Chapter 32: Tournament Preliminaries
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I woke up early and excited. I wriggled myself free, getting a quiet laugh from my companion. I wanted to get ready and be at the arena as soon as I could. Fran was excited as well, but she wasn’t the best at waking up.

I went into the bathroom, making sure to lock the door. There’d nearly been an incident the other day. I pulled on my armor, setting the appearance to be black with silver highlights. Looking at myself in the mirror, I was impressed. I looked good. I also looked extremely rich. I toned it down, making it look around around the D to C-Rank armor class. Underneath I was wearing magic wardrobe clothes. Just a tunic and trousers, something comfortable and easy to move in.

My hair was still somewhat messy, but that didn’t matter. The women of the group loved to fuss over mine and Fran’s hair, and I was fine with letting them. I watched what they did and learned. Our hair was put in a simple set of braids and tucked into our armor, since we didn’t want people to pull our hair. The Crimson Blood did not need to armor up, since their fight would be in a few days, but they did anyway. You never knew what was going to happen.

We had a quick breakfast, then headed out. It was barely dawn, so it was still a few hours till the tournament started, but Fran and I could not sit still. I hated waiting to go places, so inevitably ended up arriving very early. For the nonparticipants, they hoped to get good seats by showing up this early.

I thought we’d be one of the first participants to arrive, but there was already a large line ahead of us. After making sure we were in the right line, I pulled out a book and started reading. Alfred did the same. He’d picked up some books on horticulture while we were clothes shopping. Fran pulled out some fabric and started sewing.

Wait, what? When did she learn to sew? I looked Alfred, but he didn’t seem to know either. It turns out she had spent time with Chiennu yesterday while we were playing games. Fran had been intrigued by the task and asked about it. I gave her a hug, then let her get back to work. She wasn’t fast, but her stitches were neat. Much better than mine were… I only sewed on the sewing machine if I could help it, and I didn’t have one of those.

The line eventually started moving, the tournament staff checking off the participants against their list. We got separated into different groups. I was glad, since otherwise two of us would likely have been disqualified from the start. It also made sense, as people tended to line up with their friends.

I was in group F-B, Fran was in F-G, and Alfred got put in F-S. There were a LOT of participants. There were enough that they’d actually not let anyone into the stands, since they needed them for the participants right now. As we entered, I got a good look at the arena. It had been changed from what I’d seen during the F-Rank test. Instead of just being a big open field, there were stages spaced evenly around the area, six of them.

I was directed to a section close to the stairs down to the arena floor, since my group would be the second to fight. The staff herded today’s fighters into as little amount of room as possible, so they could collect ticket fees from as many spectators as possible. At ten thirty, no new participants were allowed into the line. If they couldn’t be on time, too bad.

Once all participants were checked in, they opened the gates to spectators. There was a flood of people. If the staff wasn’t there, someone would very likely have been trampled. There were vendors going around selling food and beverages, as well as bookies taking bets. The vendors were any of those with permission to sell there, but all the bookies were managed by the guild, or else…

I read my book until it was time to begin, ignoring all the naysayers trying to get me to quit before the fighting started. At eleven the tournament began. The first thing to happen was a reading of the rules of the tournament.

No intentional killing, restrict actions to just the field, not the stands, no assistance from the stands. Violators would be disqualified, and possibly arrested. Victory was by being the last one standing in the ring able to fight. If you landed outside, you were out. The guild was not responsible for any injuries or deaths that may occur. However, healers were on standby.

Today would be the qualifiers for the F-C ranks participants. 30 would be selected from each group, except for F-Rank with 32. The judges also selected two random people from the losers as possible participants from the ranks above F. This was done In case the winner and runner up decided to not compete in the next higher rank.

The real fights would begin tomorrow, with two Ranks fighting each day for two days, then the B-Rank and above taking one day each. Those ranks had few enough entries that they didn’t need qualifiers. Also, those tended to be the fights people came to see. Also, Anyone trying to come up from below had to participate from the start.

The first group was called up, there was around thirty people in each group. Since individual fights would take forever, they broke the fighters into smaller groups and each group had a small battle royale. The winners of that were grouped and fought again. The fights were capped at five minutes. If there was more than one person still standing, the judges chose the winner, usually from who was still standing and looked to be in the best condition.

My section was called down and broken into groups while the finals of section A were being fought. The judges took our groups up to empty platforms of the arena. They waited to start the fights until Section A’s fight had finished, and the last part of Section B was ready on the platform where section A’s finals had been.

My group had four enemies. Two swordsmen, an archer, and a tank with an axe. The tank was one of those who had been hassling me while we were waiting, but it was the archer I was least looking forward to fighting. I’d get rid of him first, since he were the closest to me.

When the bell was rung, I immediately dashed to the archer and kicked him out of the ring. I was actually afraid I’d overdone it, but saw he was fine...ish. The tank and one of the swordsman seemed to have had the same idea as me, and were headed to where the archer had been. They were surprised by me, but quickly changed their target from the missing archer to me. They should have been watching their backs.

From behind, the last swordsman landed a harsh strike on the helm of the tank, knocking him out. I dealt with the swordsman attacking my by parrying his strike, grabbing his arm with my free hand, and tossing him out. That left just me and the other swordsman.

I smiled at him, making a ‘bring it’ gesture. He didn’t, waiting for me. I sighed, and stepped in, dodging his sword, and giving him a nice kick to the stomach. I kept it light, so he was only bent over on his knees, gripping his stomach. He was also perfect prey for my blade. I laid it on his throat. He looked up into my smiling face, and surrendered. Yay! My win, and it was easy!

I skipped over to the judge, who led me to the central platform. My group was the first one done. I’m just that amazing. Sadly, I was too short to see the fight happening on the stage in front of me. I looked to one side, and was able to see a little of that fight. It was pretty good, for low rankers.

I had to wait till the five minute bell rang to end the fights. Only two of the other fights ended before the bell. Slowpokes. Ha! That brought a fun image to mind, and a smile to my face. The two people waiting with me did not like my smile. They knew I had finished my fight quickly, and didn’t know how. They were worried, and no longer giving me grief. Good.

We were brought up onto the stage and spaced out. There were six this time. No ranged fighters, unless they were hiding something. I was. I had throwing knives and magic. Bwahahaha! Anyway, it was me, three swordsmen, a spearman and a roguish guy with daggers. I bet that guy had throwing knives too. Well, technically two swordsmen, one of the three was a woman. I smiled and waved at her. She was one of those whose fight had lasted until the bell. She looked tired, and confused to see a little girl on the stage.

We readied ourselves, and the battle began. Two people immediately headed for me, the spearman and one of the swordsmen, but they were more cautious than the idiots in my first fight. Spear guy had to stop to defend themselves from the woman. The other went tumbling off the stage as I ducked his blow and tripped him. Physics for the win!

I headed towards the closest person, which was the spearman. He saw me coming, but was unable to respond quickly enough as I kicked him in the back of the leg, dropping him onto his butt. I smacked him on the head with the flat of my blade while dodging the woman’s sword. The guy was out, so I took the opportunity to remove the woman.

I blocked another strike with my shield, then stabbed towards her chest, making her raise her shield and lose sight of me. I stepped in and kicked her in the shin. Unfortunately, I did it harder than I meant to, breaking her leg. Fuck, I didn’t want to display that much power, yet. Anyway, she was rolling on the ground screaming, so I knocked her out with a softer kick.

The last swordsman and the rogue were going at each other. It was kinda boring. I waited for a good opportunity when both of them were locked up, then kicked the swordsman into the rogue, tripping them up, then dropped their tangled bodies off the side of the stage.

Booyah! Win!

I did want fix up the woman’s leg before leaving, but they got everyone out of there quickly so the next fight could start. One of the healers did some work on it, while giving me a disapproving look. I looked down, embarrassed at my mistake.

I was ushered out of the arena and into a room I showed my ID and participant slip, then given a badge as proof of making my way into the actual tournament. I was told to be at the arena by eight-thirty tomorrow, the fights would begin at nine. If I was late, I’d forfeit. Then they sent me up to the stands.

I looked around, trying to find where Gydrin and the others were. It took me a while, but I found them...on the other side of the arena. Sighing, I started making my way around to them. They had room for one person saved. I bet that was for Alfred. I was right. As soon as I got to them, I was snatched up and held by one of the women. I didn’t get a look at who, just that it was one of the traders.

I was given congratulations from the group and those around us. I found out Nyrrel had me by her voice. The people in the stands also asked how I got so strong. I gave them three words. Constant Brutal Training. I remembered what had happened the last day in the capital guild and a dead look came into my eyes. They backed off.

My friends on the other hand were worried, asking what had happened. They thought I’d had a decent life. I told them about the guild, and how I had asked for training, just never expecting it to be that intense. I did not say where it had happened, just that I was never going back as long as that man was still alive.

The guildmaster was a sadistic moron. If I hadn’t been in a training fugue, and therefore out of my mind, I’d never have let it continue for so long. While I got a lot of benefit from it, I nearly died. I got a title out of it...Training Dummy.”

They looked horrified.

“Ah, so you know about it. Yeah, thank the gods I have a decent mana supply and light magic. I would have died without them both. I’d rather not remember that anymore right now.”

They understood my desire to forget about it. Nyrrel Hugged me tight, and offered me some candy. I took it. Sweets taste even better as a child than they did as an adult. When I finished it, I pulled some food out of my item box, offering it to the group. It was still nice and hot, so they enjoyed it. Ah! I wanted to stock up on alcohol, but I’d probably be unable to buy it while in this body.

Hmm, and another thing to check when we are in private. I noted it down and asked them that night, but it seemed like alcohol was fine for dragonkin children, just like it was for dwarves. They’d help me buy some good stuff. Excellent!

We kept watching the matches. I didn’t see any competition until it was Fran’s turn. She finished her fights as quickly as mine. I gave her directions on how to find us after she got her badge. She joined us shortly, getting grabbed by Chiennu, who was next to me. We gave her congratulations. Our surroundings got really loud when they realized that the two strongest, and youngest, fighters in the F-Ranks were together.

We watched more fights, but while there were some decent ones who probably belonged a rank or two up, most of it was boring. Sadly for those fighters they would not get their chance.

When it was Alfred’s turn he followed out example, winning quickly and decisively. More noise came from the crowd when he joined us. He took the empty seat.

We didn’t see any real competition until the D-Rank fights. There were three well trained people who were definitely fighting above their rankings. I still think we’d win, but we’d have to see. At least we got to see what we had coming. Though, there might be some people skilled at hiding their true skill. I wanted to, but couldn’t. Fran just didn’t care. Alfred was only fighting because we’d made him. He’d rather be at the villa tending the gardens. I told him that he had to fight up until at least the D-Rank fights, or until he was eliminated. I don’t know how well the three of us would do against each other.

The C-Rank was where we definitely would have our work cut out for us. While Fran and I had trampled over the C-Rank group that was supposed to be the escort for Lady Deirdre, we had surprise on our side and the other side was only lightly armored. Also we had to try to not kill people in the arena. If we were fighting to the death, there were more spells I could use.

These people were formidable. It looked like tons of fun. Yes, I was turning into one of those people who love fighting.

After the preliminaries ended, we headed back to the inn. Fran and I threw cloaks over us so people would leave us alone. We had a delicious dinner, talked for a while, then went to bed early. Fran, Alfred and I had a busy day tomorrow.