000 – Prologue
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Looking out from the window in the bus, I could make out a blood red sky. The gawking of the crows that littered the sky would probably be annoying to normal people, but it was refreshing for me. The salty scent and the sounds of waves crushing against the pillars that held up this bridge.

The view of the setting sun was so breath taking I couldn’t dare to break apart from it. Strange enough there were storm clouds gathering over the bus, to my right where I wasn't paying much attention to. I wasn't going to be disturbed from the view. 

At least that was what I thought till a commotion forcefully drew my attention back into the bus.

“Could you stop doing that?”

A girl pleaded. Behind her, a young boy, most likely my age, was playing about with her golden hair. He raised his hands the moment she asked that question with a cheeky grin on his face.

“Sorry. I was simply mesmerized by your hair.”

He gave his excuse for toying with her hair. The girl glared at him, before returning her gaze to the book in her hand. I squeezed my eyes to see what book she was reading. “The Bountiful Path”, it was called. The first book in a series of five books. Generally called “The Path”. It was an amusing series that explored the journey of a young man who was traveling the world to see many things. His experiences and emotions shaped who he ended up being and eventually, the entire world.

Generally, most would say the end of his path was a tragic one, but I personally believed it was a glorious end. He lived his life well and ended it well. I simply couldn’t fathom what people meant by it was a tragic end.

Deciding not to waste my time thinking about such trivial things, I looked out the window once again.

When I did, the view of the ocean was interrupted by an island. This island looked isolated, with no visible pathways leading to it.

Storm Academy, one of the few government-owned Infrastructures for nurturing Esper abilities to aid in the fight against the Devils. A smooth record of producing the absolute best of best for the past fifteen years consecutively. My goal here? Well, I guess it would be normal to come here in order to develop my abilities. Why else would I be here though?


A feminine voice raged, tearing my attention from the island back into the bus. There was the girl, standing up and facing the boy who sat behind her.

She was dressed in a grey vest over a white shirt with a matching skirt barely covering her thighs. Maybe if I tried hard enough, I would be able to see something profitable. The girl put her slender arm to her sizable chest and snarled at the boy. She looked fierce with her steely cobalt gaze and golden locks with hair band keeping them down, like some sort of haughty princess.

“If you continue with this behaviour, I will have no choice other than to report you!”

She warned him once again. The boy raised his hands in defeat. Even though I couldn’t see his face, I could tell that he was smiling confidently. He had that air about him. He also wore a grey vest over a white shirt, just like me; the academy’s uniform. Well, although this was a bus delivering us students to the academy, it carried others who were clearly not students.

“Sorry, princess. Your hair is simply too pretty. My hands went to work without my consent.”

He gave a flimsy excuse once again.

“Well control your hands, or there will be consequences.”

There was actually a hint of killing intent in her statement. The boy noticed this and immediately backed away. Well, at least I knew to avoid this girl completely if I was to have a peaceful school life. The girl scoffed at the boy, before walking away. She was approaching the backseat.

No, no. You aren’t supposed to come towards me.

The girl came next to me.

“Is this seat taken?”

She asked, looking at me with scornful eyes, like I was the scourge of the earth. How cruel! I shook my head.

“I see. Don’t mind me then.”

She told me, before straightening her skirt to take a seat. The scent of lavender hit my nose the moment she took a seat. I could feel my body tense up. Not wanting to seem off, I looked out the window again. I knew I wasn’t the luckiest guy, but for her to come sit right next to me? What kind of bad luck was that?

In front, I could feel glares being directed towards me. Almost all the boys in the bus were attacking me with their eyes. I looked at the girl, but she was reading her book, completely unconcerned by what was happening in the bus. Sometimes, you wished you could have the ignorance of some people.



<A/N: Hello! I am the author of this novel. Unfortunately, I am very lazy so updating is quite sporadic for me. But I do hope to be able to write an amazing story, so do give me reviews and comments and hearts and all the stuff that will make me feel better!

Note: I am an overlord of sorts, so ignore my tone sometimes.>