Professor Bell and the Chicken Restaurant (NSFW)
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I was high and decided to write smut early, sorry. Feedback is appreciated!

“No worries, just glad you seem to be doing fine. Just make sure you communicate to me beforehand.”


He placed a hand on my shoulder. While it didn’t feel bad, it didn’t feel pleasant either. I felt like he left it on my shoulder a bit too long. My eyes wandered upwards, where lo and behold, a pink transparent screen lay just above his head. 


Name: Lucian Bell

Age: 27

Role: Main Side-Villain

I.B. Note: Look at you! Encountering so many characters so soon.


This interdickmensional douche. Clearly, I’m just entertainment. 

So he’s the Main Side-Villain? I wonder what shit he did for that role… Also, this man is 27? He’s pretty young for a professor. 


“Hello, Professor Bell!” Alicia, who was behind me, tilts to the side peeking her head out from behind me and waving her hand.


Professor Bell waved back and said his hellos. We then collectively walked to the cashier lane. 


“Should we order in or to-go?” Alicia questioned.


“Whatever’s fine. I don’t have any classes.” 


I glanced at Professor Bell. It’d be rude to just ignore him while we got our food. Should we invite him? It’d be a bit weird to eat with your professor. 


Before I could even open my mouth, Alicia asked the question.


“Do you wanna eat with us?”


She was a social butterfly after all. I’m sure she didn’t mind.


“No, it’s all right. I have to get back and grade the papers the students did last week… If I can find out where I put them.”


Professor Bell glanced at me. Jesus, I miss two days and he already lost stacks of papers. There’s no way this capable-looking guy could be that incompetent. 


Professor Bell ordered to-go while I and Alicia ordered in. Though, he sat down with us while he waited for his order.


A short uncomfortable silence overlapped once he sat down. It’s difficult to talk casually with the same person that controls your grades. Especially when that someone has such a presence. 


“Are you a foodie too, Professor Bell?”


Alicia, being in character, started the conversation.


“Not particularly. I was just craving something fried today.”


Professor Bell’s eyes glanced at me before returning to Alicia. His hands overlapped each other. He spoke so eloquently, but casually. It was actually pretty impressive. 

“I was going to order out from a restaurant I’ve already been to, but I saw this place just opened up so I figured why not try it.”


He glanced around. The restaurant had a fair bit of people. Not so much that it was overcrowded, but for opening day it looked like it was getting on very successfully. 


I suddenly felt a bit nauseous in my stomach, so I excused myself to the bathroom. Truthfully, it wasn’t that bad but I needed a break from Professor Bell. 


It didn’t really make sense to me. There were no memories from Elliot to explain why I felt so uncomfortable around him, but here I was not wanting to spend any more than 30 minutes with him.  


Entering the empty bathroom, I entered one of the stalls. Thankfully it wasn’t dirty due to the restaurant just opening. The bathroom was pretty boujee actually.


Secretly, I didn’t actually have to go to the bathroom, so I just sat down on one of the toilets with my pants on like a weirdo. You can judge me all you want but I’d rather sit than stand. 


I took a deep breath out and slumped my shoulders a bit, staring into the ceiling. So far I’ve met two characters important to this story. None of them are the characters that I.B. (Interdimensional Being) mentioned before he dipped back to whatever almighty outhouse he lives in. 


This is already exhausting enough… 


I sighed once more, closing my eyes and burying my head in my hands. 


My head panged as an image flashed through my mind as if it was haunting me. A familiar face appeared with a wide smile stretched on their face. My heart raced as my eyes flew open.


I felt my teeth grit on reflex as I breathed outward through my nose shakily. I can’t even close my eyes without them appearing anymore. 


…Why couldn’t I just be reborn without memories.


*Knock Knock*


“Elliot? Are you in there? You’ve been in here for a while so Alicia sent me to make sure everything was okay.”


It was Professor Bell’s voice. While it was weird that he’d come to check on me in the bathroom, I was strangely happy to see him. Probably because I didn’t want to continue thinking about what I’d just seen. 


“Yeah, just feeling nauseous. Hold on, I’ll be out in a second.”


I got up and unlocked the door and immediately saw Professor Bell standing right in front of me. He swiftly took a step into the stall, blocking my way out. He reach his arm up and covered my mouth while pushing me backward onto the toilet seat, with his other hand, he shut the stall door and locked it. 


Professor Bell breathed as his face flushed red.


“Hah… Elliot why didn’t you call me once you woke up… I was worried sick you know?”


He whispered in my ear. I felt his breath on the side of my face which involuntarily made me flinch.


“We had so much fun together a few nights ago. Why did you start ignoring me…”


His free hand drifted to my chest and caressed it. I jerked away with what little movement I had in disgust. 

What the fuck was this freak talking about? I don’t remember anything about a few nights ago. What the hell did we do??


As if angry by my actions, his grip on my mouth got tighter. I felt like my top jaw was about to be crushed into pieces. 


“Don’t you dare try and get away from me.”


His dark eyes, which originally were aloof and cold, now were watery and red with anger. 

His hand rubbed up and down on my chest, eventually traveling downward under my sweatpants and caressing my crotch over my boxers. I felt his fingers elegantly caress my cock as it got harder and his breaths got heavier.


My mind was everywhere. I couldn’t even think straight. This wasn’t even straight!!


Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind gender. What I do mind is a 27-year-old man barging into a bathroom stall and fondling me! Not to mention…What was this steamy shit between the “Main Side-Villain” and the “side character”!?


Jerking my head to the side on reflex, I freed my mouth from his grip. I grunted in pleasure from his other hand on my crotch as I spoke.


“W-what are you doing? Get your hand off me!”


He breathed outward in a half groan as if he was turned on by my voice. This, obviously, freaked me out more. 


His face drifted closer to my ear as his hand move faster. Licking my ear, he put his head in between my cheek and shoulder, sniffing my neck roughly. 


“It’s only been two days yet I miss you this much…” 


He pushed his body closer to me. Due to the small stall, he was already pretty close. But now, his large body covered me and he sat on one of my legs, grinding his covered dick back and forth on my thigh. I felt his crotch harden. 


“Ngh… shit… I miss your smell…” I felt his dick getting hotter as he slipped down my pants, revealing my junk.


He started moaning louder and I felt drool on my shirt. I guess he can’t keep his mouth shut.


He started grinding harder as he was nearing his release.


I was about to as well.


“Aghh… fuck..!”


He silently shook, lifting his head up a bit as he came.


I came a bit after him, he cupped his hand, catching all the fluid that dripped out. 

He then lifted his hand up and licked the semen off of his hand.