswenwevue Ugunubwem Ossas"

"Uvuvuwevwevwe Onytswenwevue Ugunubwem Ossas"

The life of the robed apprentice sorcerers are drained, they collapsed on the floor like puppets whose strings had been cut and their blood formed a magic circle on the floor. The magic circle glowed dimly and ominously. Setarcos the Supreme Sorcerer immediately opened the small box.

The small box opened and inside of it is a fist sized crimson flesh that's still beating. It's a heart of certain someone. Setarcos also drew a knife and aproached the the naked chained girl slowly. He grins and said.

"This heart of the devil will corrupt your mind effortlessly and join our side"

The girl's remaining eye widened, she didn't anticipated that a they could do such a thing to the point that they want to corrupt her just to join them. She needs to do something, she started to swallow her tongue and hold her breath. For almost two years she endured and hoped that her kingdom especially her loved ones will do something to save her but there are no signs of their movements instead she felt that they actually abandoned her. There are two Saint candidates after all and there can only be one Saint at the end of the day.

'I'll just end my life and sacrifice like a Saint would do I suppose. Gunther, I think you must find a new fiance for the better...

She thought to herself.

Her mind went black since she can't breath because she swallowed her tongue. This is the only thing can do in her current situation.

The girl opened her eyes now she is lying on the floor with the dead sorcerer apprentices. She notice she's not chained up anymore and she's at the center of the magic circle made out of their blood.

'I didn't died? but I already swallowed my tongue to stop my breathing!'

"It is not even clever to kill yourself in the middle of the ritual so I have to cut your tongue a little to make sure you woudn't die."

In front of her is a handsome man about his late 20's standing before her, His hair is black with the hint of brown in it his skin is looks smooth like a girl's and white as a pearl. 

It's true her tongue became a little shorter and the bleeding stopped already although her mouth is full of blood.

"Now then, Setarcos continue the ritual open her chest and and replace her heart already make sure she would not do anything foolish."

Standing beside the handsome man is the Supreme Sorcerer Setarcos he aproached the girl and hold her back gently and then he drew his knife that is ready to stab the girl.


The girl cannot move her limbs she can only protest by shouting her refusal rapidly as if she's being chased by a horrible creature, but Setarcos continued to aim at the left side of her chest.

"Wait-wait-wait-wait, Wai-- AAAAAAAAAK!"

Setarcos stabbed her chest piercing her heart. He removed her own heart using his knife and his bare hands. The blood is gushing out from her left chest. When Setarcos removed the heart he replaced it with the heart of a devil and started chanting something in fast phase

"Daldogmadom Dimsmadomdima Domdimsdaldo Dimadomdog Dimsdimadom!"

The girl's chest opened wider that you can see her ribs and left lung where the heart used to be. She already passed out from shock and immense pain. 

Meanwhile, the corrupted devil's heart started to connect to her blood vessels, pumping the stored blood of the original owner inside her body.

"Setarcos quickly! apply the brainwashing spell to her now!"

The handsome man ordered Setarcos.

"Meind Kontrol!"

The girl woke up from immense pain inside her head as if someone is forcing information inside her brain.


Meanwhile, the handsome man is watching her slowly being corrupted and enjoying her painful cries.

"Kufufufuufu, I can finally have my Saint"