Chapter 4: Pray the Tour guide is with you
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Well, that settled it for me. I guess magic was really real. And extension, I really was on a different planet. Hopefully, this prank was over, my kidnappers can give me some reward like in Squid Game. But seeing that I didn't get any instructions, I didn't like my odds. Now, my only hope was to find out how I got to this island in the first place.

[Faust]: "Sooo Ahote, do you know how large this island is?"

Ahote frowned. He took a few seconds to think, and then replied.

[Ahote]: "What's an island?"

My nervous smile instantly froze. If he didn't know what an island was... I didn't even want to think about the implications of that. On the bright side, there was a good chance his tribe had never explored his island, as the odds of a nomadic tribe looking for a coast were pretty low.

[Faust]: "So an island is basically land, but surrounded by water on all sides."

[Ahote]: "Ahhh... I see. We have discovered a thin stream of water out to the East and North, but it does not surround our land. Matter, of fact, I personally have studied this topic extensively, as in the near future, I plan on trav-"

I nodded my head. So at least rivers were a thing, so Mortus wasn't too different from [?] after all. I pursed my lips in approval and internally nodded my head. Turns out Ahote wasn't joking about studying. And as for Ahote's desire to travel, that perfectly aligned with my need to find a way back home. I then tuned back into what Ahote was ranting about.

[Ahote]: "And that's because people have tried to figure it out before, but no one has ever found out how large Domum is. Within my lifetime, I want to disc-"

Yikes. This was going to be a long trip for me and Ahote.

[Faust]: "That's probably enough Ahote. Sooo do you have any particular day you wanna travel? I mean, the weather is looking pretty nice today."

I gave Ahote the widest grin I could muster. It probably had the opposite effect though, cause he looked very creeped out. 

[Ahote]: "Please don't do that again Faust."

I gave a heavy sigh and wiped my smile off of my face. The only way to save my bruised ego was to tease him now. 

[Faust]: "What's the matter Ahote? Huh? Is it cause I'm bald? Is that it? Very nice of you man. Teasing me for my hairstyle?"

[Ahote]: "No no no, I didn't mean it like that! It's just... People might get the wrong idea about what kind of guy you are!"

I scrunched my eyebrows together and frowned. Wrong idea about who I am? My smile couldn't have been that bad right?

[Faust]: "Do I give off a... Dangerous look?"

Ahote laughed a bit and shook his head.

[Ahote]: "Not dangerous, but more, a disgusting feeling. Like when I looked at you grinning, I just feel really uncomfortable even though I know you have good intentions. Maybe smile with less teeth next time?"

I gave Ahote the most toothless grin I could muster. The upper edges of my mouth were strained to maximum capacity.

Through my strained smile and patience, I questioned Ahote.

[Faust]: "Well what about now Dr. Smiles? How's my form?"

Ahote sighed and rolled his eyes again. I totally had no idea why this was happening so often. Couldn't think of a reason he'd be exacerbated. 

[Ahote]: "This is for you Faust, not for me. If you showed that smile to anyone who didn't know you, well may the spirits help your future reputation. Matter of fact, you should be thanking me!"

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes. I tried to do an impression of a desert. 

[Faust]: "Wow. Thank you so much Ahote. I do not know what I would do without you Ahote. You might have just saved my life Ahote. Thank you so m-"

[Ahote]: "Enough! Enough, ok I understand. You don't like to be lectured. No need for all of that sarcasm. What do want from me?"

I was about to say an apology, but I paused. This was the perfect segway into traveling.

[Faust]: "Matter of fact, there is something that I want from you my dear tour guide. An exp-"

[Ahote]: "Don't call me dear."

[Faust]: "My bad. My lovely tour gui-"

This time, Ahote didn't cut me off. His glare and flexed muscles did. After all of his intellectual talking, I forgot that he was a bodybuilder. Despite him making me gay with his muscle emotion magic, he apparently couldn't tolerate any jokes

[Faust]: "Sorry about that Ahote, it was just a slip of the tongue. Anyway, I agree with what you said about traveling. We should explore the world together!"

Ahote cast a doubtful glance towards me. 

[Ahote]: "Now? We've spent the entire day talking and it's already near evening. Do you really want to start an exploration now?"

[Faust]: "Yessir."