Chapter 2 – Part 4
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“Don’t ya be feeling guilty about me walking ya! It’s nice to get out of work.”

Gron and I initially began our walk silently which was nice. I don’t mind chatting with friends every once and a while, it’s a nice way to spend time and be with people. But this guy… It’s only been like 5 minutes, but it already feels like he’s been yapping for hours.

“Ya know, ‘ere’s a way we can talk. I ask mostly yes or no questions and you just nod or shake ya head. Ya agree?”

Honestly, this guy’s been pretty nice to me. Even if he has no reason to, he’s escorting me to grab a new job. 

Wait. This is suspicious. Why would this stranger be helping some poor defenceless human who looks like he has nothing to offer? Am I being taken to be a slave? Is he going to sell me for my guts? I can’t just comply with this guy, I need to leave now.

“Oi. Ya good there? Don’t ya think you’re escaping this one! Answer me!” He says with a hearty laugh.

This is it. I’m dead. He can even read me.

With no other choice, I comply and nod.

“Good. Good. Ya don’t even need Cordia ta answer with nouns now that I think ‘bout it, silly me. Say, ya think ya can tell me whereabouts ya from?”

I can? That’s useful. I can use this opportunity to confirm some things. I know just what to say.


“Britain? Never heard of it. Is it an island to the east?”

It seems the chance of this being a direct parallel world is small. 

An island to the east… I’ll be sticking to that guise. I nod.

“I hope yar folk are weak. Ya sound like ya’re not too familiar with our customs, so I wish yar folk safely.”

I hope your folk are weak? Quite strange. Is it something to be expected of an Orc? I wouldn’t call this guy the stereotypical Orc though, he doesn’t seem dumb or brutish at all. 

“I know how ya feel boy. Back then when I was a young’n, me ol’ folk decided there was more for us in this city. If I had ta be honest with ya, I thought, and still think it’s terrible. I got here and there was barely nothing for us. Had no friends. Had a crap crib. We weren’t as smart as ta other Orks, so we had to make do with our strength. We had no idea how ta survive here, but we managed. ”

Maybe this guy is trying to help me. I can’t feel any malice coming from his words or body language. Sympathy is a strong thing after all.

“Can’t even imagine not being able to speak Cordia. You’re gonna have ta pay a hefty price for a priest ta teach ya. Ya gotta make sure you keep up how ya are right now. It’s obvious but I can’t help ya out if ya’re below ta threshold. Order of Iron and all.”

The Order of Iron. This has been brought up and brought up. Why did they impose such a cruel law? This city looks prosperous enough that it has enough resources to feed and save these people.

“Ya do go into thought a lot. Suppose ya have no choice if you can only talk one way. Oh, we’re here.”

We stop in front of a store, just inside the market where I arrived in this world. It’s an indistinguishable building from the rest of the shops, only that its window is covered by a wooden board. 

“Alright, I’ll be in after ya.”

Before I even start moving, he starts gently pushing me inside, opening the door for me. As I enter the store, however, I only just notice, blood is dripping out between the gap between the window and the board.

“Dyran! Ya there buddy?”

My stomach drops. A sharp stench emanates from innards and slabs of meats stacked on counters, all fresh dripping with blood. Several torsos of animals I can’t identify hang from hooks on the ceiling covered in a white powder. The carcass of one lies on the table in the middle of the room next to a large pile of bones. What looks like an extremely large, curved butcher’s knife is still lodged in the carcass’ bones.

Even with all the violence I've watched frequently, the sight of gore in real life will never cease to make me feel queasy. I hope to god these are animals.

“Is that you Gron? How are ya?”

A voice booms from upstairs. Heavy footsteps start making their way downstairs. What comes out is a large muscular Orc with a beer belly wearing a bloodied apron.

“Ah! I see you brought new prey.”

Prey? Alright, this is not ok. Before I’m able to turn to leave, Gron places a firm, yet gentle grip on my shoulder. If I were to try to break free, I don’t think it would end well.

“Yeah I have,” he lets out a hearty laugh. “C’mon boy, don’t be shy now. We need ya for ta merchandise!”

They both die laughing. This is it. I’m getting cut up and sold. 

“Ah hah Gron. That’s enough, the Humie looks like he’s gonna piss himself. It’s not good to encourage stereotypes anyways.” 

The Orc fixes his apron and the little hair he has on his head.

“Nice to meet ya kid. Name’s Dyran. I assume the reason why Gron’s brought you here is cause you’re looking to become my apprentice.”

I nod.

“Be wary though Dyran, ta boy can’t speak Cordia.”

“That won’t be a problem. Looks like the kid knows his way around a blade. Besides, the language of meat speaks to the soul as much as Cordia does.”

They both burst into laughter again.

Communicates to the soul? I can see him being excited enough about meat to say that, but Cordia does? What does that mean? 

“Ya do love yer meats.”

“Alright kid. You look willing enough.”

He thumps and places his right fist on his chest. I wait for him to continue, but there is nothing but silence as they both look at me confused.

I stand there waiting for something to happen. Soon, their confusion turns into bafflement.

Dyran’s nostrils flare as he juts out his chin.

“What ta hell is this Gron!? This kid’s a huge cunt!”

“I had no idea Gron… It’s just nonsense for anyone to refuse a swear.” 

What is going on? Did I do something wrong again? I didn’t even do anything this time and I’m being called a cunt? What is wrong with this world?

“Whatever. Get the shitter outta here! Humies have no respect as always.”

As we exit the room, Gron turns to me in disappointment. The door slams shut behind us.

“Boy. I don’t understand why you did that. Ya blew yer only chance of getting a job. What ya did back there was a mighty dick move, but I have a heart. I can at least point ya to someone willing to let folks sleep in their stables for dirt cheap. Other than that though, not much I can do. I can only wish you luck.”