Chapter 1: The Beginning.
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Hospital A is one of the biggest and most famous hospitals in all of Egypt.

Inside one of its VIP rooms, lay a young man in bed breathing heavily.

The young man was bald, had swollen eyes a thin face and body, and a lot of IVs inside his body.

Some may mistake him for a mummy.

He spent the last two years of his life in bed, receiving chemist to heal his lung cancer.

When he first arrived at the hospital two years ago all the doctors said that he only has 6 months left.

But the young just kept fighting death, because of his most loved one, his mother.

Before dying with his sister in a car accident she told him to live and cherish his life more than anything, but she also told him not to forget about them.

The young man was now remembering the last thing his mother said, with tears pouring covering his face...

Fighting lung cancer was hard.

"I'm sorry .....mother, sister I can't keep my promise... I fought cancer ...for two years but no available."

The doctor who was in charge of the young man for the last two years was searching very hard to heal the young man.

When the young man first arrived, he told him that he only has six months, but the young kept fighting and fighting the illness.

Looking at the Skelton young man in front of him, he cried.

It was already a miracle for the young man to live for two whole years.

But once cancer reached its last stage, no more miracles can happen, only death will bring the young man salvation.

Seeing the doctor who helped him while all the other doctors didn't, cry...

The young man tried to ease his pain, in the last two years he felt like this doctor is his brother not a friend, but a brother.

"Thank you.... for your help, Dr. Musa. I know... that you made everything..cough..... you could to make.... me live more, and keep... my promise to mother .... You really don't know....cough.... how much I'm thankful... I just .....hope that next time someone... like me arrives, you will have successes in you ....cough....your research about the.... lung cancer..... My time has finally arrived... So... Don't cry anymore, brother..."

The young man kept coughing blood and shuttering to say the last words to his brother...

The doctor just nodded, he didn't has anything to ease the young man who is at the death door... He can only just watch as the young man breathed his last breath

"So That's how it ends? huh?"...

"Finally I`ll be able to see you, I`m coming to you Mother and sister.."

That were the last words the young man said before he finished breathing his last breath while remembering the warmth of his mother and sister.


"where am I... why all I see is darkness… I am finally free from the hospital why can`t I see mother and sister... am I going to hell... is mom and sister angry with me that I was the only one who survived while only they died?..

I want to see mom and sis… I don`t like darkness...

"... I`m sorry mom and sis even when I died it seems that I won`t be seeing you again.

While I was crying and remembering my days with mom and how mom always cared about me and my sis, even though we weren`t rich she always bought us all the things we wish for...

"The king finally walking up."

I hear someone screaming like a hen lost its eggs, while his voice was a hint of joy.

I forced open my sleepy eyes and focused on the one who screams,

it was a girl wearing maid clothes who left the room while shouting.

I tried hard to open my eyes, and as my heavy eyelid finally budged,

I was surprised by what I see.

I found myself inside what appeared to be a luxury medieval European Palace,

with magnificent decors, royal furniture, and a lavender scent as if I was in a dream.

I was shocked, I started to observe my surrounding after I felt that I had control of my neck.

Three beautiful women barged into the room while crying.

"You`re finally awake son, thank god that you`re alive." Said one of the three women while sobbing. She reached out her hand and hugged me while patting my head like some kid who cried after losing my lollipop.

She was a woman with long beautiful silver hair, and green eyes she was wearing a beautiful black dress.

"Brother you are finally awake, you made us worried. You even made your fiancé Alena cry for two hours straight..."  said a beautiful lady with looked like the first woman. Beautiful silver hair, green eyes. She was wearing a pink dress with some cute little rose flowers.

"Isaac". said the third lady while rushing to hug me and kept crying.

I smelled a little fragrance. the natural sweet body odor of women. As my sight moved closer, I realized that I was lying on a dark red, gold king-sized bed. My head was resting on a soft velvet pillow.

The third lady called Alena moved to the side of the bed with worry written all over his face. Her silky black hair was like a dark cloud tied together with a purple string. Her skin was paler than snow and smoother than ice.

The violet tunic skirt elevated her curves, making her appear like a goddess

that most men would dream of seeing.... she was just perfect.

I don`t know what to do.. who is this person... where am I...

what am I doing here, who are those beautiful women and what are they saying... one of them said to me "son" while the other said "brother"... and the other said my name, and it seems she is my fiancé... I didn`t even have a girlfriend in my last world…  it seems that I and this body share the same name...

but I remember dying in the hospital.... and that place that was full of darkness. don`t tell me that I reincarnated in this world. while I was thinking some fresh memories kept rushing into my head..... it seems that I truly reincarnated and we do share the same name... I have a mother, sister, and Alena who is my fiancé. I`m the king of this kingdom. The Uwineian Kingdom… But there his memory isn`t complete, I didn`t get to see his full memory.

when I was regaining the memories of Isaac.

My mother who goes by the name of Emma Chris gently put her left hand on my forehead, it wasn`t hot.

"Great! Your body temperature is back to normal.  Dr. Evan said that as long as you don`t have a fever, everything will be alright." said Alena.

I felt warmth in my heart... how much I missed something like this...

This warmth, even if I know that it`s not mine, I swear that I`ll protect it with my whole life, I will never and I mean never lose someone again.

Even if it was the original emotions, I can feel how much he loved his mother and sister. I will make sure not something bad will happen to them... I don`t want to lose anyone I love again.

"Don`t worry mom I`m fine but can I get some rest. I suddenly feely dizzy, Thanks, sis, and Alena for worrying about me. I`m also sorry for making you cry, Alena."

I said while patting Alena`s head, She said 'uhm' in a low voice and blushed.


"fine... come let's go Azura, Alena let`s make him rest for a bit." My mother said while Azura and Alena nodded their head and followed after she left the room.

after that, I calmed down and started to think about the whole situation. I was in another universe, but I can`t remember much from Isaac's memories. I only know about the name of this kingdom and my mother, sister, and Alena`s names. and that Isaac was in the war and while he was leading the army someone sneak attacked him with an arrow in the head, but thank god he was wearing a helmet so he just falls unconscious for two hours from the Impact of the arrow.

I don`t have anyone in my last universe or any attachment,  my mother and sister died, and I spent my last two years in the hospital.

After thinking about it, I think that becoming a king in another universe was not a bad thing.

I also have a loving mother, sister, and beautiful fiancé. But the problem is the kingdom right now is in a state of war.

I was furious." Why can`t I just have ordinary life on earth"

"I don`t want to become a slave, nor do I wish for my new family to become slaves, even if I have to make a bloody sea, I`ll protect this family."

At this moment ...

[Collecting the host`s information ... 20%..... 30%...

50%..... 85%.... 100%... Game system installation initiated....

Scanning brain capacity… Requirement met... Install...]

A mysterious, mechanical female-sounding voice appeared out of nowhere.

It scared me almost to death... the voice appeared directly in my mind...

"Wtf? what is this ghost.?". I got no replies.

[Install complete. Entering Abyss world 3... 2. 1. enter!]

Like the characters in the TV series Stargate who travel through the stargates, I felt dizzy and a mysterious and strange wave went through my body.

"Wtf? what is this ghost.?". I got no replies.

[Install complete. Entering Abyss world 3... 2. 1. enter!]

Like the characters in the TV series Stargate who travel through the stargates, I felt dizzy and a mysterious and strange wave went through my body.

{Rogue Encampment.}

I stood like a zombie at the {Rogue Encampment.}

I had been standing here for the last 5 minutes, after the 3 seconds countdown in his mind by the voice, my vision blurred and I landed here.

This was the real world. A perfect and lively world. this was the conclusion I came to after the 5 minutes. The sky was dark, and there is red rain was pouring down from the sky. An Unknown dark green bryophyte had grown all over the ground, dark soil appeared further away. The camp was empty.

"Cluck, Cluck, Cluck" Only a few hungry hens were seeking food in the rain.

A cold breeze blew through me and I shivered in the cold. The vivid sensation from every nerve in my body reminded me that this was read, this was a real-world, not a 2D character computerized screen.