World Building chapter: Occult magic fundamentals #1
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Occult magic is one of the most dangerous yet potentially powerful forms of magic. As it is when a caster borrows magic from a powerful entity and then channels it through their body to complete the ritual or spell. Both come with their dangers and risks. Though the latter is riskier due it is usually used in combat.  Magic ( at least in her old world) always had a price, and with rituals. It was usually rather minor with any preparation negating the risks that the ritual might have. They also tend to happen in stable and safe environments where the participant can fully focus. While spells on the other hand tend to be riskier as a whole, due to the lack of stabilizing force that rituals often contain and the fact that spells are often used during combat. Which brings more risks to safely casting to safely used. Though it is undeniable that a properly used spell can turn the tide into a battle.  

This is a new type of chapter that deals with lore building in unique manners, though don't expect everything to completely line up or completely align. As these aren't meant to be the definitive guide to the lore. The aim is for these chapters to develop the lore and in particular the magic system. So that they are tangible and developed without spending regular chapters info dumping. Though, on that note, these chapters are completely skippable as they contain no plot in it. Just lore-building. There is not defined schedule. Though I will aim for one a week if not more. Though they will always be on days when regular chapters are not being posted. ( Aka: Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday) 

 The main risk of using any magic was that during the process of channeling the magic, there is a risk of it warping or changing a person's body, both physically and mentally. Though another dimension had to be taken into consideration, which was who was borrowing the magic from. As each spell used the magic of only a single entity. Being a key component to the creation of the spell and frankly magic in general. leads to magic being difficult to use and rare organized groups, most cults, though there are a few exceptions. Due to the need for a favor from entities to properly and safely cast magic consistently. Though even then, with the frequent use of magic over the long term, is guaranteed that the user will be affected in some way. Most of the time, it is negative, with it rarely being positive. As they tend to cause problems both mentally and physically. Through either change in one's personality or deterioration of mental stability, when it comes to mental shifts. Though something that is often forgotten is the addictiveness of magic use from the perceived feeling of power that happens during rituals or spell casting. When it comes to physical changes they can be varied with the possibility that everything from a change in skin tone to new limbs is possible. Along with shifts of perceptive abilities for improvements and negatives. Though the way that magic warps someone is something that is ever evolving with a limitless amount of ways that one may be affected.


Though that sum up some of the fundamental ways magic uses and its inherent dangers.