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University. It is the most important part of one's life. It is where you study for whatever you want to do. It is where you make or break your career. Everything starts in university and ends with it. Studying, scandals, love affairs, everything is a part of university. 


Such was a story that involved two girls. 


Noel Solis. A 21 year old business major in her 2nd year of university. She was smart, hardworking, and an ambivert. She didn't talk much but she didn't have social anxiety and had a few friends


On top of that, she was beautiful. With the height of 5"6, bright blue eyes, fit body, mid back length black hair, and beige skin, she was a girl that you'd remember. 


She was the first one in this story. The second one was, 


Azalea Caer. A 21 year old business major in her second year of university. A rich, genius prodigy and a cold extrovert. An influential person with many contacts at such a young age. 


That wasn't all either. She was extremely beautiful with features as if sculpted by hand. With the height of 5"7, piercing gray eyes, slender body, waist length brown hair, and fair skin. She was someone you'd never be able to forget. 


These were the women of this story. But, what was so special about them? 


Well, one was a student and the other was a teacher. 


It all started like this;




It had been barely a month since the second year of university had started. Noel was doing okay. She had passed with good marks in her first year. And she understood most of what she learned. 


Today was supposed to be just another day of lectures. She was seated at her bench occasionally chatting with her friends waiting for the professor to arrive. He was a bit strict but he was knowledgeable. Though, right now, he was already a few minutes late.


Five minutes passed and finally the doors opened. 


Everyone seized their chatting to go to their seats. But, everyone froze mid way. 


Because, in walked not their professor who was in his mid fifties. No. In walked a beautiful woman who looked the same age as them. Was she a student too? 


She had brown hair and was wearing casual formal clothing. Beige pants and black shirt. She was really beautiful. 


"Please be seated everyone. I need to introduce myself and it's already late" said the woman, putting a few sheets of documents on the teacher's table. 


Everyone settled down, still stunned. 


The woman spoke then, "Hello, everyone. My name is Azalea Caer and I'm going to be your temporary teacher of this subject starting from today since your original teacher has been in an accident and cannot return for a few months. Is that clear? Great. Let's start" Azalea said and started preparing the lesson without even looking at the students.


Everyone was shocked and speechless. They couldn't even form the words to ask a question. 


It was a good few minutes later when someone spoke. It was Noel's friend, Nathan, sitting right beside her. Noel massaged her eyebrows for the impending headache. 


He raised his hand. Azalea stopped teaching and gestured for him to go on. 


"Professor, how old are you?" he boldly asked. 


Azalea looked at him with a cold piercing gaze for an uncomfortable 30 seconds that even made him regret his question. 


Then she spoke, "If you can tell me what I was talking about exactly 3 minutes earlier, I'll answer your question" she said, looking at him. 


He had no words. He didn't know. He was too busy staring at her to pay attention to the listen. It was the same with everyone else. 


So Azalea continued, "Next time, pay attention to the lesson rather than me. Sit down" she said coldly and went back to teaching. 


A lot of people started paying attention to the lesson after that while Noel consoled Nathan, sighing. 


Though, that professor, Azalea, really intrigued Noel. 




In Azalea's next lecture, there was full attendance. Noel was there as well and her friends were getting ready to ask questions. 


Azalea arrived right on time looking ever more beautiful and with a small greeting, she started the lecture. 


Azalea was a great teacher. Her way of explaining things was simple and easy and made it possible for everyone to understand what she was talking about even when the topic was hard. 


It was a boy named Noah that asked something this time. 


"Professor, are you new here?" 


"If you tell me, Mister Noah, how that affects my teaching, I will answer you" replied Azalea with her ever cold eyes. 


Noah shrunk back down to his seat, not having an answer. 


It was near the end of the lecture, Azalea was done with today's teaching material and was sitting down at the desk. 


Bryce, a boy who was sitting behind Noel, someone she is on shaky terms with, asked something this time. 


"Hey, professor! Why do you not answer our questions? We just want to get to know you better, you know? They're all innocent questions" he said with a disgusting smirk. 


Azalea replied looking at him coldly, "Oh, I'm sorry. I was not aware interrogation was part of my job description, Mister Bryce" 


Bryce was stunned speechless. Especially because the tone she answered in gave him shivers. 


The class 'oohed' at him, laughing at his loss as well. 




This went on pretty much everyday. Everyone tried to find out who Azalea was but Azalea easily shocked them to speechlessness. 


Today was another day. Everyone was waiting for Azalea in anticipation. 


Nathan was preparing himself to ask another question. 


Noel sighed. "Why do you keep doing this? She clearly is never going to answer you" she said. 


"That's a maybe. But c'mon, aren't you even a little curious about her??" Nathan replied. 


"Of course not" Noel replied. Of course she was. But she wasn't going to tell him that. 


"Really? Then why do you look so invested when someone asks a question and very disappointed when Professor Azalea doesn't answer them?" Nathan said then. 


"W-What do you mean?" Noel stuttered. 


Then, Kyla, the girl on the bench beside her, spoke, "He's right, though. You are too focused for someone who doesn't care. The only thing making you different from everyone else is that you are not asking questions as well" she said. 


"Y-You, aren't you both paying a bit too much attention to me?!" Noel exclaimed. She wasn't that obvious, was she?! 


Before they could answer, Azalea entered the class, with a stack of papers. 


Everyone settled down. 


Azalea spoke, "I'm taking a surprise test today" she said. 


Everyone started grumbling in discontent. 


Then Azalea continued, "It's a 50 mark paper. There are 50 one word or one sentence questions. You'll get 45 minutes. If, you get even 35, I'll answer your questions" she said. 


Everyone immediately got their energy back and took out writing materials ready to answer everything. 


No one knew anything. All the questions were something they hadn't learned yet. 


Noel got quite a lot right. She had studied further in this subject. Though, it was not all. The test was absurd. It was as if Azalea was making fun of them. 


After the test was over and Azalea collected the papers, it was Bryce who voiced his complaints first, 


"Hey, Professor Azalea! What was that test! Just say it if you don't want to answer anything. Why give an impossible test?!" he exclaimed. 


There were murmurs of agreement all around the class. 


Noel sighed. Of course it was going to be impossible. What did they think was going to happen?? 


Sitting down and starting to grade the test, "Impossible? Are you saying you don't know your own curriculum?" she said, looking right at Bryce.


"Y-You haven't taught us everything yet and-" Bryce tried to argue back but Azalea cut him off, 


"Oh? Are you saying you won't ever learn your curriculum if it were never taught to you? Is that the mindset you're planning to graduate with?" she said. 


Bryce was tongue tied. Anything he replied, it would be wrong. 


Noel smirked. This professor became more and more interesting. 


Then, Azalea spoke again, "Miss Noel"


Noel sat up straight in surprise looking at Azalea. 


Azalea smirked, took a test paper, and walked towards Noel. 


Standing right beside her and putting a test paper down on the desk, Azalea spoke, "Congratulations on getting a score of 30, the highest in this test" she said with a charming smile. 


Noel was stuck staring at her. Her smile was so beautiful. 


"Uh- thank you, p-professor" Noel said then, flustered. 


Azalea smiled and walked back to her desk. 


Everyone was looking at Noel with surprised eyes.


Noel tried to shrink away from all the attention. 


Then, Nathan spoke, "Hey, professor, since one of us got 30, it's close enough, right? We should get to ask a question, right?" he said. 


There were a lot of sounds of agreement all around. 


Nathan continued since Azalea didn't say anything, "So, professor do you have a boyfriend?" he asked. 


Noel sighed. 


"Oh? And why do you want to know such a thing?" Azalea asked back, putting her hands on the desk and sitting leisurely but elegantly. 


"Because you look so young and beautiful and well, I bet boys must be throwing themselves at you, right? So, do you have a boyfriend?" he replied. 


Everyone was shocked that he still kept going. 


Noel said then, "What about a girlfriend?" 


Everyone looked at her in surprise. 


Noel looked at everyone confused as to why they were looking at her. Then she realized. Everyone heard her! Shit! She didn't mean to say that out loud! 


Azalea spoke then, "Oh? What was that, Miss Noel? I didn't quite hear you. Would you mind repeating that?" she said. 


Noel froze. Everyone started giving her sympathetic looks. Nathan nudged her to talk. 


So, after taking a breath, she said, "What about a girlfriend? Do you have a girlfriend?" 


Azalea smirked. Everyone held their breaths to see how Noel would be scolded. But, to everyone's surprise, Azalea said, 


"No, Miss Noel. I don't have a girlfriend, neither do I have a boyfriend" 


The whole class went silent. 


The bell rang. Azalea left the class with her smirk never receding. 


Noel was frozen. What the hell?? 




After that day, people tried again. But, Azalea never replied. Then, one day, Nathan had a bright idea. 


"Hey, Noel!" he said. 


Noel looked at him skeptically. 


"You ask a question this time. She has answered you before. Maybe she'll do it again" he said. 


People around agreed. 


Azalea quieted down the class. 


Nathan stood up, "Professor! Noel had a question!" he said. 


Noel looked at him wide eyed. 


"I'll treat you to lunch and dinner for a week!" Nathan whispered. 


Noel sighed. Really?? 


"Yes, Miss Noel?" Azalea asked with a smile. 


Noel forgot her words for a second looking at that smile. 


"A-Are you married?" she asked, not meeting her eyes. 


Azalea smirked, "No, I am not married, Miss Noel" she said. 


The class was shocked to silence again. 


Noel tried to hide herself. 


After that, all the questions were asked by Noel and every single time Azalea answered. Though she never answered the ones about her age. But still, no one knew why she only answered to Noel but they were taking full advantage of it while Noel wanted the ground to swallow her. The amount of smiles and smirks directed at her was too much for her! Is a teacher even allowed to be like that?! 




It was another day. Noel was standing in front of a teacher to get permission to stay a night in the library to complete her work. 


Due to some complications at her home, she hadn't been able to complete a bunch of assignments. And she couldn't go back because there was too much noise around her neighborhood. On top of that, she needed quite a lot of books from the library. Plus, this university had dorms so the place wasn't as desolate as one would think. 


But, the teacher just, rejected it. 


Just as she was about to leave, a voice spoke, 


"It's alright. I'm staying overnight today as well. I'll keep an eye on her" said Azalea standing behind the teacher. 


Noel couldn't say a word and just kept staring at Azalea. 


Azalea smiled at her. The teacher agreed. 


Night came. Noel settled herself in the library with her laptop and various books, ready to complete everything. She had 7 assignments to do. She was fine. She can do it. 


She had just typed a paragraph when Azalea entered the library with a small bag, smiling, and took a seat in front of her. 


No one said a thing. So, Noel spoke, without looking at her, "Why did you do that?" she asked. 


"You looked like you needed it" replied Azalea. 


"I didn't. I bet you don't even have any work here" Noel said next, looking up at her. 


Azalea chuckled, "I do have work. It's looking after you. Quite a focus centered work, don't you think?" she said. 


"You-Why do you act like that??" Noel said then. 


"Like what?" Azalea asked. 


"Like- that!" Noel exclaimed. 


Azalea smiled, "You're going to have to be more specific than that, Noel" she said. 


Noel blushed, "That! You- stop flirting with me! You're a teacher!" she exclaimed. 


Azalea chuckled but said nothing. 


Noel had no words. This is the first teacher like her that she's come across. 


So she just went back to typing. 


Then, Azalea asked, "How many assignments are you behind on?"


"....Seven" Noel replied. 


Azalea hummed, "How did that happen?" she asked.


"Some things came up at home, nothing much" Noel replied. 


She didn't know if she should tell her the truth. After all, this college was one of the most prestigious colleges in the world and only wealthy people admitted here and her and her family background, was anything but that. The only reason she could get admitted here, was solely because of her studies. 


She came from a family of 4. Herself, a little sister, and parents. Father was alcoholic and kept hounding them for money and mother and her tried their best to make ends meet. She wanted her sister to have a good future and no obstacles, unlike her. And sometimes, that got in the way of her college but she never minded. 


Azalea saw the countless emotions flash through Noel's eyes. She didn't ask about them. Instead, she said, "Why didn't you ask for a pardon?" 


"It's no use. I wouldn't get it" Noel replied. She had no reason to give. 


Azalea hummed, "In that case", she said and got up and sat down beside her, "I'll help you" she said, taking out her own laptop. 


"You quite literally can't though??" Noel said, flustered. 


"Hm, well, I hope you can keep a secret then" said Azalea with a wink and a smile. 


Noel blushed and turned her head down, hoping Azalea couldn't see her. 


Azalea smiled, perfectly having seen her reaction, but said instead, "Tell me the topic of three of your assignments" 


And since Noel was still flustered and blushing, she told her the topics without thinking about it. 


Azalea hummed, "Those are hard if not understood correctly. I believe you won't have any problems with it" she said. 


"Wait- What are you doing??" Noel asked when she saw Azalea writing her assignment. 


"Helping you. You should start too, by the way. You don't have time to waste" Azalea replied, not taking her eyes off the screen. 


Not knowing what to say, Noel dumbly nodded and went back to typing. 


It was hours later, both the girls were still typing away. Noel was swaying, fighting to keep her eyes open. Then, Azalea got a call. 


"I'll be back" she said to Noel and got up and walked out of the library. 


Noel nodded and kept typing. 


It was about 15 minutes later when Noel's eyes had almost closed fully when a cup of coffee appeared in front of her face. 


There stood Azalea, smiling, and with a cup of her own. 


Noel confusedly took the cup and Azalea sat back down. 


"W-What? Why?" asked Noel, confused. 


"To help you stay awake" replied Azalea. 


Then, Azalea took out a bag of chips and offered it to Noel. 


"How do you even have that?" Noel asked surprised. 


"I just bought it" replied Azalea with a smile, shaking the chip bag. 


Noel took one, still confused, "But why?" she asked. 


"I told you. To help you stay awake" Azalea replied. 


"Why are you doing so much for me?" asked Noel then. She just didn't get it. 


"Do you dislike it?" asked Azalea back. 


"I- I-.. That's not the point" Noel stuttered, with a light blush. Because she didn't dislike it at all. Azalea was beautiful and she liked her. And that made her feel guilty. 


"Then there's no problem if I continue" Azalea said then. 


"What, no wait-" Noel tried to say but Azalea cut her off, 


"You really should write. You don't have much time left" she said casually and went back to typing, giving Noel no chance to speak again. 


Because of course, she liked Noel. She had intrigued her from the very first day she met her. So there was nothing wrong with pursuing her, was there? 


They wrote the assignments till 4 am. It probably would've taken Noel much longer had Azalea not helped her. And the assignments she wrote were top class, one of the best she'd seen. Hers paled in comparison. But still, when Azalea had seen hers, she had said, 


"That's very impressive" with a genuine smile. 


She was busy blushing to see if she actually meant it. 


She did.




The next incident happened a week later. A week of more smiles, smirks, chuckles, goddamn questions, and blushes. At this point even her friends were wondering if something was going on between them. It was ridiculous. 


Okay, she may or may not have developed a small crush on Azalea. But everyone had a crush on her! So she's fine. Right? 


Anyways, today her lectures were in the evening. It was the last day of the week and she had a holiday tomorrow. She just wanted to go home. The teacher had just left and the college was emptying. 


Then, Nathan approached her with a bunch of files in his hand that the teacher had handed to him to keep in the teacher's lounge. 


She tried to run away because she knew exactly what he wanted to do. 


"Noel! Please! I beg you!" he said and blocked her way. 


"No" she said. 


"Please!" he drawled out the word. "I've got a date! Please, I'll buy you anything you want! Please, big please!" he said. 


Noel sighed loudly, "Fine" she said and took the files. At least someone should get the one they want. 


"Yes! Thank you! You're the best! See you in the next class!" he said and practically ran away. 


She shook her head with a smile and walked towards the teacher's lounge. 




The teacher's lounge was empty. Except for one teacher who was typing away at her laptop. 


Azalea. It was Azalea. 


She looked up the moment Noel entered. 


Noel tried to keep the files on a table and leave. 


Azalea spoke before she could take even a step away from the table, 


"Oh my, you have no questions today?" she asked. 


"I-I never do. It's the others that do" Noel said, trying not to look into Azalea's beautiful eyes. 


"Are you saying you were never once curious yourself?" Azalea said next with a small smirk, getting up and coming to stand in front of her. 


Noel looked at her in surprise as she stood in front of her. Quickly averting her gaze, "N-No" she said.


Azalea's smirk widened, "Is that so?" she said and took another step forward. 


Noel was blushing. But she said, "You- You need to stop flirting with me! You're a teacher!" 


"I'm a temporary teacher" Azalea said. 


Noel continued, "Y-You're so much older than me and it's not-" 


Azalea immediately cut her off, "Woah, woah. Old? I'm 21, you know? I'm in the same year as you. Do I look that old to you?" she said. 


"Wait, you're the same age as me?!" Noel exclaimed 


Azalea laughed, "I am. Does it come as that much of a surprise?" she asked. 


"Well, no and yes? You always looked so young and beautiful at first I, everyone, thought you were our age until you introduced yourself as our teacher" Noel replied. 


Azalea smirked, "You thought I was beautiful?" she said. 


Noel blushed, "I still do" she mumbled. 


Azalea smiled widely hearing her. 


Hurriedly changing the topic, Noel spoke again, "But, uh, how are you a teacher in a university if you're this young?" she asked. 


"Hm, well, one, I'm what you would call a genius prodigy. I've already done these studies and more. Two, I'm rich. Three, I own this university. So technically, no one can stop me" Azalea explained with a smile. 


"Holy shit. Damn. Wow" Noel said, shocked. 


Azalea chuckled. "Mhm. Now then, since all the misunderstandings have been cleared, may I ask you a question of my own?" she said. 


Noel nodded. 


"Would you go on a date with me, Noel?" Azalea asked with a charming smile, leaning toward Noel. 


Noel visibly blushed. But she still answered, "Yes" 


Azalea smiled brightly. 


Then, Noel added, "But, you can't kiss me as long as you're a teacher" she said with a mischievous look. 


"That is quite unfair" Azalea huffed and stepped back. 


Noel laughed, "I just do not want the title of dating a teacher, okay" she shrugged. 


Azalea was about to say something but then she looked at her watch and a smirk came on her face. 


She stepped closer to Noel again. "So, I can't kiss you as long as I'm a teacher, correct?" she said, standing touching distance away from Noel. 


Noel nodded confused and with a light blush at their proximity. 


Azalea hummed, then she gently held Noel's chin. 


"What are you do-" Noel tried to say but Azalea cut her off. 


By pulling her gently and giving her a long, soft kiss. 


Noel stiffened at the start but relaxed soon enough. 


When they leaned back, Azalea had a tender smile on her face. 


"My shift just ended. I'm not a teacher right now" she said softly with a small grin, showing her watch. 


Noel was stunned speechless from her words and because the kiss was repeating in her head again and again. 


"I'll send you the time and place for the date" Azalea said next with a smirk and left the lounge. 


Noel still stood speechless with a growing blush and a smile, touching her lips. 


Azalea was all the same as she walked out and touched her lips and a soft smile grew on her face. 


Both of them definitely looked forward to the date. 



The End. 


Hey! LOST here! So, how did you like it? I know it was a bit unrealistic but this was just my twist on the usual age gap TeacherxStudent stories. Since I myself don't really like stories with big age gaps, I made this as a result of me wanting a TeacherxStudent story but with no age gap. Please leave any reviews, criticisms, tips to improve, and all that good stuff. I apologize if I missed a typo. See ya around! <3