18 – Darkside
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■ Author Warning, You enter the Darkside Moment. This Chapter was fully skippable, especially if you are still right on the head. I had Warned you■

" Lumayan, Oleh budak gratisan "

" Yo, ndang gowoen neng markas kono, Aku tak ngenteni nang kene ambek arek-arek. "

" Arek wedok iku lumayan ayu cok, Jok pateni lok yo "

" Jelas ora lah, Cepet nang ngaleh kono cek engko kumanan giliran "

" Iyo iyo, He mbak e, Ayo mbak mbalek karo aku "

" Ayo mas e "

There was a several people talking in low voice. 

From their action of kindapping me, There should have a bad purpose. 

Well, I let this stinky evil to bring me somewhere while pretending to ressist.

" Dancok, Obah ae arek iki "

" Koen kurang pinter mas e, Kene keknonaku. "

The devil stopped and passed me to other person. 

The person only teared the sack that covered my head. 

She was a mature woman, might be around 30 to 40'ish. 

She chugged a small bottle and Forcing me to drink the alcohol.

She repeated this for several times until her friend nagged and pulling her hair.

" Dancok Goblok! Mandek o Cok, matek cah celek iku engko. Delok en, wes ketok teler iku "

" Iyo iyo mas "

The woman stopped and kept me on her shoulder.

And so, The jurney was continued.

■ Ps.Author note: This was a bad,

I recommendated you and me myself to went to our praying room and ask the God for forgiveness after reading this stupid chapter, thanks God that I could still force my self to delet a few devilish detail ■