Vol. 7 Chapter 64- Shaved Ice and Summer Heat
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"C'mon, Azrath!" Noel called as the little guy nestled himself deeper into her closet shelf. His eyes were closed, and his face was turned away from her. "Just talk to him. You'll see I'm right!"

It was hard to tell beneath his fluff, but he was pouting in huffy silence.

He had been like this since last night when Noel had come home from the park. Not one word passed from his lips, even as he hid in her school bag that morning. That was his way of telling her that he would not let her go to school without him ever again. Noel was tempted to pull him out and leave him behind, but she knew that beneath the anger lay fear and concern.

Noel just couldn't believe that Azrath, of all people, was giving her the silent treatment like he was a petty teenage girl. Noel did not miss the irony. But she could not picture the old, dignified angel she had seen in that vision acting this way!

It wasn't her fault he thought he could tell her what to do! He was not her dad! Still, Noel did feel a bit guilty for treating him unkindly. He wasn't wrong for being worried about her. She just wished he would trust her judgment. Buster was not a bad person. Just…strange.

She tried to explain in whispers on the way to school, but he continued to give her the cold shoulder all day. Suited her just fine. Noel had no desire to hear him nag about the dangers of "fraternizing with the enemy." Besides, she had to deal with the weird glances her friends were giving her all day. Noel knew exactly what they were thinking: That stupid letter! They were no doubt wondering if Buster was the one who wrote it!

Well, he wasn't! He wouldn't! Noel didn't even know if Buster knew how to write. She would have to set the record straight somehow. Yet none of them brought up Buster or the letter between classes or after school. And Noel was sure as heck not going to bring it up in case they got the wrong idea.

To her dismay, it was already too late. Noel had thought they would walk home with her as usual, but instead, they waved her off with excuses about clubs or whatever. But judging from smirks on the girls' faces—though Mugi's seemed a bit more strained than the other two's—it was clear that they were lying through their teeth.

Noel quietly seethed as she walked home alone. What, did they think she was planning to walk with Buster? She swore that if that Ahngreel was waiting for her like he'd done yesterday, she'd walk right past him just to prove her friends wrong. Didn't matter if she was planning to see him later that day. That was irrelevant.

Thankfully, Buster was not waiting for her. Though she was initially relieved, Noel did feel some disappointment at the missed opportunity to introduce Azrath. He was nestled in her bag, silent as ever. She was tempted to walk past her house and straight to the park, but that wouldn't be fair to Azrath. Forcing him to meet Buster was not the way to change his mind. He needed to decide that on his own.

So, back to the house she went, with only a stop at the Kuboue's to check on Danny. He was having the time of his life eating shaved ice as Granny splashed water onto her stoop with a ladle. Noel had to admit. She was a bit jealous of Danny. It was summer vacation back in America, but here in Japan, they had to wait until the end of July. And it only lasted half as long. That meant two whole months boiling away in a classroom with no A/C. At least they had swim class. And at least she had the class trip to look forward to. But that was still a while away.

When Noel got back to her room, she opened her back and was about to speak to Azrath when he hopped out and flew into her closet in a huff. Noel had to push down her irritation as she tried to persuade him out of his bad mood.

"He's not that bad a guy, but you won't give him a chance! Who's the one being rude here? You or him?"

Again, Azrath ignored her.

"Fine. I'm leaving. And here I thought that you'd try and stop me again."

Azrath grunted, "What would be the point of that? You obviously don't care about my opinion on this. Who am I to stop you?"

"Oh, so you're speaking to me again?"

He gave her the side-eye. "It's not that I wanted to stop speaking. It's just that my words don't seem to matter to you. So, what would be the point?"

Noel threw up her hands in exasperation, "Why are you making this my fault?" Then she caught herself, "Sorry. But you've got to realize I'm not going to back down on this. Buster is nice. And if you don't want to see that, I don't know what else to say. I thought you understood that people are more than they seem."

"I know they are," said Azrath turning to face her from his perch, "That's what I'm worried about."

She had nothing to say to that. "Please come with me, Azrath. I'm sorry about yesterday."

He scoffed, "No, you're not."

"You're right. I'm not. But you're never going to persuade me I'm wrong by sulking."

"As if you aren't the most stubborn girl I've ever met?" He smirked at her.

"You know me too well." She smiled back.

After a moment, Azrath smiled for real. "I'll…think about it."

That was better than nothing.

Noel shut Azrath in the closet so she could change out of her uniform and into a tank top and shorts. It was getting too hot to wear that thing, but her summer uniform wouldn't arrive for a few days. It couldn't come sooner.

"Have you thought about it long enough?" she asked as she hung up her uniform.

Azrath fluffed his feathers in response.

Suit yourself. She snatched the pen and shoe buckle from her bag and left the house. As she was locking the door with her key, someone approached her from behind.

"I didn't know you were that impatient, Buster," she said. "Didn't you say we were going to meet at the park?"

"Fufu, so I was right, dear. I'm glad I brought two of these, then."

Noel jumped as her instincts almost made her punch poor Granny in the face. She had enough self-restraint to avoid even raising a fist. The old woman was standing there holding two bowls of red-tinged shaved ice. Granny seemed not to notice Noel's panic as she held up the bowls.

"You were looking a little envious at your brother, so I thought I'd bring you some. Here's yours. The other's for the boy." She smiled, "He may be a Yankii, but it's hot today."

"Uh, thank you." Noel accepted hers with a small bow. Granny had good instincts. Noel's sweet tooth had been aching at the sight of the syrup-covered ice. She was tempted to scarf down hers on the spot, but she restrained herself as she took the other bowl. "I'll be sure to bring the dishes back when we're done."

"See that you do. You'd better hurry, dear, or it'll melt before you see him." Granny's smile grew wry.

"Uhh…" What was wrong with everyone?! Even Granny was making assumptions. But Noel kept her mouth shut as she jogged past her. She spared a glance toward the Kuboue's house, where her brother was now the one watering the porch. Though, he wasn't using the ladle. Mr. Kuboue stood over him, making sure Danny didn't spill the entire bucket. Both waved at Noel as she left.

She tried to wave back without spilling either bowl while ignoring the old man's grin. Noel then picked up speed as she jogged down the sidewalk toward the park. She hoped Buster was finished with his work. If it took him too long, his shaved ice would melt, and she would be forced to eat it herself. Noel briefly reconsidered this thought. Two shaved ice all to herself? Maaaybe he could afford to be a little late. She'd give him five minutes.

But to her slight disappointment, Buster was sitting there, once more surrounded by children, some she recognized from yesterday. He was in the middle of telling some kind of tale:

"—Then, when I was about to fall to my knees, I saw Khary starin' at me with the kind of faith only reserved for a hero. At that look, I found myself filled with strength. I'd gotten my second wind! But I had to be smart. You don't win a fight by pure strength alone. So, I feinted, and let my knee buckle to give Nuumalt the illusion that I was on the brink of defeat. And, like an amateur, she comes in close for the kill. That's when I laid on my strongest attack. A little somethin' that I like to call ‘Chillin' Uppercut!" Buster crouched and straightened back up in a single smooth motion. As he crouched, Buster swung his fist in an arc from low to high until his arm was straight above him. "Bam! The unsuspecting Nuumalt takes the entire force of my punch right on the chin just as she's gloatin'. Her teeth smack together and shatter, along with the rest of her jaw, as she goes flyin', landin' flat on her back. She's done! And once again, the day was saved thanks to Buster Brinn!" He struck a pose like Officer Red.

The kids erupted into cheers. Noel crept closer and leaned against a tree.

"So, what happened to Khary?" asked a boy.

"Did she give you a kiss for saving her?" added a girl.

"Ew! Why would she do that?" he retorted.

The girl clasped her hands together, "That's what I would do. He saved a girl's life! Bravery like that deserves a reward."

 The boy shook his head, "You realize that Nuumalt was also a girl."

She stuck her tongue at him, "Yeah, but Nuumalt's not kissing anyone anymore. Not with that mouth!"

Another boy, the one called Satoshi, chimed in, "My dad says you shouldn't hit a girl no matter what."

"Even if she's twice your size and scary like she was?" said the girl.

Satoshi stood, "That won't matter. I'm gonna work hard to grow big and strong like Buster so that I can protect the weak, too."

Buster laughed, "That's a good goal to have, kid. But you're gonna have to work extra hard to be as strong as me."

"Count on it!"

"And you'd better use that strength to protect the weak like you said." Buster's face grew stern. "Because if you're not and I catch you bullying others, you're gonna answer to me!" Buster raised a fist.

The other kids gasped, but Satoshi only nodded, "I wouldn't have it any other way, Busta."

Buster's fist changed to a thumbs up. "That's what I like to hear!" He placed his hand on Satoshi's head and ruffled his hair. "Now, go on home! All of you!"

"Aw!" They all said.

Buster shook his head. "You all promised. One more story. And gentlemen always keep their promise!"

"And gentlewomen," said one of the girls.

The Ahngreel laughed again, "Right! And gentlewomen! But you've gotta go before Noel arrives." He leaned forward and cupped a hand around his mouth as he whispered, "I think havin' an audience might embarrass her."

"That's not true!" said Noel. All looked at her. Noel had initially debated with herself about stopping Buster from revealing he was an Ahngreel, but the kids' excitement was honestly too adorable to interrupt. She couldn't keep quiet, though; Buster had taken things too far!

The kids looked surprised, but Buster did not. Instead, he flashed a grin at her. "Uh-oh! Looks like it's too late! Hurry kids! Run home before she gets even more embarrassed!"

At his command, the kids hopped to their feet and scattered in different directions. A few ran past Noel and waved goodbye to her as they did. Buster wore a dopey grin the entire time. And, by the time the kids were gone, leaving only Noel and Buster in the park, he was on the verge of laughter.

Noel scowled at him. "You think I get embarrassed easily?"

Buster rested clasped hands behind his head, "Maybe I do, maybe I don't. I mostly wanted them gone so we could start trainin' without an audience."

Noel laughed through her nose, "You're smarter than you look."

"Hey!" said Buster, though he didn't look offended.

"Or maybe I'm giving you too much credit. What happened to blending in?" she asked, "'Cause here I find you telling kids about beating up Ahngreel."

He shrugged, "They asked. Satoshi wanted to know how I got so strong."

"So, you figured you'd tell them about the Ahngreel?" she asked sternly.

"I figured I'd tell them the truth." His face was serious, "I'd rather not lie about how I became who I am. You saw how it inspired him."

"I guess…" she said as she began to chew her lip.

And besides," Buster smiled at her, "I didn't say anythin' about Nuumalt and Khary bein' Ahngreel. As far as the kids know, we're all just ‘foreigners' or whatever."

"That's better than nothing, I suppose." Noel stepped out from the shade of the tree and held out one of the bowls to him. "Anyway. Here, this is for you."

Buster's face brightened. "Another gift? Sick! You're the best!"

"It's not from me!" said Noel, grateful that the summer heat had already reddened her cheeks. "It's from Granny."

"The old woman from yesterday?"

Noel nodded.

Buster took the proffered bowl and stared at the shaved ice in wonder. "Is this food? I've never seen anything like it!" He touched it with the tip of a finger. "Oh, it's ice! I didn't know you could eat ice!"

"Try it!" His excitement matched the level of the kids. Noel realized that the Ahngreel was like a kid himself, albeit a giant one.

Buster sat down on the spot, pulled the small spoon that was stuck in the ice pile, and transferred it into his mouth. Immediately his eyes sparkled. "This. Is. Amazing! I've never tasted anything like this!"

His excitement was infectious. "I know, right!" said Noel, matching his energy as she sat beside him, "You've gotta make sure you eat it before it melts."

"That's not gonna be a problem!"

The two took a moment to scarf down their shaved ice. They were both gone within seconds. Buster was faster than she was. But only barely.

"So good!" he said as he let his spoon fall into the bowl with a clatter, "That's the sweetest thing I've ever eaten! Is there any more?"

"You'll have to ask Granny," said Noel. She was in a much better mood now that her taste buds were happy. Nothing beats sweet!

Buster began to stand, "Good idea! Let's go ask her!"

Noel held up a hand. "Hold on there, big guy. Don't go running off to find her. She'll probably die of a heart attack if she sees you chasing her down."

"You're probably right." He sat back down, dejected. Then he brightened, "But you'll be happy to hear I've been doing well at my part-time job."

"Yeah?" said Noel, scraping her spoon along the bottom of her bowl to scoop up any melted syrup water.

"Yeah! My boss thinks I work hard. He's told me. And I've even perfected my human disguise."

"Doubt it. I bet they still think you're weird looking."

"No! I really have. I've been workin' on it all night. Hold on, close your eyes."

Noel gave him a skeptical glance.

"Go on, Noel," he said, flapping his hands at her.

She rolled her eyes before shutting them. She counted to thirty in her head before she asked, "Can I open my eyes now?"

"Not yet. Just a bit longer."

It was another fifty or so seconds before Buster told her he was ready. "Okay, open your eyes."

She did and was certainly surprised at what she saw. The most noticeable change was the tone of Buster's skin. It was a much lighter shade of grey than she was used to, much closer to a human tone than usual. His ears were also rounded, as were his fingers as Buster spread them to show off.

"Well, what do you think? Not bad, right?"

Noel nodded slowly and tapped her spoon on her chin. "I have to admit, I'm impressed. Though, your skin could use a little work. Less sickly child, more, y'know, alive."

"C'mon, give me a little credit. Skin's the toughest thing to change. Ahngreel usually recolor small parts for style, not the entire thing."

"How do you even do something like that?"

"I told you," said Buster as he sat back down, "We have full control of every part of our body. All we have to do is massage the part we want to be changed until it's the color we need, like this."

He pressed a finger to his forehead, right between his eyebrows, and started rubbing at it. It wasn't long before the places he touched were the same dark brown as his hair, which gave the appearance that he had a unibrow. He then ran his fingers outward across his upper lip, and like a painter's brush, a trail of brown appeared in the form of a crude mustache.

Noel couldn't help herself. She snorted with laughter at the sight, especially as Buster made a goofy face at her. When she looked back up at him, the fake facial hair was gone. He was such a kid! But so was she for laughing.

Buster was grinning. "Cool, right? And it's permanent if I want it to be. So, as long as I'm stayin', I'll be able to hide in plain sight. You don't have to worry about me."

"Me? Worry about you? In your dreams."

Buster said nothing as his eyes returned to his shaved ice bowl. He grabbed the spoon and started scraping the bottom like she had. Except when he lifted his spoon to his mouth, she swore he had a small bit of ice sitting in it. But it was gone before she could get a good look. Buster beamed as the spoon entered his mouth.

"This stuff's great! What do you call it?"

"Shaved ice," she said, "It's just crushed ice covered in sweet syrup."

"So simple, yet so good! Humans really know their stuff when it comes to food."

"If you think that's good, you should try cake."

Buster turned excited eyes on her, "I have no idea what that is, but it sounds delicious already! Is it as sweet as shaved ice?"

"Sweeter. Especially if it's chocolate."

He was completely enraptured by the idea. "Tell me more about this chocolate stuff."

His eager stare made her glad to have such a captive audience and a bit uncomfortable at being put on the spot.

"It's kinda hard to describe. It's better to taste it and find out for yourself."

"Then let's do that! As soon as we can! You and me!"

Noel's mind reeled at that last part, "You…and me?"

"Yeah? Something wrong with that?" He paused, "Oh, I see. You're worried I'll get caught."

"No, not exactly." She supposed he wasn't aware of the implications of what he'd said. "But…uh…What about training?"

"You're right," said Buster, "Trainin' comes first," he handed Noel his bowl with a thank you and stood. "How about today we start with the basics."

"All right," said Noel. She stood and placed the bowls carefully under the tree, then turned to face him. "Where do we start?"

He answered by showing her his palm.

"Right," she said, "You want to see my rhythm or whatever."

"Yep. Just punch my hand."

She did. His rough and calloused palm made it feel like she was punching a brick wall.

"Not bad. Again."

Noel hit his hand once more.

"Again," he repeated, "And follow up with your left."

Noel did so, following her right jab with a left one.

"Good! Keep going. Try to keep a steady pace, but don't hold back; give me everythin' you've got."

"Sure you can take it?"

"You bet I can!" he said with a grin, "Or my name isn't Buster Brinn."

They were silent as Noel hit Buster's hand. The only sound was the smack of her knuckles as they connected with his tough skin.

Noel could feel her body begin to warm up as beads of sweat rose on her forehead. On occasion, she glanced up at Buster's face. The corners of his mouth were turned down as his eyes focused on her hands. His face never lost that look of concentration, even as she sometimes hit his hand extra hard. He did not once wince in pain, which told Noel that either she was not hitting hard enough or Buster did not care about the pain. It was probably both.

After a few minutes, Buster spoke, "Hey, Noel?"

"Hm?" Noel could feel her arms aching. She hoped he was about to tell her that she could stop.

"Y'know how you said you'd teach me to be human and all that?"

"Yeah, I do." She looked at him. His eyes were still on her punches. "What about it?

"Well, you're smart. Pretty knowledgeable about human words, right?"

She wouldn't exactly call herself smart. She was good at school, but that didn't make her smart when it came to other things. Real things. "I could always know more."

"But compared to me, you're, like, a genius or somethin'."

Her first thought was, Doesn't take much. But that was too mean to say aloud. He was trying. And she imagined a place like Sohaud wasn't exactly churning out scholars. "I don't know about genius," she said. "But I'll do my best to answer any questions you have."

"Great!" he said. Buster was quiet as his attention seemed to return to Noel's punches. Then he said without an ounce of irony, "What's a kiss?"