The Future of the Novel
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Hello everyone, Icalos here! Anyone still here over at Scribblehub? Well, if you are, I am pleased to announce to you that the Faceless Minion editing is proceeding well, and that the new Volume 1 is nearly ready for an official release.

Hm, what’s that?

The editing list was actually real?

Well yes…wait did you think all that was a joke?! You don’t believe it’s actually been edited?! You ask how it actually got done?!

…well I may or may not have unleashed some sort of unspeakable evil to assist but not to worry! I’m sure there will be absolutely no consequences to my actions!

Now where was I?

Ah yes.

So the Faceless Minion Volume 1 (from the beginning up to and including Chapter 49: Peace in Our Time, and also including the Isekai Bob Prologue and Chapter 1) is just about ready for release and I plan to release it on Jan 14th, 2023 if all goes well.

The bad news?

I do plan to do Kindle Unlimited so most of Volume 1 will need to be removed on that date...with more chapters to follow as subsequent volumes are prepare for editing.

So I’m giving y’all a week warning as of today. If you wish to read/reread The Faceless Minion for free, I highly recommend binging the first fifty chapters (and the first two Isekai Bob chapters) within the next week. Or else you must prepare yourselves to pay me money, muahahahahaha!

Note that the date may be revised depending on how the editing wraps up and whatever else I need to do, but will not be moved earlier than the 14th. So could be later if things go wrong, but won’t be earlier even if it’s ready sooner, in order to maintain the warning period. But do not trust it after the 14th, I reserve the right to remove the chapters at any point after that without warning as it will release as soon as it’s ready in that case.

Volume 2 and onward will be ready when they’re ready, no official ETA on those at this time. I plan to leave them up in the meantime, until they are ready to release themselves, and again will give you all a warning before removing them. For reference, editing for Volume 1 took about 1-1.5 months, so maybe about that for each volume? Idk, life happens so TBD.

As for my new series (on Royal Road only in this case) Terminate the Other World!, there are no editing/publishing plans as of now. My hope is not to start editing until the series is actually complete (which is how it went for Faceless Minion) and the end is nowhere in sight. Because, you know, I totally didn’t just jump into that one with absolutely no plan such that I’m completely winging it from day to day. That’s totally not how all my writing has gone thus far. So, like, I won’t say editing/publishing for that novel before it's complete absolutely won’t happen one day because never say never, but I highly doubt it would happen anytime in the near future at the very least. I mean, like, if it goes on for years or something, maybe we might wanna get to editing a bit earlier than the end lol.

And, like, I got three more FM volumes to edit first, you know?


Will the Faceless Minion Volume 1 actually release on schedule? Will the new readers between now and then finish their binges in time? When will the author finish editing all the other volumes? Tune in next time, to find out!