The Faceless Minion Volume 1 is Now Live!
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Hey Everyone, I am pleased the announce that:


The Faceless Minion Volume 1 is now available on Amazon! I just enrolled it in KU so it may take a bit longer to go live on that, so maybe hold off if you subscribe to such things.

I'm going to drop the first few chapters of the edited version on Royal Road so you may preview the changes and decide how much value it adds or doesn’t add for you.

The overall storyline remains the same and many parts are untouched save for a touchup on prose and grammar, but there are some major differences:

  • Numerous style changes and content additions to unify style with later volumes, better connect the opening chapters, and make it a bit more of Bob’s story rather than a bunch of stories with Bob in them, as well as adjust Volume 1 Bob into an actual character with some personal development. Bob is now present throughout the novel, including during the Aurora Legion and Icy Falcon arcs, and has more character moments where he reflects on his plans and actions.
  • Two brand new mini-arcs, answering the questions how did Bob get a bunch of loyal minion followers in the first place, and how the heck does EL Bank stay profitable? And lucky you, one of them is even in the first chapter I’m letting you preview, so you get to read it free!
  • The Icy Falcon arc has been rewritten to give Constanza and Antonio new backstories and personalities, along with a more organic and believable course of events for Constanza’s eventual falling out with Icy Falcon.
  • Additional focus on and POV moments for some of the other major characters, in particular Xiong Huang and Londyn. Constanza gets some too after she shows up.
  • The first two Isekai Bob chapters have been moved to the end of Volume 1. In general, the Isekai Bob storyline will be spread out with 2 chapters at the end of each volume…except maybe Volume 4 wink wink.

Plus other small optimizations/foreshadows here and there, such as adding in several Volume 2 characters that reasonably should have been involved (hello Linda!) and as many Elise/Nemesis references as I could fit into a volume that doesn’t feature them at all.

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy!