Abner’s Side
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This Story contains
The mention of a church
Barely mentioned religion

            To say that an isolated church would be lonely is a sad truth, none more obvious to Abner Douglas. He maintained it, lovingly so. Even at the cost of his time and energy it was his building, where he studied and where he could feel safe. That safety came at a cost however, it was quiet often, and while the acolyte did enjoy his peace and quiet. There was always the chance of too much of a good thing.

            There was a low sigh as he closed another book. The hard leather bound cover accompanied him on his studies. They occupied his free time, which was becoming increasingly abundant. No one had visited today, no one to help lead prayer for, to welcome with open arms or to even talk to.

            It had been like this for the last week.

            “Tough times are a part of life, Abner,” he mumbled to himself, stretching in the old oak chair. It creaked in response, but that was something he was used to. It meant it was well used, and that he probably just needed to tighten a few screws on it. “It’ll work out, it always has.”

            The sound of rain started to come through, almost in response to the melancholy he was feeling. Nevertheless, he still had to make sure everything was ready. Weather be damned.

            At least until the door to the main hall opened, forcing Abner to set any chores aside and greet whoever came in, even if it was just to escape the rain. Sometimes talking to someone was far better than studying or being alone with his thoughts.

            “Let’s make sure it’s warm enough…” the man muttered, feeling the chill from the rain start to pierce through the building. The thermostat was the obvious choice, but sometimes you needed the warmth spreading from a fireplace. So, he did both, after all, the chill of cold water wouldn’t have been enjoyable for a majority of those in the nearby area.

            First, a towel, with a sudden rainstorm one could always offer some way to dry off that didn’t immediately involve sitting in front of a furnace or fireplace in sopping wet clothes. Making this little church feel welcome was good for at least repeat visitors to talk too. Even if they didn’t come to worship.

            Second, know where extra chairs are. Not everyone enjoys sitting on the floor to dry off, well, no one does. Not unless there’s no other option. The benches of the main hall would suffice but nothing was better than drying off next to a fireplace.

            Then third, tea or cocoa? A warm drink was nice, Abner mused about making one for himself. After offering to the visitor first. Regardless, he walked out, as warm a smile as he could put on his face and locked eyes with the person.

            “Oh!” he said, a little surprised. “Quintus, it’s good to see you,” The person standing in the church’s entryway gave a warm smile despite the sudden downpour. Well, for Quintus it was a little more frustrating. First, he was taller than Abner, just by a bit. Second, his feathers were soaked. The pink and tan plumage dripping from the sudden rain, his hair dripping in front of his dark skin and off his golden horns and talons.

            To say this was a pleasant surprise was an understatement, Abner greatly enjoyed Quintus’s company, especially as he was one of the few people who came regularly, even if it wasn’t for religious or spiritual reasons. Sometimes, when they were alone, they would sit in silence, just relaxing for once. And despite everything Abner felt at ease.

            “Same to you, Abner,” Quintus sighed, obviously annoyed at the sudden rain. “Am I intruding on anything?”

            “Intruding on my nothing to do?” Abner joked, watching one of the few people who would come to this building dry off. Slowly feeling the warmth from the fireplace spread through the building. “No dear friend, not intruding at all.” At least he was certain the fire was what was making him feel warm, not at all the fact that one of his sole companions happened to be very handsome. Not at all.

            Okay maybe a little. Just a tad. Maybe it was the warm looking plumage on his body, or the fact that he was one of the few people who still came by. Something was drawing him closer. But for today at least, Abner just wanted to spend time with someone.

            It just happened that the person he was with had a very handsome face. And soft plumage that felt so wonderful when he hugged him and. He mentally shook himself out of that cycle of thoughts. Now was not the time for those thoughts, not at all.

            Though the calmness of his companion didn’t help the thoughts going through his mind. Was what he was feeling what he thought? Affection? Attraction? Was he allowed to feel this way? No matter, he had to try and focus on helping his friend.

            “This place is always cozier whenever I come by,” Quintus chuckled, drying himself off next to the slowly growing fire. He sat back, the chair squeaking a bit from the shift in weight on the wooden floor. Was he blushing? Abner couldn’t tell and quickly looked away; he didn’t want to stare. Or rather, get caught staring. “Maybe I should pop by more often?”

            “That would be nice,” Abner said, trying to keep whatever was making his heart beat out of his chest under control. Subtle deep breaths were the only thing that could possibly work, trying his best to keep every inhale as silent as possible. “Only if you have time though, this is out of the way.”

            “I can probably make time.” Quintus said with a soft smile. Was he tired? Or was the rain just dampening his mood? Or something else? He brushed a stray bunch of his deep emerald hair out of his eyes. Both as a distraction to himself and to try and make it look like he wasn’t staring. “I like it here after all.”

            ‘Shit,’ Abner thought, mentally panicking as he kept a level smile on his face. ‘Does he like it here because of me? Or is it just a nice building? Or maybe… no…’

            “Well, I don’t think anything will be happening today because of the storm.” He deflected, he needed to distract himself. “Tea? Coffee? Cocoa?”

            “How about tea and a blanket?” the visitor said, now at least somewhat dry thanks to the towel and fire. He opened his mouth to say something else but suddenly closed it. “Actually, just the tea.”

            “Tea it is,” Abner said, taking note of that. If he wanted the blanket maybe he should get it anyway. “Is earl grey fine? The pantry’s a little sparse at the moment.” Quintus nodded, and Abner quickly ran to the small kitchen.

            A few minutes and a spare blanket from the closet later, Abner was now walking back to the living space. The fire now crackled loud enough that with each approaching step it was competing with the rain outside for attention.

            “It’s ready.” He said, carefully set the two mugs of tea on a table and offered Quintus the blanket, who took it with a smile as Abner moved the drinks between them and sat down next to him. “You’re free to stay here until the storm passes. If you want, that is.”

            “I’ll gladly stay through this rain,” the now snuggled up in the warm blanket man said. He moved the mug to his lips and slowly took a sip. “After all, spending time with you is lovely.”

            And that caused Abner’s entire face to turn beet red and he quickly found the fireplace very important and interesting to look at. Yes, no other reason to stare at a fire and not the person he enjoys spending time with the most. Not at all.

            He chanced a look, and to his surprise Quintus also seemed to be looking away. Was that a sign? If it was, a sign of what? Was there something he was missing, or ignoring? His heart was now pounding in his head, the situation shouldn’t be causing this, and yet it was.

            ‘Tough times are a part of life,’ he thought to himself, the same thought he had before Quintus walked in. ‘but… am I allowed to ask him to make things easier?’

            “Quintus,” he said, trying to keep some level of composure. He was about to do something more than a little foolish. The other man turned back, his face just a little flushed, hopefully not from the rain. “May I… ask you something?”

            “Of course?” the man said, seemingly needing a moment on his end to compose himself. “What is it, Abner?”

            ‘You can do it, even If I’m not supposed to,’ he thought to himself.

            “Would you, if you’re free that is, like to… go… on…” the words were dying in his throat. As what seemed to be with each syllable Quintus’s eyes filled with joy. “M-maybe… with… me… coffee…. get?”

            He stopped, looking at the beaming smile on his friend’s face. Had he bungled it? Had he been clear enough? The milliseconds each felt like an hour as he tried to take a chance to make things easier on himself. A companion would do that, at least, he hoped so.

            “That…” Why did he pause, was he going to be rejected? Or maybe it wasn’t. “Well. If it’s a date, then yes. I’d be happy too.”

            “It is.” By the gods it was happening.

            “Then yes, but let’s enjoy this first date now.” Quintus said with a grin, at least until it changed to an awkward smile.

            “This… is a date?”

            “Retroactively yes!”

            “I. Yes. Hmm. Yes. This is. Good yes.” Abner stammered, wondering if the warmth in his face was now outshining the fireplace. He looked around, once again very fascinated in something that wasn’t his pink haired date. “Date. Yes. Yes. But Oh, I am not. What should… Well, I thought there’d be more steps to it and.”

                “Abner,” Quintus grabbed his hand and stopped the stammering in its tracks. “Spending time with you is wonderful, now please remember to breathe before a kiss is used for mouth to mouth.”

            “Kiss?” Abner said, so red he was very certain he was a bigger source of warmth than the fire. “Well. Maybe not. I-“

            Before he could ramble himself into a bigger, quintus carefully set his mug aside, and leaned in. It wasn’t a long kiss, not at all. But enough to get him to stop.

            The rain was still pounding on the church, the windows clattering with every heavy droplet colliding with the old but sturdy glass. Abner swallowed, thinking about what had just happened, and carefully moved his hand into Quintus’. There was a pause, and soon their fingers were intertwined, and they moved a little closer on the pews.

            ‘This… is nice’ Abner thought. Letting the rain get drowned out by the fireplace as he sat with the person he found himself wanting to spend every day with. ‘I’ll take this step, whether or not I’m allowed to.’

            “Can I stop by again? Even if it’s not a storm?” Quintus said with a smile.

            “I’d like that,” Abner mumbled, gripping his companions’ hand. “I really would”

            “And we need to figure out when our next date will be.”

            “Yes, we do.”

            “Let's do that after the rain lets up.”


            The storm lasted far longer than anyone would’ve expected, but the two of them certainly didn’t mind. And now Abner’s lonely little church was feeling a lot more like a home.

Hey, thanks for reading! I’m MagicLottie and I specialize in writing fun, upbeat queer erotica and fanfiction! If you liked what you read, why not check out my patreon where you can vote on monthly stories and get access to everything one week early! https://www.patreon.com/MagicLottie