The Golden Child(1)
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There is always a start to a story and this story starts with a baby born in the modern era .

However this particular baby the moment it was born ,it's figure was astonishing, it was nothing earth had ever seen!.

This little guy's name was Lenos,when he was born he had golden hair and seemed to have intelligence the moment he was born. and his body was stronger then the ordinary body of a newly birthed child.

Lenos became known in the whole world as the Golden Child. However after 10 years his luck and fate all together started to change and the first sign appeared ! In the school which he was attending in Tokyo the capital of Japan,while he was studying for his exam ,began a tremendous earthquake which caused the whole school to crumble within a few minutes and not only that but even the areas near the vicinity began to be broken down. This caused panic in the whole school and the teachers were shouting


"THIS IS AN EMERGENCY! NOT A DRILL ALL STUDENTS LEAVE THE SCHOOL GROUNDS IMMIDIATELTY!!" Before the whole school was destroyed most of the student came back alive but ...

There were also a lot of casualties! More the 50 student and 6 teachers left this world and nobody could find the cause of such a disaster . Even though Leon didn't know anything yet this was many of the disasters which caused Leon to break in to pieces and curse his own luck.

Only to find out it wasn't a cursed one.