二 : Meanwhile…
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The suspected shotacon matron barged into my room, and—disrespecting all the privacy protocols of society—was observing me with scary, predatory eyes.

Of course, given the fact that I looked to be only a year old, one would expect me to be negligent to the matters of relationships, but oh boy, I am a transmigrator! And I recognize those eyes! She's a criminal! It is in these situations that gender inequality shines, for the 'yes loli, no touch' faction outnumbers the 'yes shota, no touch' faction whose numbers are as numerous as the number of my ex-girlfriends (aka, none).

While observing my newly awakened mana pool and contemplating if I should be concerned for my physical safety, time gradually passed.

The matron sat at the edge of my bed while observing me who had once again, unknowingly, entered deep meditaation mode.

Meanwhile, the matron was on cloud nine due to the hitting the unexpected lottery.

'A genius! A f#ckin' genius! Imagine how much I'd make if I sell this boy to them! In fact, I can retire early and marry again! They may even give me a bonus! F#ck!'

The matron was swift to act. She called someone on the phone and made preparations to send the genius child away. She told the children that someone important is coming by and told them to get ready. Of course, it was still too early for the children of their age to wake up, but she was anxious. If she's late in reporting her discovery, her head would roll off. Literally.

She cleaned the house, made the children wear clean and ironed clothes, and prepared the orphanage to be presentable, not forgetting to get herself cleaned up in the process. Her orphanage is not too bad. She treats the children fairly, the food is passable, and all the children get good education and treatment in her little orphanage. It's a fairly simple organization, save for the fact that this orphanage is home to the children of 'supernaturals'.

If one overlooked their background, these children are as ordinary as they can get. But with the addition to their background, their chances to awaken are much higher than the children of random civilians. As such, these kinds of gatherings and organizations are the prime locations to scout talents for those mighty and elusive supernatural organizations. And she is appointed by them to oversee this process.

When the morning sun arose, everything was prepared for the ensuing chaos that was sure to be created in the wake of the awakening of a one year old.

Meanwhile, the said one year old was sweating bullets trying to make sense of the commotion downstars.

'Don't tell me... Ugh, I know this plot! It's time for the entry of the villain organization! When the protagonist gets his first boost of power and starts to set off his own path, the villainous underlings just had to come and ruin things for the poor protagonist, starting the mass genocide and insanity of the protagonist! The only problem is... I'm weak as heck! Someone help! I need an instruction manual on how to escape from the plot!'

Of course, as someone with a pitifully weak one year old body, with nary a knowledge on how to control his newfound powers, running away from the plot is nigh impossible. As such, he is swept away by the machinations of fate and was forced to step out of his comfort zone to face the dangers of the world.

I know I told you guys that I'll upload daily and I'd like to apologize for not doing so yesterday. I let my fears overtake me. But now... I'm ready to take on the trials and tribulations on my writing journey! Come one! Give me those sharp and harsh criticisms! I'm not afraid! I swear I'm not a masochist!