V1 – A Guiding Hand: Part Two
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Something about this situation still feels off. This girl that I barely know suddenly takes an interest in me and offers to clean my apartment. I think the old Katsumi most likely would’ve been able to decipher some sort of reason as to why she’s doing this… but that man is long gone. 

She’s acting as if she’s known me for a long time… And especially with the way she talks to Nara. I don’t get it. Maybe Akito told her about me, too?

I’m not being dense or stupid. She doesn’t like me... I mean it hasn’t even been a week since this semester started. Plus I'm pretty sure this girl is incapable of feeling that emotion anyways.

Standing in front of their respective doors, Katsumi quietly sighed. He grabbed the apartment key from his pocket and unlocked his door. He took a step to move inside but stopped as Mayumi started talking. 

“I’m going to get changed into some old clothes and then I’ll be over in a bit. I recommend you do the same.” Mayumi leaned to the side so she could view the interior of Katsumi’s apartment. while peering in she added, “It's probably going to get… messy.” 

Katsumi gazed into his apartment along with her to see what might’ve made her tack on that comment. He turned to Mayumi while trying to think of a comeback. 

Instead of saying anything however, the two locked eyes with Katsumi saying nothing. Mayumi broke away and swiftly disappeared through her front door. 

About ten minutes later Katsumi heard his front door open followed by a female voice announcing itself. “Pardon the intrusion.”

This is the second time she’s done this now. Who does she think she is? Just barging into my apartment like this.”

When he got up from his couch to welcome her, she was already in the apartment and looked to have made herself welcome. 

Mayumi had hauled in a somewhat large vacuum-cleaner along with a bucket containing a variety of cleaning supplies. Her ‘old clothes’ had given her a completely different vibe. It was a stark contrast from the nicer outfits she wore to classes. A loose white T-shirt and jeans that were cut very short with resewn hems—seemingly a home done job.

“You’ve got to stop doing that, it just isn’t right.”

“Well last time we were supposed to meet you didn’t answer the door. And even though you were awake this time, you still might have not answered.”

You’re probably right about that,” Katsumi quietly said to himself.

“What was that?”

“Nothing at all.”

Mayumi disapprovingly looked at Katsumi while he attempted to avoid eye contact. 

She turned her focus to the mess at hand, scanning it over and concocting a plan as to how they were going to enter this warzone. 

“Alright, got it.“ Mayumi pulled a few plastic trash-bags out from the bucket and handed one to Katsumi. “We will begin by picking up all of the bottles and containers. Then we can move onto laundry, vacuuming, and finally scrubbing the floors… Also we should try to make the air breathable.”

What does she mean? The air is perfectly fine in here. 

Mayumi moved around Katsumi and into the living room, where she headed straight for the windows. “First thing we need to do is get some fresh-air circulating in here.”

Yes yes I get it, my apartment apparently smells bad.

Mayumi attempted to unlock the door to the balcony but the latches were stuck. For a little bit she pushed at it without any luck. Katsumi looked at this scene and sighed, he made his way through the living room to Mayumi.

“Here, let me do it.”

“Hm? You can get it?”

In response Katsumi gave a smirk that said I know I can.

Mayumi stepped out of the way to let him have a go.

Despite his best efforts, it led to the same result. This time Mayumi was the one smirking while Katsumi stood there trying to avoid any more embarrassment. 

“Fine, maybe I can’t get it…” 

Mayumi didn’t show any sign of wanting to help. She just glanced at Katsumi then back at the latch.

“I—“ Want to die right now… Katsumi turned his attention towards the latch once again and cracked his knuckles. “I can do it, I just wasn’t really trying.”

“Let’s see you try then.”

Katsumi took in a deep breath, knowing that he would most likely prove to be worthless in yet another way. He put both hands on the latch and with all his might, which wasn’t very much, pushed at the latch. After a moment of struggling, the latch started to give.

“It was just a little unused, It’s starting to give now.”

The latch finally gave and because of the amount of force he was exerting on it he slightly stumbled backward. This wouldn’t have been an issue if Katsumi was capable of keeping his apartment clean, but he couldn’t.

Katsumi stumbled over some garbage and found himself heading straight for the hardwood floor. 

A thud followed by silence. 

When Katsumi looked up at Mayumi, she wore her usual expressionless face, accompanied by a sigh.


“Murakami, take all of the dishes to the kitchen and wash them, then do the laundry. I’ll start scrubbing the floor.”

Some grumbling followed by a drawn out, “Yes ma’am,” came from Katsumi. 

He began stacking some plates and cups. After a few seconds he picked one up that was half full and gave it a quick sniff, “It’s beer.

The sound of scrubbing had stopped and Katsumi could feel eyes staring daggers in the back of his head. 

“For now on, no more doing… that… with anything. Just empty everything and throw it out… please.” 

“I— sorry…”

Mayumi gave him a disapproving scowl and returned to scrubbing.

All of the wrappers, bottles, and miscellaneous items made their way into garbage bags over the next half-hour. The clothes were next and soon found themselves in the washing machine. 

With the press of a button, the machine began to whir and rattle. The sound somewhat relieved Katsumi, taking a moment to relax he let out a sign and sat down next to it. Out of his pocket he produced a carton of cigarettes and a lighter.

“Haa~ this is pointless… Why does Arata insist on doing this? It’s probably going to be messy again in a few days anyways.”

“Then make an effort to keep it clean—“ Mayumi was opening the door to the washroom holding a basket of laundry when she froze in the doorway. “What do you think you are doing?”


“I take my eye off of you for one moment and you go right back to smoking. ” While talking she came up and crouched in front of him, plucking the cigarette out of his mouth.


Mayumi put a hand on her forehead and closed her eyes. She sounded slightly more agitated than she did during the window fiasco. “Here, you take the laundry basket and I’ll be taking the rest of those.”


Mayumi emphasized what she said by reaching out her hand and motioning for him to hand them over.

“No way, These are mine. I bought these and— and what are you even doing here? Who do you think you are telling me what to do like this?”

“Please just listen to me. Smoking is awful, you’ll get cancer. Give them to me.” At this point Mayumi sounded very agitated.

“There’s no way,” Katsumi reached for another one.

“Stop that!” Mayumi reached forward even further to grab them. However she leaned too far forward, falling onto Katsumi.

“What the hell are you doing!?”

Mayumi didn’t respond to this and began trying to grab the carton. Katsumi pushed against her trying to get her off and extended his arm so they were well out of her reach.

“Give them! It’s for your own good, please!”

“Hell no!”

“Ah! Come on!”

Katsumi kept desperately jolting his arm around to keep them out of her reach. He looked and acted like a wild animal protecting his food.

“No! Get off of me! What’s your problem!?”

“Come on! Just—“

“Ah! Get off me!” He tried pushing her off, but during the past year Katsumi had become noticeably more frail, so he was barely able to make her budge, let alone get her off. “What’s wrong with you! You’d think someone like you would be more respectful! Why’re you even here? Your— you're just to make yourself feel better! Did you look at me and think now's my chance to save someone!?”

“I’m not trying to—“

“Ah! Get the hell out! Now! What are you doi—“



“I— I’m trying to help you…” 


Katsumi had quit struggling against Mayumi. Now motionless with his arm extended, the two locked eyes. Mayumi reached out and grabbed the carton. 

“Please… let me help you. You’re going down such a bad path, I can not sit and watch someone throw away their entire life.”

Katsumi managed to push Mayumi off and scrambled to his feet. “You… you don’t know anything.” He stormed out of the washroom mumbling to himself.