Chapter 5. My New Teachers 3
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I have changed Mc's Name from Horatio to Winfred. 



I woke up from the afternoon nap after having full filing lunch. Hubert informed me that I will soon have to meet my language tutor. I refreshed myself and went to hall to meet him. Hubert informed me that he will be here in some time. 

After an hour passed, I saw a luxurious wagon trundled in front of Redmond mansion. A plump man exited the wagon shortly after with the help of his attendants. I went to the door and welcomed him saying "Please Come in, You must be my tutor that was scheduled to visit today." The plump man looked at me with an amazed look and said to me "The offspring of Redmond seems to have at least some manners. I expected something different from your mouth". 

After we sat inside the hall; I introduced myself to the plump man and said to him "I hope our Butler's hospitality was to your liking." He replied "I am the Earl of Westbrook Earldom Eustache Westbrook. I'm here to teach you writing and some classical literature if you can learn it". This relationship seems start off from a somewhat unfavorable feelings towards me. I am starting to doubt whether previous inhabitant of this body had some sort of 'reputation' and whether that is coming to bite me back. Well, whatever. It's not like I can change that notion, if it exists, in couple of minutes. I was never a charmer; I wasn't suddenly going to be one just because I transmigrated to this body. 

"If I may be frank, I would like to know how much I can do too". It wasn't a malicious reply, at least I thought so, I was genuinely interested in what was the difficulty of this new language, would it feel same as studying old tongue back at home? I was full of curiosity. My thoughts interrupted by the fatty earl abruptly "Even if you paint a cat with tiger's strip it's only matter of time to realise the truth. Let's see what you are made of". It seems I do have a 'reputation'. Well these kind of 'reputation' can not be resolved in short time, if ever. I'll have to steel myself for the time being. With this thought I said to fatty "Earl Westbrook, I'm honoured to be tutored by you. Please" After I said this Earl seems to have somewhat cooled down and took out couple of books. 

The alphabets in the book looked like rounded unlike what I've seen in my previous life. Also the books Earl brought looked like kindergarten books back at earth. During the course of lecture I got to know that there was lot of vowels and some new consonants I was unfamiliar with. But one peculiar thing was each alphabet had fixed enunciation associated with it and it didn't change no matter what. It seemed if I was able to learn basic alphabet and how to pronounce it I would be able to write and speak for most occasions. At the end of lecture I got one book from the Earl and he told me it was my homework for the next class. 

I bid farewell to the Earl. After that I asked some refreshment from Hubert. He brought lemon juice with honey in it. Honestly, I don't know whether it is made from lemon or not but it sure tasted like one. This is how I spent my third day after transmigration.