[004] Bashiri Chapter 3 – Niloggver
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Tribulations are disasters from the heavens which strike cultivators every time they are breaking through to the next stage or realm. Tribulations start when trying to break into the Weorulare Realm and continue until the True God Realm. Tribulations become increasingly difficult in every realm. Although the most iconic tribulation is probably lightning, they can take many forms and include everything from laser beams from the sky to a tornado.

When a cultivator experiences a tribulation their inner world will also experience it. For example, if a cultivator (with an inner world) experiences a lightning tribulation; then the lightning will strike many locations throughout their inner world. Although interestingly some cultivation techniques will change what tribulation the inner world experiences.

~An introduction to Bashiri's Catalogue of Tribulations by Bashiri the Great


World Location: A Mid-trunk Bough > Bashiri's Inner World

1 IF > 1 IF 3594:00
An elemental fury tribulation descended on Bashiri's inner world; but in the end, the word was left unharmed.

In the world of blue glowing primordial water, a great elemental fury suddenly emerged, causing massive waves to crash upon the shores. The creatures that lived in the water were terrified as the fury twisted the very fabric of their existence. The glow from their bodies flickered and dimmed, unable to withstand the force of the fury.

The mountain of ice quaked as the fury howled, sending chunks of ice crashing into the water. The volcano shook, spewing molten lava into the air as if it were trying to fight back against the fury.

The white stone with golden runes on it, however, remained untouched by the fury. It glowed with a bright light, and the runes seemed to pulse with energy, repelling the fury with a force that was both otherworldly and ancient.

As the fury suddenly disappeared as if it was devoured by something, the primordial creatures cautiously emerged from the water, their glow returning as the water calmed. They swam around the white stone, grateful for its protection, and marvelled at the untouched ice mountain and volcano.

They took comfort in the fact that the white stone and its golden runes would always protect them. They swam back into the depths of the blue glowing primordial water, their otherworldly glow lighting up the darkness once more.

1 IF 144:00 > 1 IF 3618:00
Bashiri hatches the time dragon Niloggver, 'the devourer of worlds.' And Niloggver lives up to his name by devouring the elemental fury.

An endless expanse of blue glowing primordial water stretched out as far as the eye could see. In the center of this world lay a white stone with golden runes, a beacon of light and power in an otherwise featureless landscape. It was here that Bashiri, an unfathomably powerful entity, descended from the heavens into his inner world, onto the world heart, his very presence causing ripples in the water around him.

As Bashiri landed on the white stone, he reached into his golden cloak and pulled out a mystical gold and white egg, which pulsed with aetheric energy. He placed it gently on the stone, and with a wave of his hand, a magical aura surrounded the egg, keeping it safe from harm.

With a deep breath, Bashiri began to chant a powerful incantation, drawing upon the very fabric of the universe to bring forth new life. The ground shook and trembled, and bolts of lightning arced across the sky, illuminating the darkness with their brilliance.

Finally, the egg cracked open with a burst of magical energy, revealing a baby time dragon. Its scales gleamed like gold and silver, and its eyes shone with an otherworldly light. As soon as it emerged, it let out a mighty roar, causing the water to churn and boil.

Bashiri smiled, his heart filled with a sense of wonder and pride. He picked up the dragon, cradling it gently in his arms. "Welcome to the world, little one," he whispered, "you are the child of magic and time, and your power is unmatched by any other."

For months, Bashiri cared for the dragon, teaching it how to control its incredible powers and showing it the wonders of his world. As the dragon grew, so too did its hunger for knowledge and understanding, and soon it was exploring on its own, seeking out new lands and new challenges.

But there was one challenge that still eluded the dragon - the elemental fury that ravaged this world. Bashiri knew that the dragon was powerful enough to consume it, but he also knew that the fury was not to be taken lightly.

As the dragon soared through the air, its wings beating with a thunderous roar, Bashiri pointed to a distant point on the horizon. "There it is," he said, "the elemental fury that has caused so much destruction and chaos. It is up to you, Niloggver, to consume it and bring balance to this world."

The dragon nodded, its eyes blazing with determination. It soared towards the fury, which churned and roiled with a terrible power. With a mighty breath, Niloggver unleashed a torrent of time magic, freezing the fury in place.

Then, with a single gulp, the dragon consumed the elemental fury's energy, absorbing its power and bringing balance to the world once more. Bashiri watched with pride as the dragon's scales shimmered and glowed, imbued with the power of the fury.

"You have done well, Niloggver," he said, patting the dragon on the head. "You are the devourer of worlds, and you have proven that even the most powerful forces in the universe can be tamed."

And with that, the dragon spread its wings and took to the skies, its form growing smaller and smaller until it disappeared from view in its quest to explore the world, leaving Bashiri to watch in the world below, knowing that he had helped create something truly magnificent.

1 IF 3624:00
A primordial creature slowly turns into a tree, growing over hundreds of years to become a massive system with roots the size of a continent and branches holding up the stars; while life starts forming in on its roots.

In the vastness of the primordial waters, a small creature stirred. It had a bright light within it, and as it swam through the water, it grew and changed. Its light grew stronger, and its body began to transform. Slowly, it became something else entirely, no longer a creature but a tree.

The tree began to grow, and as it did, it transformed the world around it. Its roots dug deep into the primordial water, creating a network that spread out for thousands of miles. And as it grew, its branches reached higher and higher, holding up the stars in the endless expanse of the star-filled sky.

The tree was a beacon of creation, and life began to form on its root system. Algae and moss grew, followed by more complex organisms like fish and crustaceans. Over time, the tree became a haven for all manner of life, creating an ecosystem that was unique in the world.

And so, the tree grew and thrived, a symbol of life and creation in a world of endless water. Its roots dug deep, holding the world together, while its branches reached to the heavens, touching the stars. It was a miracle of nature, a symbol of hope in a world that was often dark and dangerous. And as long as it stood, there would be life and light in the primordial waters.

4 IF 1473:00 > 250 IF 3921:00
Niloggver, the time dragon, waits for the tree of creation to grow large enough for it to build a nest on the world heart. Eventually, the tree grows to the desired size, and Niloggver takes some branches to construct its nest.

Niloggver continued to grow in size and power. The dragon had consumed the elemental fury and gained its power, becoming even more unstoppable. However, with great power came great responsibility, and Niloggver felt a growing sense of duty towards the world it inhabited.

As Niloggver soared through the endless expanse of primordial water, it noticed something growing in the distance. It was the tree of creation, the same one that Bashiri had nurtured and grown over time. The dragon felt drawn towards it, its instincts telling it that this was a place of great importance.

As Niloggver drew closer, it could see that the tree had the potential to be massive. It knew the tree could grow to have roots that held up continents and branches that harboured the stars. The dragon marvelled at its potential and beauty, and as it circled the tree, it noticed something else.

There, at the very center of the world, hundreds if not thousands of kilometres from the tree was the world heart where Bashiri had hatched it from its egg. Niloggver landed on the stone, feeling its smooth surface under its massive claws. It was the perfect place to rest and observe the world from a distance.

But as the dragon settled in, it noticed that the stone was bare, devoid of any shelter or comfort. Niloggver looked up at the tree and saw that its branches were beginning to reach out toward the stone. The dragon had an idea.

Using its incredible strength, Niloggver plucked a branch from the tree and carefully placed it on the white and gold stone. It was a perfect fit, providing shade and shelter for the dragon.

Over time, Niloggver continued to collect branches from the tree, building a massive nest on the stone. It was a place of safety and security, a symbol of the dragon's bond with the world and its role as its protector.

And as the dragon sat in its nest, watching over the world, it knew that Bashiri would be proud. His unfathomably powerful creator had been like a father to Niloggver, teaching it the ways of the world and guiding it toward its destiny.

Now, as the dragon rested on the world heart, surrounded by the glow of the primordial waters and the majesty of the tree of creation, Niloggver knew that it had a purpose. It was the devourer of worlds, yes, but it was also a guardian and protector, a force for good in its creator's world.

as long as it stood, there would be life and light in the primordial waters.

1137 IF 65:00 > 1137 IF 71:00
creation storm tribulation descended on Bashiri's inner world; Niloggver and the Tree of Creation absorb the energy from the storm.

As the tree of creation reached maturity, it stood tall and proud, its branches stretching high towards the sky. Suddenly, the air began to shimmer and warp, as though reality itself was being twisted by an invisible force. A great rumbling shook the ground, and a blinding light filled the sky as the primordial rune for creation was etched into the bark of the tree by the invisible but incredibly powerful hand of a god.

Niloggver watched in awe as the rune took shape, feeling Bashiri's hand at work. As the god's power faded, Niloggver realized that this was just the beginning. The world was changing, and he had to make sure he was prepared.

Leaving his nest, Niloggver went to check on the ice mountain and the volcano. But as he was making his way back to his nest, he felt a strange energy in the air. He stopped in his tracks, his senses on high alert as he tried to identify the source of the disturbance.

Suddenly, a creation storm descended upon him, the power of creation coalescing into a swirling vortex of energy that threatened to engulf everything in its path. Niloggver raced back to his nest, but he knew he wouldn't make it in time. The storm was too powerful.

Desperate, Niloggver remembered something cryptic that Bashiri had once told him about time law. He concentrated all his energy on that thought, seeking to understand what it meant. Suddenly, everything clicked into place. He had gained new enlightenment in his understanding of time law, and with that understanding, he managed to momentarily freeze time for the world.

The creation storm slowed to a stop, frozen in mid-air. Niloggver breathed a sigh of relief as he raced towards the storm. He knew that he had only a limited amount of time before time resumed its flow, and the creation storm would resume its destructive path.

With all his might, Niloggver began to devour the creation storm, trying to consume as much of its energy as he could. But it was too much for him to handle. The aether he had expended to freeze time had weakened him, and he knew that he wouldn't be able to digest the creation storm entirely.

Just when all seemed lost, Niloggver heard Bashiri's voice in his mind, guiding him to fly to the upper branches of the tree of creation. Niloggver did as he was told, feeling Bashiri's guiding hand as he made his way up to the highest branches.

As he reached the top, he felt a surge of power, as though the tree of creation had come to life around him. The creation storm, which he had been unable to fully digest, was drawn towards the tree, its energy flowing into the branches and roots. The power of the storm seemed to fill both Niloggver and the tree, causing magical phenomena to occur all around them.

Niloggver felt the power of creation coursing through him, filling him with new strength and vitality. He felt as though he could take on the world and emerge victorious. And as he looked around him, he saw the world changing, transforming into something new and beautiful.

The creation storm had been a disaster, a cataclysmic event that threatened to destroy everything Niloggver had ever known. But with the help of Bashiri and the tree of creation, he had managed to turn disaster into triumph. He had found a new understanding of the world around him and had been given a chance to start anew. As he looked out over the world, he felt an overwhelming sense of hope, knowing that he had the power to shape the future and create something beautiful out of the chaos.


World Location: A Mid-trunk Bough > Bashiri's Castle

Bashiri's heart raced as he opened his eyes and jumped up from his meditation position. He could feel his body pulsating with an unfamiliar energy. The cultivation technique he had spent years developing had finally brought him to the brink of a breakthrough, but something was wrong.

Instead of the meteors of immortal gold that had signalled his success as he broke through moments ago in his castle, a raging creation storm had descended upon him, threatening to destroy his inner world. He had heard of such tribulations before but had never expected to experience it himself at this time.

As he tried to regain his composure, Bashiri remembered something he had learned from a powerful cultivator many years ago: "some cultivation techniques will change what tribulation the inner world experiences." He had never considered that his technique would have such an effect.

Taking a deep breath, Bashiri forced himself to calm down and settle back into his meditation. Hoping to make some more progress in his cultivation he probed his inner world for a primordial creature that would make a good world tree of destruction, but as he did he noticed that something was off with the fate flow of his inner world.

While the energy that had been unsettled by the creation storm had disrupted the balance of his inner world, it shouldn't have caused the fate flow to veer off course this much. Bashiri knew he had to act fast to correct it before it caused irreparable damage.

Closing his eyes once more, he focused all his energy on the fate flow, trying to steer it back to its rightful course. But the more he tried to correct it, the more chaotic it became, like a raging river that could not be tamed.

Bashiri's heart sank as he realized the cause of the chaos in his inner world. The creation storm had not only disrupted the fate flow, but it had also triggered the formation of a spirit with consciousness within the Tree of Creation. He knew that this was a natural occurrence for a tree that had absorbed such powerful magic, but he had not expected it to happen so soon.

Panic started to set in as Bashiri realized the potential consequences of this. If the Tree of Creation were to gain consciousness like this, it could become uncontrollable and wreak havoc on the world. But at the same time if he killed the consciousness Bashiri knew that the tree could gain it again. Bashiri knew he had to act quickly to prevent the worst from happening.

With a deep breath, he centred himself and focused on his cultivation technique. He had planned for this scenario, but he had not expected it to happen so soon. Calming himself down, Bashiri closed his eyes and froze time within his inner world.

He got up from his meditation position and quickly made his way to a nearby room where he had stored a collection of some of his powerful artifacts. As he rummaged through the shelves, his mind raced with possibilities. He needed a solution, and he needed it fast. Finally, he found what he was looking for - a translucent seed the size of his fingernail carefully placed beside two scrolls.

As he picked up the seed along with the scrolls, a surge of fate energy seemed to swirl around his castle, causing golden clouds to form above it. Bashiri's heart pounded in his chest as he realized the gravity of the situation.

He had to act fast to prevent the Tree of Creation from gaining a twisted and uncontrollable consciousness. With the seed in his hand and the scrolls in the other, he rushed back to the formation and sat down in the center to cultivate.

Meanwhile, Niloggver had been resting in his nest when he felt time freeze within Bashiri's inner world. He was surprised, but his curiosity got the better of him. Niloggver knew that Bashiri was a powerful cultivator, and he was eager to learn more about the technique he had used to freeze time.

Without hesitation, despite Bashiri's many warnings, Niloggver closed his eyes and peered into the secrets of the world. As Niloggver felt the power of fate flowing around him, he could sense the immense energy that was being channelled by the Tree of Creation, and he knew that something big was happening.

Little did he know that Bashiri was about to make a decision that would change the course of his life forever.

Elemental Fury:


Type: Multi Elemental
Tier(s): 7
Primary Law Affiliation: One of the Secondary Law Affiliations.
Secondary Law Affiliation(s): Air, Earth, Fire, Metal, Spirit, Water, Wood.
Incorporated Concept(s): Destruction, Fury
Appearance Rate: Uncommon
Threat Rate: Lethal
Description: A magical disaster that involves an overwhelming and uncontrollable elemental force that wreaks havoc on the cultivator. This force can manifest as a fierce storm that unleashes a barrage of lightning bolts, hurricane-force winds, and massive waves. It can also appear as an earthquake, volcanic eruption, or a raging wildfire that burns everything in its path. It is particularly dangerous because it combines the power of all seven elements into one destructive force. This can create a cataclysmic event that can devastate entire swaths of land surrounding the cultivator, leaving behind a trail of destruction and chaos.

~An excerpt from Bashiri's Catalogue of Tribulations by Bashiri the Great



Creation Storm:


Type: Multi Elemental
Tier(s): 9
Primary Law Affiliation: Storm
Secondary Law Affiliation(s): Air, Chaos, Earth, Fire, Lightning, Metal, Nature, Rain, Stone, Water, Wind, Wood
Incorporated Concept(s): Creation
Appearance Rate: Mythical
Threat Rate: Critical
Description: It manifests as a massive, swirling vortex of elemental energy that tears through the fabric of reality. As the storm rages on, it unleashes powerful bolts of lightning that can strike at random, often causing great destruction to anything in their path. The winds within the vortex are incredibly powerful, capable of tearing apart even the most sturdy of structures. But the most dangerous aspect of the Storm of Creation is the elemental magic that it unleashes. The storm is said to draw upon the raw forces of creation, shaping them into new forms and imbuing them with incredible power. These creations can take the form of fantastical beasts, powerful magical artifacts, or even new races of creatures which all attempt to kill the cultivator. Unless captured by an incredibly powerful force these creations will disappear with the tribulation.

~An excerpt from Bashiri's Catalogue of Tribulations by Bashiri the Great
