Mayuri’s Dilemma
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[Mayuri's POV]

Man, the suitcase really is out of sight now. I wanted to play with the corpse a bit more. It was so much fun chopping off various body parts, feeling what's inside someone's body, that exotic smell of blood and various internal organs is so mesmerizing. The various sensations I felt when I shoved my hand inside the boy's leg were so dazzling. I wonder if a different person's innards will give some other sensation.

But well, we are doing things according to Big Sis and me putting in various requests will just ruin the purpose of this game which is for Big Sis to just enjoy herself and don't mind anyone else. I got carried away earlier as I couldn't hold myself back seeing a dead body but now I am a bit calm to control my emotions.

I don't know why Big Sis decided to keep the girl around, Big Sis should have just killed her. Now we would have to think about her more and doing that would reduce the time Big Sis and I can think just about each other.

She's a Bitch, a witch, a waste of time, garbage, a piece of shit girl who's doing nothing but wasting my precious time with Big Sis. I should just kill her, then I would also have her body to play with, but of course, I won't do that. Those actions would go against what Big Sis has thought of, which I don't know what is. So later, let's ask Big Sis about the reason for the girl's useless life being saved.

Now we should just return back to the hotel and slee........... "BIG SIS!" I just remembered something amazing!

"Wh-what?" seems like she got a bit surprised by my sudden voice.

"Don't we have to clean the playroom?"

"Huh?........Playroom?" hmmm seems like she doesn't get it, or maybe she just forgot.

"Cleaning the room where are the blood is and human flesh is scattered around!"

"........Ahhh ......... Yeessssss" why did Big Sis just sigh? It will be so much fun cleaning the room. Again enveloped in the smell of blood and human flesh. Again getting to touch flesh and bones, OH MY WHAT BLISS!.




Since it's early morning, most of the shops are closed but there are some that open 24/7. We went to one of those and bought some cleaning equipment. The girl is just following us with a disgusted and terrified expression. Her eyes seem blank, Hmmmm, I like that look. I want to see that expression on everyone's face that will come between me and Big Sis. Then give them some hope and before they can catch that ray of light kill them off, showing that if anyone comes near Big Sis they would make me sad and if I am sad then they should be sad as well and they should just remain worthless for the rest of their lives just like that mother of mine.

Ahhh, I just remembered that mother again. I always laugh when I think about the old me who just wanted her mother's praise and attention.

Earlier in my age, I thought it was my fault that my mother was always shouting and being a bitch. Her parents abandoned her when she was 15, then stopped giving her monthly allowance when she turned 18, Probably expecting her to earn money by herself. Mother did try to earn money by doing various part-time jobs, but the stress, tension, anxiety, fear got over her head and she started acting like a fucking swine.

I thought it was my mistake, I thought it was because I was born that mother had to go through all this. I would always denigrate myself, just thinking everything is my fault.

One day when mother beat me up, I also offered to kill myself in front of her. I thought that was the best choice, I thought with me gone everything would be good for mother and I saw nothing wrong with it. Even after she abandoned me, I again thought it was because I did something wrong and felt sad that she ran away.

I felt that way even when I started writing the diary and met Big Sis. But after spending all this time with Big Sis, I clearly understood three things.

First, offering to kill myself was nothing but foolishness. If I had killed myself then I wouldn't have met Big Sis and have this wonderful life.

Secondly, Mother was nothing but a crybaby.





Now I understand that it's not my fault that her parents abandoned her. It's not my fault they stopped giving her money. It's not my fucking fault she took over all the tension, stress, fear, and anxiety thrown at her. It's not my damn fault that I was born when she was underage.

All of this was done by her alone, she made all those decisions. She made shitty life choices, she herself decided to do everything. She didn't try to become strong and change her circumstances, instead just complained and whined about everything. It's like according to her just bitching about everything would solve anything.

Third, now I feel very happy about her abandoning me. Her bitchy nature and running away from everything attitude helped me meet Big Sis.

If I meet her again, I want to express my gratitude towards Mother for abandoning me and for being a bitch.

The only dilemma, I am facing toward mother is after expressing my gratitude what should I do with her? Should I just leave her alone or have fun with her.

AH! seems like we reached the hotel while I was wasting my time thinking about that mother of mine.




We reached the same hotel room and started cleaning the room. Big Sis has an expression that is saying 'Please just finish quickly' and the girl is also helping with the clean even though her face is almost crying.

Again she is meddling between my time with Big Sis while we are doing such amazing stuff.




While disposing of the bedsheet I thought of an amazing idea.

In the future when Big Sis becomes CEO and me her SECRETARY then I would buy a house exclusively for displaying dead bodies in various forms. Then during Birthday's me and Big sis would have a party just for us inside that house surrounded by showcases of gloriously displayed bodies. It would be a House OF ART AND JOY!.

Yup, Yup sound good, sounds extremely magical and marvelous.




We finished cleaning the room and disposed of the bedsheets. Now the room looks as good as new, it looks like nothing happened here which is a bit sad to think about. It's like all that fun and the blissful environment with everyone playing just never happened.




Big Sis and I went back to our rooms but before that Big Sis told the girl what to do in the future.

According to Big Sis, the girl will remain silent on this matter throughout her life and since she's apparently 'A Victim', if she just obeys this rule then nothing 'Bad' will happens in her life ever again and her future would be filled with nothing but 'Happiness'. After that they talked a bit more and though I kind of understand some of the stuff Big Sis said but calling her 'A Victim' is clearly far-fetched, instead I think we are the victims as we had to waste our precious time on this worthless girl. But it seems like Big Sis wants to make her into something useful so I guess I should help Big Sis in her goal.

Big Sis fell asleep immediately and after watching Big Sis sleeping face for 3 hours, feeling satisfied I also fell asleep.


Firstly, A Huge THANKS to 'ANONYMOUS' for drawing the awesome new cover for the novel.

If anyone wants to Upgrade the new cover or make a new one to add to the cycle then contact at [email protected].

Lastly, for the sex scene, I have imagined most of the scenario but is having difficulties with different kinds of noises they make so if anyone of you cultured men or women(we prefer gender equality) have some recommendation for it then do share in the comment section below or send me a mail at [email protected].