EP 1- The Discovery
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Deep in the heart of the Amazon lies a cave so deep, the trenches have echoes going on for miles. Surrounded by lumps of ferns and giant jungle trees. The cave becomes greener day by day as the once was little saplings, grow into trees that house various critters.


The creatures that inhabit the surrounding areas of the cave rely on it for food as the cave has many insects crawling on every rock, hiding under every pebble. The spacious cave is quiet throughout the daytime. Only the drops of rain from the previous night can be heard dripping from the cave’s stalactite. The crystals branching on the walls reflect the blazing sun’s rays like a mirror. Vines draping down like curtains. The air is so clean …respiration has never been easier. Your eyes can’t help but gaze all nature’s wonders before you. It’s so mesmerizing that one may even lose track of time. You follow a trail of grass patches leading you to a opening hidden in the back of the cave. Your mood immediately changes.

You find yourself frolicking through the newly discovered area. Moths fluttering their wings in such a manner…you spent a good minute mistaking them for butterflies. The exotic flowers growing upon decaying logs that washed up into the cave during floods are responsible for the fragranced scent. You walk deeper into the cave and discover a huge body of liquid. It’s a pond filled with crystal clear water. You get distracted by a group of Victoria Amazonica lily pads floating above the water. They float away from you with such elegance, you become slightly envious. You notice movements behind a certain lily pad…the pad sends ripples through the water, reaching the shore you’re standing on. Its exposes itself shortly after the suspense died down. It’s a glass frog! You appreciate this encounter as these frogs only roam on ground during mating seasons. Other than that, they perch themselves on top of trees until the next mating season.

After the encounter you wonder upon the shore of the pond. Not long after you left the pond area… you hit a wall. It was no normal wall…it was much more colossal than the rest. It had a smooth look and feel. You find yourself threading your fingers through the cracks placed in the center. You notice grime falling from the stones, you immediately take two steps back. The grime fell to the bottom …piling on each other forming heaps of it. You slowly look up noticing various different colors on the wall. The grime had revealed something historical. You couldn’t help but drop your jaw.

The wall was covered in ancient paintings. The faded paint hinted that it had been there for a very long time. You recall the locals telling you similar stories about this, you start to realize how big of a discovery you made. These paintings were said to be made 11,800 to 12,600 years ago. They remained on this wall before and after the geological era called the ‘Ice age’. There they were…right before you. You study the paintings and realize they were portraying a once thriving civilization that inhabited the amazon. The civilization was said to have been buried for centuries by jungle growth. You ponder for a while. Thinking about how life must have been for these people…how different it must have been to ours. You try to soak in this discovery, letting it contemplate in the back of your mind. You decide that you lavished enough time at the fore of these paintings.

You turn your back with an endearing smile on your face. This discovery thrilled you…you’re eager to explore the lush cave more. What secrets await you?