After a short rest, Yuyue had managed to restore herself to some semblance of normalcy and had managed to drag the body of the tortoise back to the sect.
Although she would’ve liked to be more inconspicuous in her actions there was no way she would be able to hide the exchange of such a large animal.
The man who was managing the contribution point stall raised an eyebrow at the sight of Yuyue lugging the Jade tortoise into the sect.
“Jade tortoise, good condition, a pity the shell is a little damaged and it’s only a juvenile, 32,000 contribution points!”
Yuyue nearly found herself coughing blood at the amount.
This was enough to rival the yearly points of inner disciples and she had earned it in a single day.
“The catalog please!” Yuyue instantly said.
She knew exactly what she was going to be buying, but she needed to gauge the prices. Yuyue had enough to buy her own immortal den!
A paper manual was handed to her and Yuyue greedily began to browse the den section. Based on what she was reading there were currently several dens open to buy, the cheapest was around 20,000 contribution points whereas the highest quality dens were 100,000 points.
Yuyue didn’t wish to be too greedy thus she chose the cheapest den. She could always sell it later and even though it was a cheap den the Qi density inside would be much greater than anything she could find in the outer disciple dorms.
“I chose this one!” Yuyue said pointing to the den in the catalog.
“Mhmm,” The man at the counter said. He walked into the building and then after a short moment returned with a jade slip.
“This will let the array in the den recognize you, don’t lose it” He handed Yuyue the jade slip.
“Also put the rest of my points into mid-grade spirit stones,” Yuyue said.
“Sure,” the man said, taking a small bag out he began to count out several knuckle size stones on the counter.
Mid-grade spirit stones were 500 apiece and Yuyue had over 12,000 points of profit leftover from selling the tortoise. This allowed her to have 24 spirit stones.
The man finished counting the stones and handed Yuyue a cloth bag. The sound of stones clinking inside could be heard as Yuyue took the bag from the man.
For a normal outer sect disciple, they would be able to gain a single mid-grade spirit stone a year, and now Yuyue had bought 24 of them!
The outer sect disciples who were in the vicinity began to whisper among themselves. Yuyue was already considered an eccentric among them, but now that she had attained so much wealth the other disciples had become like vultures.
Although Disciples in the sect were supposed to be cordial with one another that didn’t mean they didn’t exhort other disciples. This was most evident in the chosen, Ma Luo’s behavior.
Yuyue still had a few points left over from her own previous hunting and she immediately spent it all on a month’s worth of supplies.
She had to leave this area of the sect as soon as possible. Now that it was known that she owned so many contribution points, even chosen would covet her wealth especially because she was an outer sect disciple with weak cultivation. This was why Yuyue opted to spend all her points now, if she didn’t, she wouldn’t have a chance to exchange them again.
The man at the contribution point stands quickly prepared the items she wanted and Yuyue ran back to her dorm to collect her remaining possessions.
Since she had come to the Fog Woods sect she didn’t own very much and now she was in a rush to move it all to the new den she had bought.
While she was leaving her dorm she heard a whistling sound behind her. She looked in the air to see that Ma Luo had appeared in the sky.
Seeing him, Yuyue instantly cursed, this was the worst-case scenario. Ma Luo had obviously planted spies in the sect to monitor outer sect disciple. Each of the chosen in the sect had many cronies and people who owed them favors.
With the patriarch of the sect currently in secluded meditation, the Chosen were allowed to do as they wished. Even elders would not intervene in matters involving outer disciples, it was simply a waste of time.
“The strong will do what they will and the weak will endure what they must” Yuyue muttered under her breath.
Since Yuyue could not fly there was no way for her to outrun Ma Luo before she reach her new immortal den.
Realizing this Yuyue stopped and waited for Ma Luo to appear in front of her. As he appeared Yuyue gave a deep bow.
“Disciple Situ pays her respect to Senior Disciple Ma!”
A sneer came over Ma Luo’s face as he saw her actions.
“Disciple Situ? I’ve never heard of you before, I will keep your name in mind in the future”
“This one is honored by your consideration,” Yuyue said bowing even more deeply.
She could not afford to offend Ma Luo now.
Ma Luo smiled as he saw her meek actions.
“Disciple Situ, I’ve heard you’ve come across a good fortune recently."
Hearing this, Yuyue felt her heart catch in her throat. This Ma Luo was too shameless!
"Even elders would not intervene in matters involving outer disciples, it was simply a waste of time."
Ah yes, allow the lunatic bullies to beat the crap out of everyone weaker than them and exploit them without the adults stepping in to put an end to it. Seriously, this is *so* bloody stupid to allow happen and apparently it's only being allowed since the sect leader is in seclusion-if the sect leader would put a stop to this crap, then the elders should as well since them being lazy and allowing it to happen will get the sect leader pissed at them once he's out of seclusion
Another scumbag!!!!
Actually it’s the same one