Chapter 2:Duo Forever
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Shinoni leapt downwards instantly pushing the enemies targeting Bleiss away with one GREGONIC CRASH a AOE move meant to paralyse the opponent within a 5 mile radius however it also hit Bleiss so Shinoni have Bleiss a potion to release him from his paralysed state and they both rushed at Ruo Mingyu.

Ruo Mingyu quickly shifts his focus onto both of them and swings his scythe in a arc to stop their advance.Bleiss leaps backwards and shoots his first shot however Ruo Mingyu dodges the bullet but Shinoni using his spear hooked Ruo scythe on his spear stopping it from swinging until it's unhooked.Ruby Xi Long leaps down,her mask glimmering from the sunlight as she blocks Ruo first punch and then flips his arm around lifting him off the ground and puts her fingers on the side of his chest before making it form a fist sending the fist into Ruo side making him get fling high into the sky.

Ruby feeling proud of herself gave Shinoni a thumbs up and Shinoni gives back a thumbs up before leaping into the air with his spear engulfed in purple and blue flames.The flames began forming the body of the Gerogon as Shinoni activated the skill GREGEONIC SPEAR at point blank range at Ruo face sending Ruo flying into loads of rocks in the canyon.

Shinoni slowly descents downwards while he was descending he watched as Ruby solo the Gerogon by herself with great skill using her shotgun gauntlet to perform extreme amounts of damage in short burst meanwhile the rest of the guild was handling the other members of Team Civil.By the time Shinoni finished his descent the battle was over they took the Gerogon fang and teleported away to meet at their place of operations.


Said Bleiss excitingly.

"We better get to work making sure the cafe is gonna be good for opening,were gonna need the cash for a massive amount of equipment overhaul."

Said Tao Yi.

Tao Yi was only slightly older then the rest of the guild but he looked much older as he had a very mature face,messy,short blond hair,sharp blue eyes and a goatee.

Soon on one of the televisions in the cafe it was turned on by Xuefeng as he enters in the NEWS channel.

Everyone turns their heads as the audio picks up.

"Breaking news,were filming this live at the Fragneir News Studios.It has recently come to our attention that the massively popular bloodsport Triumph will be making a regional championship here in Fragneir after some of Triumphs rising stars have arrived from the Fragneir Domain.We could see multiple Fragneir youths join and pave their way for their Triumph dynasty in this coming year.With even more news is that Molovna Regional Triumph Champion,Fei Chian will be switching back to his home region of Fragneir with the goal of becoming the very first Fragneir Regional Triumph Champion with him joining the Team Civil guild as the guild prepares to enter the competitive world."

Xuefeng closes the television as Bleiss eyes began sparkling with ambition,Bleiss then takes a look at Shinoni.

"We have to join to beat Team Civil and prove were the superior guild of our region,it doesn't matter if they have a champion on their team!"

Bleiss puts one hand down and with one big smile yelled out.

"Who's with me!?"

Everyone except Shinoni raised their hands.

Bleiss looks at Shinoni with shock on his face.

"Why not? Can you not imagine holding that trophy and putting one over on Team Civil face?"

Shinoni gives a awkward face.

"I'm just not interested in the competitive scene...."

Shinoni said awkwardly.

Suddenly Tao Yi told everyone to get back to work to break up the minor tension.


Ruo Mingyu walks towards Fei Chian,and suddenly hands over to Fei Chian a card.

Fei Chian looks at the card.

"Are you sure about this Ruo?"

Ruo simply nods in exchange.

Fei Chian awkwardly puts one hand behind his neck as he bends his head down.

"You spent years grinding all of this equipment to just be the very best in your region and your just handing all of the data to me."

Ruo with a small smile on his face responds.

"I think in your hands it'll take Team Civil to the championship glory."

Fei Chian puts one hand on Ruo shoulder.

"Don't worry Ruo,I promise you we will win this....and I mean it."

To be continued....