Prologue: I didn’t Smoke Weed
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I am currently practicing my guitar skills because I just love the sound-producing by my guitar. I glance out the window and it's raining outside. I stopped my music session and took a break. A moment later I felt thirsty so I went down to grab a can of beer or so I thought... 

It's flooding inside my house! I need to turn off the electricity first and then... and then save my appliances! Right!.

"Something is not right... Is there an earthquake the house is shaking like crazy!"

"Waaaaaaaaaah! Is anybody there!"

I went outside to my surprise my neighbor's house is missing and I can only see a vast amount of water outside the house. 

"Is this still my subdivision? or am I in the middle of the ocean?"


"What is that sound?"

I can't see too much because the area is surrounded by the mist.


"Again!? W-what is that!?"

The source of the sound finally came out and I am too shocked at the scene currently happening in front of me. 

It's a flying whale

"No! Way! I am not high didn't I?"

I drink beer but I didn't get any hallucinations like this before. No one is here it's just me and this... Mountain-sized whale 

The flying whale must be the biggest creature I've ever seen! The whale's color is dirty white combined with its red eyes... This must be an albino whale!

Oh? The whale is approaching! Is it going to eat me? I can't run you know! I am trapped here! 

"Woah it's bigger than I thought! Is this a Kaiju type of whale?"

The whale is so big I suddenly thought that it was already night! Because it covered the sky! This big chungus whale, are you the cause of this flood!?

It's staring down at me, those red eyes are creepy!

"Huh? I suddenly have a feeling that I want to sleep..."


Yes, this must be a dream...  Is it possible to sleep while you are dreaming? I can't remember. I'm getting drowsy 



Is this a good way of being isekaid?
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  • Whale-kun is better than Truck-kun Votes: 8 80.0%
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