Chapter 6: Toy-Story (1st day as a nanny)
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I went back into the house and into kens room. He was laid in bed laughing and bubbling away. Damn, I can stay mad at him.

“Okay, I forgive you, but no more nasty surprises like that” he kept laughing and bubbling. I sighed, picked him up, and brought him downstairs to the living room. The living room and kitchen were totally different now. The tentacles had done a good job of cleaning the place. I sat ken down on the ground, went to his toybox in the far corner of the room, grabbed a few of his toys and brought them back to him.

“Here you go, ken” I laid them all out in front of him; I put out a Toy robot, car, rocket and monster. Ken immediately went to play with his toys, but a little bit of him looked uninterested.
“Hmm, what’s the matter.”

 Is it because you’re playing with the same toys? Could that be the reason? I looked at him half-heartedly, playing with his Toys. I can’t get you new toys, but I can liven up the old ones.”


I snapped my fingers, and a wave of purple energy went from me and wrapped itself around the toys and then seeped into them. There was nothing for a good few seconds, but then the toy robot started to move. Ken’s head snapped towards the robot as it marched towards him. He started laughing and bubbling again and waving his hands as he tried to reach for the robot. At the same time, the car started moving and doing laps around the living room.

“Not so bored now, are we,” I said smugly. I suddenly heard a countdown come from behind me. I turned around, and it was the toy rocket.

“Launch In T minus… 5…4…3….2…1 BLASTOFF” A thunderous roar came from the boosters as it shot up into the air.

“ahh, I think I may have overdone it” the rocket continued up into the air and through the ceiling of the roof and out the actual house itself. I’m sure that will be fine. I waved my hand, and the hole started to repair itself. Suddenly a loud roar went through the room, and the toy monster started walking toward Ken. I got ready to intercept and stop the monster, but Ken easily picked it up and started swinging it around, much to the monster’s displeasure.

“At the end of the day, they are still toys” I stood up and left Ken in the Living room. I made it so the toys should be able to look after him, however. I summoned the same flying eye before and put it somewhere that would allow me to watch him.

“You can never be too cautious.”

I walked out of the living room and into the kitchen. I decided that I would start to prepare dinner, but the problem with that is that I’ve never cooked anything in my life before, but it shouldn’t be too difficult, and thankfully Mrs Nakamura had just the thing to help me. On the side was an old cookbook, and judging by the large number of food stains, it had gotten lots of heavy use. I picked up the book and turned it around. On the front of the book in big fancy writing, it said ‘Madame Du Pompadour’s fabulous and fantastical food from across the globe’ next to it; there was a very large rosy-cheeked woman in a chefs attire holding a Wooden spoon. I opened the book and decided to give it a read; there were lots of recipes ranging from simple meals to vast 3-course meals that could feed a family for a week.

“This one looks simple enough.”

I landed on a page titled Chicken Katsu curry. The recipe looked simple, but I was missing a few ingredients. I needed Chicken, some spices and Vegetables. Usually, a normal person would just go buy them, but I don’t have money and stealing is beneath me. I racked my brain for some time until it finally hit me; the recipe didn’t say the ingredients had to be from earth, and thankfully I knew of a planet that had something similar to what I needed. However, before I could leave, I had to make sure Ken was fed before I left. The toys should be able to keep him entertained whilst I'm gone, and if anything goes wrong, I can always come back quickly. So I went to the fridge, picked up the ready-made bottle, and put it inside a bowl of hot water to warm it up. In no time, the bottle was warm, and I took it to him. The toy car was racing with the toy robot. Whilst Ken was having a play fight with the monster.

“Feeding time!” the toys settled down and stopped moving. Ken looked a bit sad, but as soon as he saw me holding the bottle, he lit up and tried to move closer to me.

“It should be illegal for someone to be so cute.”

I picked him up into my arms and sat down. I then put the bottle in his mouth, and he started sucking eagerly.

“You must have been hungry. I’m sorry.”

I rubbed his hair gently, and we sat there together. It was oddly relaxing to listen to him feed in my arms. I don’t know how much time we spent like this, but the sound of him sucking air from the bottle brought me back to reality.

“I'm sorry, ken, let me burp you.”

I gently lifted him up and put him on my chest, and proceeded to gently pat his back. He let out a few burps.

“There, there, let it-”

Suddenly I heard a wet-sounding burp and something warm go down my back. I pulled him off my back, and he had white gunk all over his mouth

*sigh* “I take back what I said about you being cute.”